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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Your not wanted anymore you stupid girl! Now die!" A mercenary yelled as him and his comrades were starting to close in on the trio, all of them not caring whether Elinore lives or dies anymore. "Yes, apparently E.L contacted me and said to meet Willy in the bridge of the airship as soon as possible. He might have a plan to use the huge airship for something soon. Also, bullets coming at your 3 o'clock." A.D said as the enemy were getting closer to the student's cover.
Elinore was just able to put her hand up to block the bullet using her dark blue aura. Too close! Too close! "Let's go let's go let's go!" she said to the group before running off towards the airship. Not dealing with them anymore. Nope. Elinore fired over her shoulder as she ran, hoping to at least buy then some running time. Wow that recoil was intense. She'd never fired it without grounding it first, or using it to swing it or something.
"GENTLE MEN CNT WE TALK ABOUT THIS" Micheal yelled as he steped out of cover long enough to point his sword at a group of them and let off a round of lightning dust balls sending streaks of lightning at the mercs. smashing the first way as they screamed in aging as then fell. alive but in pain lots of pain.

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I hope they're safe, but she is with Loki and Micheal. Bullets suddenly hit whizzed by her. "Uh oh!" She ran down a couple corridors using the map she could remember in her head. "There!"" She came across a vault. Back when she ran with the White Fang she was tasked with guarding the fault and knowing the contents inside. Weapons and dust. Her weapons were inside the vault and her mother's forbidden dust. The dust that can heal and give energy to a person and not just their weapons; the dust that can kill and cause life changing accidents like her brother's blindness. She entered the code and the vault opened. She stepped inside but it was completely emptied. "What?! No!" The door then shut on her. Crap! Okay, okay stay calm. She took out her spear and aimed it at the door. "GO!" She unleashed a strike and it barely dented it. "What? But Loki made this, it should have worked." She growled, "No I will not stay here, my friends need me!" She spread her wings as they turned into blades and fired.
"E.L, can you still make the ship fly ?" William asked the A.I after installing her into the airship's hardware. "Yes, I am now in full control of the Mother of Invention, Creator . But I might need some assistance from A.D to fully control the ship for flight." As E.L was saying this though, the team finally makes it to the bridge and closes the doors behind them as their pursuers were locked outside now. "Umm... what are you guys doing here?" The merc was now confused on what just happened. Did his friends really come to save him first before going after the stolen relic? If they did then... wow. Just wow. Seems like they do care about him after all.
Elinore turned and smiled "WILLIAM!" she shouted before giving him yet another hug tackle. This was becoming commonplace now, he better get used to them. There was no sign of stopping. Maybe he'd learn to block them one day, but who could resist a hug tackle? No one if you put enough force into them. "Wings is still somewhere on the ship, she had to run off and do her own thing for a bit." she informed him. She let go of him to look at the controls of the ship, "Oh wow~ look how beautiful this is~" she cooed. Such a nice ship.
Aires knew she what had to be done. "Hey Luna can you hear me?" She said speaking through her feathers. "Have you found William?" She waited for an answer blasting through the vault finally. "If you have then Leave! I'm right behind you!" She reassured through her feathers.
"Ouch and yep, I'm going to use this beautiful ship to get our relic back from the White Fang... kind of." William said as he ordered A.D into the ship's hardware to assist E.L with controlling the ship. "Now once we get this airship off the ground and into the air, we're going to fly this thing to wherever those faunus bastards are and I'm going to... wait. Was that Aires just now?" He then looks around the bridge, not knowing where the source of the mysterious voice was coming from.
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"Yeah" Elinore said as she took out the feather and put it behind her ear. She didn't know how it worked, so sh just assumed it could be used as a kind of headset device, "Rodger that Wings, we're taking off now so hold on." she warned the girl. "It's time to retrieve us a relic," Elinore said as she stared out the front window. How on earth was she going to do this? She hated hurting faunus... oh what a predicament.
"Rodger that Wings, we're taking off now so hold on." "Copy That Luna!" Aires while bursting out of a room and seeing the massive ship rise into the air. Oh I wonder whose driving Aires smirked. She began sprinting once more dodging a couple more bullets. The ship was in the air taking off. Might as well hold them off a bit while the others get a head start. She fired several blades at the remaining mercs and electrocuted each falling to ground. I guess my weapons and dust are with the relic. Damn that Markus. Stupid White Fang having multiple locations and now mercs teaming up and stuff. Geez!
"Oh, so that's how your talking to each other. By a feather... that's new." William said as he looked away from Elinore and was starting to pull some random levers to get the ship to start flying. After a minute of continuous pushing and pulling on the ship's consoles, the huge airship starts to slowly lift itself off the ground before floating in the air. "A.D and E.L, head the ship toward the White Fang's current location at full speed and have the turrets ready for a frontal assault. We're going to make them regret flipping me in that damn truck last night." William then goes over to the main pilot seat of the bridge, before sitting down on the chair and takes control over the airship's flight path with a cold vengeance inside him.
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walking throught the malstrome of fire Micheal ran to the ship bording the vic and getting ready to leave.

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Elinore ran her fingers over a nick on the armor over William's shoulder. She didn't know the armor could get damaged, whoever did it had some serious force up close and personal. She lifted her hand to find that the tips of her fingers were stained red. "William..." Elinore said quietly as she looked at her hand, "did they hurt you?" dammit. She should had never have left his side in the first place!
Aires came out of fire. Her eyes changed, one as violet the other was her natural color ice blue. I'd better get out of here. She ran in direction of the ship and payed she'd be able to get up in the air. After all her friends and boyfriend were on that ship and she wasn't going to let them down. She spreads her wings and jumps into the air. Her semblance fires up and she zooms through the sky. "WAHOO! THIS IS AWESOME!" She yelled zipping through the sky.
"What? How did you find out?! Is that bastard still alive?!" William then turns his head around to see if his tormentor was still dead and nearly crashes the ship into a bunch of trees below them. "Oh geez! My bad!" He then pulls the ship up into the air once more before clicking the autopilot button on the console in front of him. He then turns the seat around and looks at Elinore, wondering how she knew about the recent torture session from last night. "Well yes, they kind of tortured me with some knives and other unmentionable objects, but don't worry about it. I'm used to this kind of thing. Happens all the time as a mercenary you know?" William then tried to move his hand toward Elinore's head to pat it, which only lead to him wincing from the pain his shoulder was giving off. This led to more blood coming out of him, making it visible to see as the red liquid was now soaked within his ripped jacket on his arm.
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"Who said I wanted to kill her, or even harm her. She was the first human who showed me kindness. Others, who were nothing more then jerks and pests to me.... But not her." He turned to the guards. "Leave us." He commanded. They left. "if anything I would want to protect her. But don't ask me why..... Because quiet frankly I don't know why." He remembers her face and how beautiful she looks. " So tell me, who are you really?"
She didn't....she didn't even know how to handle this. Holy Crap. He was covered in dusting so much blood. "W-W...." she couldn't even. Elinore started frantically looking around the cockpit for a first aid kit or something. Holy dust, she wasn't a medic, she knew nothing about this sort of crap, how was she even supposed to ANYTHING! "William....you need to sit down!....and take that armor off or something...I need to get you treated or somethingIdon'tevenknow!!!" the girl was starting to get frantic. No, she was already beyond frantic! She was NOT OK with William being not ok.

"I am Tavril Luminous, son of Lori Luminous, leader of the norther wing of the White Fang, and Solomon Luminous of the west wing." Tavril replied back with a glare at Markus. He'd been born into the White Fang and now he was thrown into a brig for doing exactly what the leader of the mission said he wanted to do. He couldn't wait for this mission to be over. Why'd his mother ever even request he do something this stupid?
Suddenly Aires slams against the ship. She yells into the Feather, "Ow! let me in please!!!!" She shouts as she bangs on the door. "MAKE SURE YOU HAND ON TIGHT! THE DOOR WILL OPEN AND THEN IT WILL SUCH YOU OUT. "

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"But I am sitting down... but I don't need to be treated yet." William muttered as he watched Elinore running around the place like a madwoman. It was kind of cute to watch for some weird reason, since it was nice to watch her panic like that when he's around. "We're almost to the White Fang's watery base so just get ready for... what the? Aires? What she's doing outside?" William clicks a button to open the door outside and as the door was opening, a vacuum of air was pulling the group outside the bridge as they were holding onto anything they could hold onto with dear life. My bad... but good thing I have a seatbelt on...
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Aires smiles, grinning stupidly as her face is covered with dirt. She looks at Will, "Whoa . . ." Did they do that to you?" No duh, Aires, who else. "Here I have some remedies that can help you, at it help to stop the bleeding and it'll help with the pain. Combine that with whatever Loki's got and you should be crystal!" She said smiling taking out her herbs in her pack.
"SIT DOWN MORE!" Elinore shouted back in response. She didn't even know what to do. During her frantic panic moment, the door opened. Well, good thing she was holding onto something and not running around with nothing to anchor her down. Oh wait. That wasn't the case at all. The moment she felt herself getting sucked out of the ship she slammed her axe down into the metal floor. The force managed to pull her back a little still, making the most god awful noise in existence as she axe cut through the floor. She smiled when Aires offered to help fix William. Oh thank goodness. ELinore was being hellofa useless.
Loki hands Aires his pack and sits down. "Go help Will, Luna come sit down and relax. Being frantic in a situation like this isnt a smart idea."
She begins to work on William. Pulling the lid off of one of Loki's medicine bottles she handed it to Will, "Drink." She said placing herbs on his wounds. "It might sting." She said looking up at him with mixed matched eyes.

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"Thank you, but no thanks." William replied as he pushed the bottle away from him. "I don't need any medical help yet since we're already here." He said as the group finally saw the White Fang's ship from outside the window of the airship, which overlooked the water vehicle high in the air. "Okay, this is how the plan is going to work. I am going to blast a hole into their ship's hull and make them sink with the relic. Then we're going to detonate it when it sinks to the bottom, causing a huge wave of water to rise from the explosion and drown the forest with more water." He said as the turrets of the Mother of Invention was now pointed at the enemy ship below them. "Now do anybody have any suggestions or shall I begin shooting?"
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