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Fandom Beacon Academy.

She looks at Loki with a bright smile accidentally sitting on him. "Oaf, sorry love." She says trying to get off him.

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Elinore stumbled out of the cockpit. She knew William was a bad flyer, but Alex was even worse. "Are you sure your don't want me to drive?" she asked Alex nervously as yet another building zoomed too close for comfort. She grabbed onto the side of the ship, holding onto it for dear life. It'd be a real shame if they died before they even got to the mission
Using his massive legs strength Loki hardly moved when the ship went dashing about. Aires "accidentally" sitting on him caused the work he was doing to halt. He wraps his arms around her and holds her down. "Nope, as punishment you have to stay here, besides it's probably safer on my lap, then anywhere else. I'm not even wearing a safety belt... not that this ship has any i think."
"You know I don't try to be a clutz, right?" Aires says wrapping her arms around his neck looking away from him.

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"Don't worry about it Elinore, I got this." Alex said confidently as tilted the ship left as the ship passed by the building, nearly hitting it only by a few meters. "I mean, why do you think my pupil is such a great driver? It's because he learned from the best there is." They then enter the forest and the ship continues flying for a while until they passed by a huge hill that revealed the hidden camp. Many tents were being taken down by dozens of soldiers as they loaded up the trucks with supplies for the journey. The ship then lands on a crudely-made landing zone that was next to the base, which was then surrounded by the same soldiers that attacked the students a few days ago. "Okay everyone, I want you guys to head to the large tent in the center of the camp for the briefing the general will give to you all. Make sure not to wander off and cause trouble with the men outside. They're friendly, unless you shoot first..." Alex then opens the doors of the ship and leaves the vehicle by himself to do some business of his own, leaving the students by themselves at the inactive Bullhead.
"Yes sir. Come Aires, let's go. Luna Will should be here, maybe he is also at the tent." Loki grabs his things and steps out of the airship, and heads off towards the large tent.
She follows Loki and does a 360 to check her surroundings. "Cool." She mumbled.

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Elinore stepped out of the ship, looking around the camp as she did so. One of the men from the group of mercenaries she had the honor of almost burning to a crisp whistled. No doubt teasing her for her little moment with William right after. Elinore looked over at him, slamming the blade of her axe into the ground. It shut him up pretty quickly. She looked over to the crowd, silently asking if there was anyone else who wanted to try. Satisfied with the lack of reply, she slung the axe over her shoulder again and followed Loki and Aires. "He better be here" she mumbled as she walked to the tent in the center of the area.
William was walking around the camp until he sees the Bullhead from Beacon arrive at the landing zone. It probably contained a huge team of 3rd to 4th year students if the mission was really that important for the Vale military to involve the school in its affairs. Time to meet my fellow upper classmates it appears... He then starts heading to the General's tent to listen to the briefing.
While Aires was looking around she spots a familiar someone. "Hey, isn't that-" She begins but is cut off.

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Loki puts his hand over her mouth. "Hold it, he isnt expecting us. I want our intro to be a surprise to him." He pulls Aires and Luna into the Tent to stand and wait for Will too accept his surprise.
"AD....distract EL for a moment" Elinore said in a low voice to her scroll. Elinore waited for a moment for him to transfer over, watching William to make sure he wasn't looking. After a few seconds, Elinore bolted forward, catching William by behind in a hug tackle that sent the two rolling forward. She kissed him on the mask where his cheek would be and stood up, brushing the dirt off her jacket again "It's nice to see you." she said with a calm nod before continuing into the large tent
"What just happened?" William asked as Elinore was walking away from him after her surprise hug attack. "You were ambushed by your girlfriend you idiot! That's what happened!" A.D yelled out through his scroll before transferring back into Elinore's device as the girl entered the huge tent with their friends. Who apparently wasn't 3rd and 4th year students but all freshmen... what the dust. Really? Why must you cause so much trouble with me mysterious higher power?! WHY! After complaining in his own head for a minute as soldiers were laughing over the recent event, William enters the tent silently and stands in the back where no one would see him during the briefing.
Aires smiles at Loki, happy that those two are together again. "What now?" She asked herself quietly trying to make sense of everything.

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"We wait, we are here on a special mission. Probably having to guard a transport, seeing as how they are packing up a large shipment into a cart. But we wont know the details until we get briefed. My father was a merc at one point in his life, before he left us to fight and died there. He told me about it." Loki stands up straight holding Maelstrom on his shoulder.
Elinore scooted around the crowd, searching for her mission boyfriend. She shifted towards the back until she finally found him. She stood beside him and looked around, "what's so important that it needs this many people to protect?" she asked him quietly while waiting for their debriefing
Before William could say anything, the general walks up in front of them with a serious look on his face. He looks at the students for a few moments to determine their worth as warriors before beginning the debriefing. "You are all here today for a top secret mission that requires only the best of the best, since we cannot fail on what you are about to do soon." The man then leads the group outside and directs them in front of a truck with a strange container as its cargo, soldiers surrounding it as if it was the last cookie in Vale. "All of you have only one objective during this one week journey which requires a lot of walking and running as we travel across the land to make it to the LZ. That objective is to protect the relic inside that damn container with your lives and prevent anyone from stealing/destroying it during the mission. That is all I have to say for now, so good luck and don't die." The general finishes the short briefing before letting everyone go and prepare for the trip.

(GG, have to finish a project. Probably be on at 11 or 12 in Atlantic Time... -_- )
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"Damn. Sometime I wish I want 5'2"." She said jumping to see over people's heads. "Why are they're so many people?" Aires sighs and stops jumping realizing how unprofessional that must be.

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Loki puts Aires on his shoulders and smiles. "It's alright all we have to do is take this to the Landing Zone, or LZ for short, safely and quickly. Want to go check on Alex now and see if he has some materials? I want to make you a weapon you could use, and he might be able to fix your wings."
Aires looks down at Loki. "Yeah that sounds like a great idea. And weapon I could use, are my wings not enough?" She asked innocently.

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"It'll help trust me. Plus it'd be interesting to see you have more then one weapon." He walks towards the weaponsmith, with Aires still no his shoulders. "Want too see what my dad looked like when he was a merc?"
Elinore looked back across the crowed. This relic they were protecting, it must have been really important if it needed this many people to protect it. She was starting to worry about the number of people who would walk away from this mission, and if any Beacon students would be counted among the losses. No. She wouldn't allow that. She'd take it upon herself to guard the lives of her friends. She would never allow another Annabell....they were all to live.
He sets her down and pulls out a picture of a very scary gruff looking guy. Loki resembles him a lot, A very large lance is sitting next to him in the photo. "They called him Lance because of his weapon. This is the other weapon i want to make. It was able to control fire and lightning dust, sometimes at the same time. I want it, in remembrance of him."

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