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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires carefully takes the picture in her hands. She scans it with loving eyes and then very softy says, "Thank you. Thank you for Loki." She says. She looks at Loki and with a determined strength in her, never before seen, she promises, "Loki, I vow to protect you. Nothing bad will happen to you or any of my friends. I swear it." She looks back at the picture and bows her head.
"Come let's go make some weapons." Loki walks into the smithy and starts grabbing tools and parts. "Alex? Sir are you around?"
"Hmm maybe he's on a lunch break." Aires says eyeing some piece of machinery. Whoa. I wanna touch that. She thinks to herself as she extends her hand toward a sleek and beautiful blade. What am I thinking?! She then turns away from it.
pail white Micheal moved out of the bullhead and moved toward the rest of the group before falling to the ground and vomiting he looked discussed. and his eyes were wild.
Elinore found herself fidgeting in place all of a sudden. Perhaps she was spending too much time thinking about her friends dieing. She was sure it wasn't healthy. She needed some fresh air, "Hey William...do you wanna go on a walk with me?" she asked him finally, "You know, unless your too embarrassed to hang out with your girlfriend in front of your friends," she teased. She was pretty sure friends was the word. Mercenary friends. Co-workers? Total strangers? Something like that.
"Meh whatever then." Loki pulls out some things from his bag and starts construction on a spear type weapon. He starts muttering to himself as he works. "handle... 4 ft... head shall be 1 foot..." He starts hammering peices together. "How tall are you Aires?"
"I'm five feet and two inches tall. How come?" She turns to face Loki the sunset hit her directly in the face as she does, "Ack!" She says until her eyes adjust. "Mmm, sunshine."
"Needed to know for balance." After a few more minutes Loki finished the weapon and hands her the spear. Its 4 feet tall with a foot long head blade. It was solid black except for the head which was white. It pulses with a faint white glow, hinting towards dust usage. "Try it, i want to tune it more, but i need to know if you like it."
She takes the spear in her hands and admires it. "Whoa." With one swing she thrusts the spear into the ground causing the earth to quake for a good thirty seconds. She takes it out of the ground and spins it around herself. "Awesome!"
He holds out a small revolver towards her. "This should be your size, i didn't make this. But i did have it with me."
" Of course." Aires says backing away. She wanders off and explores the grounds.

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"You think I should be embarrassed for hanging out with you?" William asked as he grabbed Elinore's hand and started walking around the camp with her. "No, quite the opposite. You should be embarrassed to hang out with me out of all people. Mostly since were going to be around my merc buddies for a whole week or two." He then takes off his mask to kiss Elinore in the lips slowly before putting the piece of armor back onto his face. This made the soldiers around them look at the couple with grins on their faces as they started giving thumbs up for the romantic moment. "Now that was for the suprise hug attack earlier. Feeling embarrassed for being with me now though?"

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Elinore smiled and looped her arm in his, "No, quite the opposite" she said with a chuckle. She looked over her shoulders, giving them a death glare. After the whole burn everything alive melt all the bullets in the area deal, they should have learned by now to just leave the crazy axe wielding girl alone. She looked back over at the air ship to find Michael choaking up like that blonde kid from the first airship ride to Beacon, "Hey Michael, you okay?" she called over to him, "Poor guy," she sighed quietly as she rested her head on William's shoulder, "I didn't know he had altitude sickness....you don't mind if I...uh...do...this, right?" she asked as she realized that she had just laid her head on William's shoulder. Relationships weren't exactly her strong suit.
Meanwhile Loki continues to work with the smithy making weapons for himself and some of the soldiers. By this time he has grease on him, and he has removed his jacket and shirt so as to not get them dirty. "Damn this one is refusing to work..." He mutters as he tosses a useless sword over his head, and starts onto another one.
Michael slowly stands but still says nothing instead looking right through her. "Sure.........r" eye twitching.

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"Umm, I think it should be okay. Isn't this what couples do all the time?" William stuttered as he started to rub Elinore's head unconsciously. All he could think of was whether or not he was playing the role of boyfriend correctly right now. This was first time he ever had a relationship like this before, due to never enjoying the company of others in the past. But before he could say anything else, a alarm goes off around the camp signaling that the mission had started and it was time to move. Seeing that Michael wasn't in the best condition to walk at the moment, he leaves Elinore's head to rest in the empty air as he puts the lawyer in the back of one the supply trucks so he could rest. "So Elinore... do you have a walking buddy for the trip? I heard it was going to be pretty long and boring without having one." William asked Elinore jokingly as he raised out his hand toward hers as soldiers and students walked by them.
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Elinore put her hand on her hip and thought for a moment, "Well, I was going to solo style the whole thing. You know, lone wolf, the Tavril way" she said with a chuckle before placing her hand in his, "but I think your idea is way better" she smiled softly and looked back at the truck, "though we should probably stay by the truck. Michael isn't looking tiptop right now"
"Yeah, probably the best choice..." William said as he looked back at the vehicle holding the relic, which was only a few trucks ahead of the trio's location. No way was he going to deal with that right now. Not when it could exterminate the convoy in a matter of seconds if not handled properly. He then walks along the supply truck with Elinore as he held her hand a little bit too tight, done unconsciously out of fear for their safety.

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Loki took a step back when he finished his work. "Alright, I think i've done well given the time. He wraps up a long object and slings it over his shoulder. He puts on his shirt and walks over to Will and Luna. "Hello you two, you guys ready for this?"

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Aires is busy gathering herbs for the mission, just in case. "I can't believe the variety!" She says collecting many pieces. Once she had enough, more than enough, she packs them inside a bag and hurries over to find the team.

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Markus walked out of forever fall. Something about him changed. He was wearing something else. A shirt with no sleeves, and wrapping around his waist. But the wrapping was from somewhere else. It was from his shoulder. The red ink from his tattoo could be seen clearly. The tattoo was of the white fang. He didn't care who talked to him about it. He is a member of the white fang, and he was proud of it.

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