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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires catches up to the group. "Hey!" She waves over to Loki, William and Luna. "What are we taking about? Oh yeah, is Micheal here yet?" She turns to William and Luna, "Aw, you two make an adorable couple." ^^ She smiles in a teasing fashion.

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"Yes they do, what did you do while i was working? Rummaged around or something?" Loki smiles at Aires and pulls her against him. He lays his chin on her head.
"Hey William, you trying to break my hand?" Elinore asked with a quiet chuckle as she wriggled her hand in her. She turned her head when Loki and Aires caught up to them, "Michael's sick in the back of the truck and you bet I'm ready for this" she said with a smile, "I love missions." she'd have to keep close tabs on all of them if she planned on protecting a group this large.
William loosened his grip on Elinore's hand after feeling it wiggle around in his. "Oh sorry about that Elinore! I didn't realize... wait. You think were adorable together?" He shyly asked the other couple while being a bit embarrassed by the comment. He then trips on a small rock on the road, falling down onto the ground face first with no warning at all.

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"Elinore bent down and helped William back up, smiling and lightly punching him in the shoulder. In a..caring way...totally. "Are you okay? You seem a little distracted" she said as she brushed some of his armor. She seemed to have a thing with that.
"What I was doing is a secret Loki." She says winking at him. She turns her gaze to William who had just fallen. "Are you okay?" She asks stifling a chuckle. "Oh, Loki how did your weapon turn out? Did you find Alex? I still need to know if he can heal my wing." She says touching her back.

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"Didn't find him and the weapons are perfect... in my opinion. I made them in the same way i made Maelstrom. So they should be unbreakable."
"What?! Me?! Distracted?! Nah, no I'm not!" William exclaimed as he pulled away from Elinore's brushing. "It's just that I'm a bit more energetic today, so no need to worry about me!" He then starts walking away from the group in a distressed mood, not sure as to why he was panicking from nowhere.

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Aires looks at Loki a little concerned. What exactly is this mission consisting of? And will we all make it back alive? She thought to herself.

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Elinore watched Willi walk away, a look of concern crossed her face. Dangerous missions had no room for distractions, and yet dangerous mission were usually the cause of distractions...she was worried. "Keep watch on Michael..." Elinore said to the couple before following after William. "Hey, wait up," she called as she ran up beside him, "you know you can talk to me right?" she asked him with a cautious smile.
Loki nods and watches Luna leave. He looks at Aires and raises an eyebrow at her,"so its a secret huh? alright then if you want to be that way."
"Hmph, I do want to be that way." She says watching Luna leave. I need to get stronger, she thinks to herself her hands form into fists. "Damn it!" She mutters under her breath running off.

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"Hey wait Aires! D..dammit." He watches her run away, and frowns. He sighs deeply and sits on the ground and closes his eyes.
William silently cursed at the container's content as he was walking next to the relic truck. He knew missions that only involved his life on the line was normal for him to do, but having others involved just worried him a lot. Having the responsibility of other lives were still foreign to him and was only a huge distraction, making his mind make critical mistakes during jobs . Oh how his mental thoughts loved messing with him a lot... "What? What's there to talk about?" William asked Elinore as she approached him, saying it as if nothing happened between them a few moments ago.

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"Don't you think I know you well enough to know when something' wrong?" Elinore asked as she crossed her arms. She sighed and looked down at the ground, "to be honest with you....I'm kind of scared about this mission. I mean yeah, it's cool and exciting but...it's also the most dangerous thing we've done" she said as she looked up at William "and I'm worried that.....that.....that I'm going to have another Annabell." she said finally. She took a deep breath and shook her head, "but worrying is something we can't afford to do. So many mistakes can be made if we worry too much about uncertainties and get distracted." she said with a nod. "And you have to keep out watch for yourself too" she added as she looked at him, "I can't afford to lose you too"
William silently stares at Elinore for a few moments, unsure how to respond to her worries about the mission. So he wasn't the only one worried about the lives of his friends it seems. "Look I'm sorry if I worried you and the others with my strange attitude back at the other truck. It's just that I don't do these types of jobs with fellow classmates and never was a team work type of guy." William said sincerely as he looked away from Elinore to look at the other people around them. These soldiers weren't part of his life, but he knew he'll probably rely on them in the future if the job gets rough. "But I don't want you to worry about another Annabell ever again. So I'll try my best to not worry about myself and focus on keeping everyone else alive from now on." He then wraps his arm around Elinore's shoulder to bring her closer to him. "Now stop worrying about losing me. I won't die easily, but neither should you die on me too." He encouraged as he put his head on hers. "Is that a promise to each other or not?"

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Elinore nodded gave William a hug before smiling, "I've died before, and let me tell you, that's something I don't plan on doing again any time soon." she said with a nod. "So I promise you I won't die" she said as she kissed the side of his mask. "So then...we should probably keep close tabs on each other to make sure none of us gets hurt. You know, have each others backs and everything. That said...where's Loki and Wings?" she asked as she looked around
Loki sits against a tree unmoving and silent. His eyes are closed and his breathing slow. He is alone with Maelstrom and his new wrapped up item leaning against him.
"Fly!" Aries keeps trying to use her wings. "Fly! Fly! FLY!" She manages to get in the air for a second and then falls. There is dirt on everything. "Agh! Damn it!" She punches a nearby tree. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" She throws her spear towards the tree and it breaks the tree in half. "Wha? Did I do that?" The pain in her right wing is back. "Darn it all, no. . ." She says. "I need to find a cliff." She says standing up. Only in a life threatening situation will you be at your strongest. "Maybe brother is right. I can't be the liability on this team. Hmph! Okay." Aries nods her head in determination slowly walking back to the camp. She sees Loki against a tree, she completely forgets that she's covered in dirt. "Hey Loki." She says quietly with a weak smile. "Whee is everyone?" She asks tweaking her right shoulder.
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Micheal had manged to right himself physically, he now sat in the vic righting him self mentally he was meditating or trying to but his thoughts were whirling like a kamikaze. the flight had brought it back and the... voice. had egged it on he remembered when he and Elinore were taken kidnapped he had stood forcing an impossible angle with the bonds he had been trusted in and then there were no bonds nothing to stop the screaming and the soft burbling gurgle of blood poring from torn throat the wet crunch of bone and flesh snapped and torn with a sicking snap. he swam in a see of blood. Micheal shuddered and stated rocking back and forth.
"Probably just wandered off from the convoy to do something private between themselves, if you know what I mean." A.D said out of Elinore's scroll in a strange sexy voice, just as the convoy was stopping to make camp for the night. "A.D, why can't you just stay out of other people's relationships for once?" E.L scolded at A.D as their owners were starting to set up the tents to sleep in for the coming nighttime. "Well maybe Willy needs to reprogram your hardware and install some humor into that stale personality of yours!" A.D yelled back at the other A.I, which only lead to a insult contest between the two programs.

William just mutes both of the A.Is as he was making his tent with Elinore, being quite annoyed with the two entities constant talking. He then heads toward the truck to wake Michael from his rest with Elinore next to him. But they only found the man rocking back and forth in the back of the vehicle, looking like he was a human rocking chair on drugs. "Michael, what are you doing?! Are you okay man?!" William asked Michael as he got into the vehicle and tried to stop him from moving by holding him down with his body.

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(softly wispered) "get away from me... its not safe.. get away from me" holding up his hands he could still see the ribbons of flesh and coating of ihcor. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FOOL!!!!" Micheal moved back into the corner of the vic.
Elinore helped set up William's tent, uncertain abut setting her own up. It totally wasn't because she was scared of the dark. Psh, why would anyone think that? Weirdos. Maybe William would let her sleep in his tent tonight, just for the night, while hey were still on the Lunar Rabbit grounds. She'd spent a good three or four years out there, alone in the dark. With so many grimm...so many. She didn't want to be alone in the dark most of all places. She mindlessly followed William to the truck to check on Michael when they found him freaking out in the back of the truck. She jumped in and slowly walked towards him, asking sure to leave a few feet between the two of them "Hey, calm down Michael," she said softly, "what's not safe? What's wrong" she asked cautiously. She took Michael as her responsibility most of all. Afterall, she was the first one to actually meet the lawyer, and she was the one who was supposed to get his records straight, and she was the one training him...kinda. She was doing a really bad job at her job, but she would still take ownership of him.
"Michael, just chill out. We're here to help." William said calmly as he approached the distressed student with Elinore. "Umm Michael, did you change your eyes by any chance? It looks... different." He wasn't sure what Michael's real eye color was but knew it wasn't black like it was now. "Do you wear colored contacts by any chance? If so... maybe you should take them off." William then moves his hand toward Michael, hoping to pat his head to calm him down. It works on Elinore when she's distressed so why not try it on him too?

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Loki stands up and walks over to the relic and looks at it. "What on earth is this thing. It must be important if we are here. William... I must find him and talk to him." Loki walks around and finds Will, Luna and Micheal. "Will what are you doing?"

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