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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Michael," Elinoe burst in with a wide grin, "yesterday was awesome. You were doing so good!" she said with an excited nod, "you even knocked me off me feet!...are you sure you were supposed to be a lawyer?" his training was so refined for someone who had never fought previous to the year
Aires tugs on Loki. "Wait Loki, where is Ephemeral. All the work you've been doing with him, you didn't tire him out did you?"

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a long moment of silence.......... "Ah your here," still looking down at his books near a row of candles. the room would have been dark no windows and only a few lights which were not on but there were about 200 or so candles in the rather large basement. "uh no combat techniques i have been thinking about a new weapon. uh no i can't say i do nice to meet you formally my name is Micheal. well elinore i'm not so sure i talked with the school some time ago and they said that some one would be with me but no one has yet i think that something is a foot."

moving to his right he picked up the books and placed them on the shelf. the room had the same basic furnishings as the rest but it also had a lowered portion with hard pack dirt and a wooden pool with a heavy training sword next to it. and some other things necessary for training. also a large wardrobe with his kit in it.
"Nice to meet you Micheal, I'm Aires, but you can call me Wings." She smiles, and looks at Loki, "Too big?"

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"A new weapon?" Elinore asked with peaked interest, "awesome, you can use it on that new mission we're supposed to be going on some time ago," she said with a nod, "is your giant hulking gun too much for you to handle?"
"no. maybe. that has nothing to do with it." he moved to the far end of the room patting one of the chest height boxes that lined the wall like a dog, "daddy loves you" "uh i needed something for close range and i'm getting a hang of the one handed bastard sword thing." the only electric light on was above him (not safe and all) and it looked kinda wired he liked the candles better the were alive something to keep him company.
"Well still, now's a better time than any for testing out a new weapon," Elinore said with a nod, "so let's go talk to Alex about looking at some" she suggested, being a little creeped out by the strange ambiance that not even the fire on the candles could help brighten up
Aires the accidentally them knocks over a candle. "Oh aha whoops." She grabs it and blows it out. "Sorry heh"

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"i was looking for a gladiolus but i don't know of what if anything i should do with it, any ideas." he moved to the end of the room sweeping his cape through the air putting out most all the lights. "lets go find him"
Elinore dashed out of the room in almost an instant. Why? Well it certainly wasn't because she was afraid of the dark! Not anymore! S-shut up! "Well if you wanted another sword, you should try doing something like a splitty blade gun thing" the sudden rush of darkness messed up her train of thought, effectively leaking into her ability to speak, "like um...there's two guns, smaller ones, and the blade splits in half so you can switch between shooting and stabbing?"
Aires looks up surprised, "No of course not love. I'm sorry. Please know that I respect you immensely." She says sweetly while smiling gently.

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Loki puts his hand on her head and smiles. "I'm excited to meet this Alex without him tossing us into a hole... I wanted to show him my new weapon."
She smiles up at Loki loving his touch on her head. She suddenly thinks of something, "You think this Alex can heal my wing? After all our is a weapon."

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"Yahoo!!!" She says jumping up in the air excitedly. She punches the air with hope.

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Aires looks around at the empty darkness yawning, "huh I guess I'm tired" She says slowly.

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