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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"That's why he'd be a cat instead. It's hard for cats to just get up and decide to eliminate the human race" Elinore said with a nod as they neared the nurses office, she chuckled when AD spoke up, "see, he's not up for it. I'll just have to find someone else who wants to be my detective cat"
"Maybe a real cat?? Loki shrugs a bit and yawns, looking around. "So Aires i have something too show you later.. it's kinda cool. Well i guess everyone can see it actually."
"A real cat?" Elinore asked with a smirk, "now that would just be silly" a real cat. Pft. Elinore had never heard of such madness. Loki mentioned showing something to Wings, and then changing it to everyone, "you sure you don't wanna keep it a secret between you and your lady friend~" she cooed
"But you looked like it at the forest last night! I even have the video of you two kissing still!" A.D then plays the romantic scene on Elinore's scroll with jazz music playing in the background.
"I never said you were, I called you a lady friend" Elinore replied teasingly, "and being delicate isn't such a bad thing" she said with a nod, "brute force isn't always the answer.....AD....get that off my scroll."
Loki sighs and rolls his eyes. "You two infuriate me sometimes. I will never understand women and their ability to torture men, without any difficulty." He chuckles a bit and then smiles. "If you two must know, i did some work on Eph. Since i'm sure you noticed he isnt here."
"A.D!" She growled but then laughed it off. "I can't help it I guess. I was really lucky in meeting Loki." She smiles.
"NO! I nearly lost the video because of E.L!" A.D shouted through the scroll, but stops playing the video and music just in case Elinore might get mad at him. "Also, brute force isn't always the answer? So says the girl who nearly killed Willy a bunch of times within the past month alone..."
Aires busts out laughing. "I'm sorry Luna I don't man to laugh, but-" she can't control herself for a split second.
"It's the answer most of the times" Elinore retorted as she crossed her arms, "and stop playing my music too..." she mumbled under her breath, "at least transfer it over to someone else's device. The last thing I want to do is accidentally open it or something."
"I have a bunch of metal music on my scroll personally, it adds for effect if someone access it." He laughs and pats Aires on the head. "Now then... where are we going?"
"Metal is my training music," Elinore said with a nod, "it's great for fighting...and sleeping," she added. "I just keep Anna's music on there too...AD...what else do you have recorded on there?" she asked as she opened the scroll and started rummaging through the videos.
"Umm... no?" A.D lied as he started to switch the videos around so Elinore couldn't play it. He couldn't let his owner know that he tends to sneak out of the scroll when she sleeps at night, always spying on the students when they should be sleeping. Elinore would probably terminate the A.I if she found out. "But I have video of Luna making out with a pillow recently!" The new video then plays out on the scroll, which he recorded on one of the girl's temporary roommate's scroll.
Loki laughs as he watches A.D. get thrown against a wall. He pulls his head phones down and smirks. "I told you."
"T-told me what? You didn't tell me anything...no one told me anything, it'd be impossible, because that didn't happen!" Elinore shouted in embarrassment. Why the dust was AD even filming these things?! "Deathmetal? What band?" she asked Loki as she calmed a bit, completely ready to deny any further investigation

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