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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"From what the message said... students who are going are 'ALL OF THE RPers WHO ATTENDS BEACON ACADEMY'! Hmm, I wonder what Creator means by that?" A.D replied back as Elinore was still looking for more items to pack for the mission. "Make sure to bring any toiletries along with you though, but mostly toilet paper and soap. Willy usually gets a lot of bad memories from jobs like this whenever he forgets to bring them..."
Elinore nodded, grabbing the extra toiletry because it just....did not sound pleasant. With her stuff packed she headed outside to go kill time. Maybe find someone who could build a mechanical cat...

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"Listen up students!" The teacher called the attention. "Aires, come here." The said in a scolding tone. "Yes Professor?"

"You are to report to the training room. Prepare your things. Good luck."

"Wait what?" She asks confused as he ushers her out of the class.

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Loki spots Luna and smiles. "Luna!!" He waves and runs over. "Hey there, whatcha up too? Want to go kill time until interesting things happen?" He relaxes himself before he continues to act like a child. "Sorry, firstly are you alright after the sparring?"
While Mags was eating with the two brothers, an arrow flies into the cave and impales one of the bagels on her plate. There is a piece of paper tied to the arrow. She unties the paper and reads through it quickly. "Assigned...mission ...toiletries... Magnolia, Spectra and Soppo. Oh hey, we have a mission guys! I'm gonna go pack!" She says and runs off into the woods towards the school.

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Elinore turned and smiled at Loki when he ran over to greet her "killing time sounds great. And yeah, I'm alright. I'm a little upset that I lost to lawyer boy so early though" she said with a laugh. She blacked out pretty early, she couldn't remember anything after the fight really stared to get intense. She assumed that she was just knocked out.

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"Meh it got out of hand really fast. You do need to try and work on that. Micheal too i suppose. Well i guess we all have inner demons we need to control." He shrugs and smiles. "Planning anything special with that pack?"
A burning battlefield... Comrades killed in action... Destruction of the land... A great burning scar... Betrayal from friends... Elinore dying in his arms... Her skin suddenly turning into a skeleton by fire... The Grimm Reaper approaching him with a smile on its face...

William wakes up in his tent and realizes it was all just a nightmare. Just one of the many he had in the past month alone, ever since he left Beacon after Elinore's death... or so he thought before a few days ago. Realizing that it was morning, he goes out of the tent and sees the mercenaries getting ready to leave for the mission that'll commence once the special team from Beacon would arrive. As he was walking toward the food tents for breakfast, William passes by a huge truck with a strange metal container as its cargo. The relic inside there was what they were going to protect for the entire trip across Vale. Just looking at it gives him the chills as he was eating rabbit stew for breakfast.
" Ms. Phoenix?" Aires turns as someone calls to her. It was a Huntress. "Um, yes?" The woman motioned for her to follow. Aires silently followed the woman down some tunnels. Aires got a bad feeling.

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Micheal was being rushed out of the bed and the office. with out his shirt on. the month of hard word were paying off fat trimmed what fat was there off his body. he didn't seem to notice and he had his pack on today he couldn't find his cape he wanted to know what had happend first had from someone who saw it. he pulled out his brand new scroll he had just been assigned it a week or so ago and it was mostly off to keep ad from wandering in places he had no right to be. he sent a message to his friends that he would be in his basement of a room meditating and that he would like to talk with them if they had time. he saw he had a message but did't bother with it. instead looking at the cuts, deep cuts on his fingers starting after the first joint and going to tip. and looked at his sword which was whole once more.
As she runs off Soppo turned to Spectra. "If your going, try to have no contact with humans. And go get your stuff and go with her. Last thing I need is for her to get lost, again." "Aren't you coming too?" Spectra asked. "I am, but only to watch you. I won't help with the mission at all." Spectra got his stuff and went to the school on chirpy. He sees mags and landed next to her. "You want a ride to the school?" Spectra asked.

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Elinore looked back at her bad and smiled, "It's for the special mission. You should've gotten a message too" she said with a nod, "I didn't read it though and then a class had to run ten laps because of it." that probably made no sense to anyone but her. "I guess I do get out of hand though," she said with a nervous laugh, "it just kinda happens when you feel really passionate about something. You know?"
Loki nods, and smiles. "I do know, and understand. It's hard sometimes." He looks at his scroll and raises an eyebrow. "it seems that Micheal has awoken, would you like to go find him too apologize? Cause even though you both were at each other's throats. Ya'll are friends."
Elinore looked over back at the building, "I don't see why either of us would need to apologize, it was just a sparring match.." Elinore said with a shrug, "but he did do good. I should congratulate him on that...wait...he was knocked out too?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, "no way, I thought he won." now she had no clue what happened, "care to fill me in an anything that happened after the first time I hit the ground?" she asked Loki as she headed back towards the infirmary
Aires suddenly gets a message. "What the?" Hmm. She wonders. I need to get outside. Aries concentrates on a focal point with her ability she blasts a hole through the tunnel, causing a huge explosion to occur. "Whoops, I'm sorry but I have to go. Oh and you can tell my brother he'll have to try harder to catch me next time. Sending some lame Huntress isn't really the way to go, if ya catch my drift." She blots out of the tunnel and into the fresh air. She spreads her wings and leaps into the air only to fall back down. "Ow. . . right wingless basically. A bird faunas that ca't fly awesome. I guess I'm running." She sprints off to find the others.
"His body gave up. So i had to carry him, and Will to the infirmary while Aires carried you. That's about it. It was in technical terms a tie." He smirks a bit and then frowns. "But that still doesn't matter, you both need control. But at least no one was hurt... much. And Fred i have absolutely know idea when we are leaving, call Will and see if he is already there."
Elinore nodded, alright, that made sense. A tie. She tied with a lawyer. She'd have to do better in the future. She heard footsteps behind her and noticed Aires running towards them, "Hey Wings, what's up" she said with a smile, "we're on our way to visit Michael...have you packed for the mission yet?" she asked as she continued on her way
Aires sees then and hears Luna call out to her. "Hey!" She calls out and pats Luna on the back. "How are you doing?" She asked her smiling. "No I was gonna go do that after I met up with all of you. It's been an interesting couple of hours." She said smiling from ear to ear. "Hey Loki," she says high fiving him.
Loki raises an eyebrow and smirks. He returns the highfive and laughs. "I have most of our thing, i grabbed them on the way here. But if you want anything more specific you can go check. Luna i've heard you are trying to turn A.D into a cat?"
"Oh, well thank you. I trust you got everything." She smiles and then turns to Luna, "Are you really trying to turn A.D into a cat?"
"A robotic cat. With a top hat" Elinore said with a nod, "it'd be a lot easier to move around if he could walk to. And I wouldn't forget him in places again" she added, "really I don't understand why he doesn't want to go along with it."
"Cause he probably would rather be a fire breathing dragon that could kill Will and all humans on earth instead. But that's just a guess."
"No, it's okay Luna! I really don't want to become a cat at all!" A.D exclaimed as the group begun discussing about the idea. "I just don't feel like it, that's all..." That and since the A.I doesn't want to be obliterated by Elinore in a sparring session.

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