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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"OWW! Oh the pain! How could thee throw me against a wall, when I can't physically fight back?" A.D mournfully cries out, even though he couldn't feel the pain at all. "Now who should I send this video to? OH I KNOW! SENDING VIDEO NOW!" The A.I then sends the video to a specific scroll before deleting the receiving address on the screen. "Never mess with an A.I my dear owner! Muhahaha!
Elinore turned to the scroll, picking it up before throwing it again, "I WILL BREAK YOU!" she yelled at the AI unit. All fun in games. Now, if he had a cat body, he could run away. But he didn't. So she'd probably just dump him in a cup of water.
Loki looked at his scroll and laughed. "Genius work A.D. check who you send it too first." He deletes the video and then looks at Luna. "All that Remains currently."
Aires smiles at them listening to the music. "Not bad!" She yells not being able to hear herself.

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"Ah, bands like Avenged Sevenfold and symphony X are more my style" Elinore said with a shrug as she took a glass of water off a random table in the nurse's office. She dropped her scroll in it, grinning, "I hope you've learned your lesson." she told AD
"I have old A7X but i do enjoy me some Panic at The Disco sometimes. even though it doesn't match the others. And is that really safe for your scroll, do they give us new ones?"
"Don't worry. The scrolls are waterproof... but this still frightens me a lot..." A.D said underwater, clearly scared for his electronic life at the moment. At least it'll all be worth it soon...

William was packing up his things in his tent when he suddenly gets a message on his scroll from out of nowhere. "Creator, Elinore has sent you a video message." E.L tells her owner before playing the message on his scroll. "What did she... why is Elinore making out with a pillow?" The mercenary asked as he watches the whole video silently, unsure how to respond back. This was really strange. Wouldn't his girlfriend be embarrassed to send such a video to him, mostly when they started dating? Not sure how to answer, William sent a message back which asked if the pillow was suppose to be him.
Aires takes the head phones off. "Gah, you trying to drown it?" She asks looking at the scroll. "I think you have a message Luna."

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Loki takes back his head phones, and places them around his neck. He turns up the volume so he can still hear them. "Achievement Unlocked... Unkillable A.I.... hurray."
"Ever sense AD started staying in here I made a few adaptions,like getting it reinforced so I could throw it at walls." Elinore said as she shot a glare at the cup, "I'm just really surprised he's put up with all my abuse. He's really resilient." she said with a smile, "and you can't listen to heavy metal all the time, sometimes more mellow music is called for" Her scroll alerted her of a new message, she took the phone out of the water and checked it "You....sent it to William?" Elinore asked in a calm voice, the glass of water shattering in her hand, "you're going in the river next chance i get, okay?" she told the unit happily, "you can be a fish for the rest of eternity."
"Creator... why did you ask such a strange question to your girlfriend?" E.L asked William as he put everything into his bag and was walking toward the edge of the forest. "I don't know, how else am I suppose to respond? Should I ask if it was someone else then?" He then goes behind one of the trees to go to do his business there, since the camp had no bathroom at all. "You are truly a weird guy, Creator. Who taught you to ask questions like that to females?" E.L asked out of curiosity, since he never really told her about his past life much. "Well my master taught me to ask questions like that since he was always a playboy, going after the ladies with such ques-... E.L. Where's my toilet paper?" William then curses under his breath, angry that he forgot to bring toiletries with him again. Hopefully A.D is having a better time then him with Elinore...

"NO! I AM SO SORRY!" A.D screamed out as Elinore was holding the scroll over the toilet in the girls bathroom. "I WON'T DO IT AGAIN SO PLEASE... wait. Aren't you going to answer Willy's question? He must be dying to know if he was the pillow or not!" The A.I said in a cheery voice, hoping to calm his owner down by mentioning her boyfriend.
Elinore sighed, opening her scroll to answer William, telling him that it was a dream and maybe, she wasn't exactly sure, and AD sent it, and she was trying to figure out a good way to drown him for it. Was the pillow William? Bah, she was too angry to try and figure it out. "You try doing anything like that again and I WILL dump you into the nearest body of water." she threatened.
"At least you can some dreams and not just nightmares." Aires mumbles looking out into the hallway. "Anyone else feel as though it's too quiet?"

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"Nope~" Elinore cooed. She had just been yelling....a lot. She didn't pay much attention to ambient volume. "Let's go check on Michael!" she said before running back into the infirmary "Yosh~ Michael, you awake yet?" she called as she entered the room
" It's just a strange feeling." Aires looked at Loki as to say don't mind me.

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his room was not that easy to find but he had given them the location and directions from the nurse it was takeing them rather long to get there...

he considered starting to read the book about gladitor tacticks and the one about ken do once more the idea was growing on him he needed a short sword he was quickly building strength to use his sword one handed, ambidextrous.
Elinore nodded, "Well alright then," she said as she walked out of the nurse's room, "let's go find Michael. Someone else lead the way. I don't know where I'm going" she announced proudly

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