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Fandom Beacon Academy.

He looked up. "Oh I already have my room assignment. I am in [insert room number]. but I don't think I have a room mate. Because there was no one in there." He kept looking up every now and then. After another couple of scribbles. He looked up. "Done." He showed what was on the tablet. It was an almost exact picture of fence. "What do you think?"
He looked at it and smiled a little before nodding. "It's very good, nice to see myself unbeaten." He cracked his neck and turned back towards the academy. "I should get back to my dorm though before anybody notices I broke into the battle room and starts looking for people you might want to move too, they will probably be looking for anybody." He suddenly realized how he was talking and began to walk not meaning to have become so friendly.
"Alright well good night... Oh and I hope they don't find out that you opened the battle room." He waved goodbye."Oh and I hope to see you tomorrow." He said out loud. He looked at the time and decided to go to bed. He walked back to his room and placed the tablet on the bigger machine. He plopped down on his bed and fell asleep.
Trey shook soot and ash from his body and let out a small cough. "Great...now I need a new shirt..." He went to his closet another set of shirt and coat and donned them. He then looked at his weapon. "Must've crossed the nuclear destabilizer output with the Dust intake pipe..." He sighed and pulled out a few more tools. "Good thing it was just those two, anything else I could have blown the place sky high...hahaha..."

He worked until the flamethrower functioned properly. "Alright plans for tomorrow." He wrote on a piece of paper and pinned adjacent to his bed and went to sleep. On the paper were the words 'PULL A MAJOR PRANK DURING THE DANCE'
Ferlick walked back to his room and sat down on his bed. Somebody had mentioned that there was going to be a dance but he didn't care much for that. He hadn't packed anything formal and he had no intention of forcing himself into a crowd situation. The only thing that was on his mind now was to fight that girl and prove himself to be less of a coward than people might now think of him. By the time he woke up most people were only beginning to walk towards breakfast and he quickly got changed before running down to the dining hall. He wanted to be able to get food without running into many other people and he thought this might be the best way. He was able to get a large pile of bacon and a table all to himself, with luck it would stay that way.
Elinore sat on a tree stump in the middle of the forest. She'd received a message on her scroll...and not one she was happy to see. William...that coward. She shook her head and sighed. He didn't even have the guts to tell her in person. Probably because she made him promise to never leave her again. Well...it was nice knowing him...really nice. Maybe he'd visit again some time. Maybe she could just mark him down as another one gone. Transferred out of Beacon to a different academy. The day of the school dance. "I'm sorry dear." EL said as she jumped up onto the girl's shoulders. "For what? I'm alright" she replied with a shrug. "Then why are you crying?" the robotic cat replied while tilting her head to the side. "I don't know what you're talking about..." Elinore whispered back. Good thing she was alone...
Ferlick had finished his meal and decided that instead of going to class he would do something he had wanted to do, and which was one of the reasons he had gone to Beacon. Nobody would miss him, and it had been a goal of his for a very very long time. He quickly got up and smiled a bit checking his sword and making sure he had plenty of dust. In the forest near Beacon there was a rare beast that, if treated correctly, could be tamed into submission. It was a simple creature with no direct malice towards humans and no magic origin, but rare in its own respect. He was looking for a black wolf a rare type of wolf that thrived in this area due to the fact that they easily kept hidden amongst the Grimm there and the amount of food left by students walking through. He got out quietly making sure not to be heard or seen by anybody and entered the forest, possibly louder than he had wanted to. Upon entering the forest he ran into a Beowolf, not exactly a powerful Grimm, but he may have overdone it. In his attempt to kill it he struck the creature with a stronger than necessary swing and the body went flying into a tree making a loud crack sound as it hit the trunk. "Shoot, I didn't mean to be so loud.."
Trey awoke with a smile. "This is going to be awesome!" He shouted as he jumped out of bed grabbed Saving Light and ran out the door. He went to the dining hall and ordered large amounts of pie. LARGE. He had it catered back to his room and stalked off when he heard crying...He suddenly frowned, was that...Elinore? He headed off to her direction, intent on finding out on why she was crying.
Elinore snapped close her scroll when she heard a tree crack. Then footsteps. "EL. On the defensive." she told the robotic cat as she stood. It was like in that single instant she'd managed to completely cut off her emotional ties. It was a skill she'd learned from William. That bastard. She'd kill him. What step of grief was that? Two? Three? Ah who cared. Something was moving out there! Elinore reached behind her and grabbed her axe, the fire dust in it setting the blade ablaze. She waited for something else to make a sound; ready to attack whatever it wa- oh. It was that person who she sparred with in class. "Oh, hey there." she said quietly as Trey approached her, deactivating the fire dust and resting the axe over her shoulder
"...Were you going to attack me?" He questioned. "Nevermind, normally I would ask why you're crying then comfort you but I don't know how to do that..." He offers her Saving Light as a nozzle popped out. "So instead I'll let you use my new Atomic Flamethrower on some trees, I heard that this was a good way to get rid off pent up emotions."
"Only if you were a grimm....and crying? What? I have no clue what you're talking about." Elinore said as she crossed her arms. Elinore had a reputation to maintain. She was the rock! The tank. Emotions? Never heard of them. "Fire~?" she cooed with a smile, "now that is a way to make any day better~" she said with a nod, "so when'd you put a flamethrower into this thing?" she asked as she took the lamppost from him and pointed it at a tree
"Pulled an all-nighter, adding the flamethrower was easy, making it atomic was what kept me." He shrugged. "Just tighten your grip and it should start burning stuff, if this doesn't work I have a large supply of pie in my room and big plans with it."
Ferlick jumped when he noticed the other two having a conversation and popped out to see them. "Oh hello, sorry about that had a small tussle with a Beowolf and may have made more sound than I meant. Sorry about that you guys." He looked at Elinore and frowned a bit. "I want a duel with you some time...to prove I can do more than just stand there starring..." He looked down suddenly and frowned. "We should probably wait for team assignments before we do anything big though..."
"That...sounds really hard," Elinore said with a laugh before hitting the trigger. A spout of fire came out and engulfed a tree. Elinore grinned, "That is a mighty fine firey device you have there." she cooed right after Ferlick cam out. She handed the flamethrowing lamppost back to Trey and nodded, "A rematch. That sounds like fun. But we can't let it get too intense" she said as she nervously rubbed the back of her head, "the last time I sparred with someone outside of class it ended with a couple frozen people and some explosions and I think I was hit with some electricity..it was all kinda...blurred...and bloody" her little fight with Michael got way out of hand. But they were still good friends.
"Yes Trey I noticed your little light show it doesn't help me finding my rare beast now does it." He sighed and sat down shaking his head. "The whole point of me coming here was to find a black wolf but now you've probably killed them all!" He looked up and sighed. "And don't worry I will try to keep myself from going too far, I'll leave you to decide when the challenge is." He looked at her for a moment and his eyes seemed to go blank for a moment before the emotion came back. "You seem sad..."
"Ok, since you guys are busy i'll just be here on this one side...." He set his lamppost and sat next to the flaming tree "...planning my prank on the dancers...hehehe."
"Sad? Why doe everyone keep saying I'm sad." Elinore asked with a fake look of confusion. "Because you are. William transferred away. Did you forget already?" the robotic cat asked as she rubbed her little metallic head against Elinore's leg. "You're not helping." she sighed in reply. "Alright, rules. Um...dust, aura, and semblance are allowed. No face shots. There's a dance tonight, and even though it's a masquerade it's still bad practice. No broken or missing limbs...Trey calls when there's winner? Nice third party to keep things fare?"
Ferlick shrugged and stood up. "Yeah sure, though I probably won't be spending much time at the dance, and it is dangerous to fight when burdened. Perhaps you would prefer another time?" Even as he spoke his eyes began to change to the cold calculating way they were when he mentioned that she was sad. It seemed as if he was watching every hair on her body move and he had already drawn his blade and placed two vials of red dust in a loop on his belt for easy access. "I would hate for you to be interrupted by your emotions."
"Sure, but if I get hit by colatteral I'll use this on you." He said as the nozzle slid out once more and sent out a small burst of flame. "I'd also advice against going to the dance on account of...." He grinned "Weather..."
"It's not a fight, it's sparring. Bad thing happen when those two get confused," Elinore warned. She'd made the dangerous mistake several times before. "But perhaps you're right. A better time may be good." she said with a nod. "Besides, Tray here won the fight, perhaps it'd be best if you sparred with him. It's no fun to beat the loser. and Trey~" she cooed, "if my dead mother's dress makes it out of tonight's pie storm unharmed, I'll buy you a new jacket." she said as she walked away from the two. She'd prefer to fight when these crazy people stopped thinking she was sad. She was simply...not happy at the moment.
Ferlick put his sword back and his eyes returned to normal. "I will not be fighting Trey any time soon unfortunately, and I believe I let my own emotions out of hand." He turned to Trey and smiled a little bit. "I wasn't planning on attending anyway I didn't pack anything formal now, I need some time to myself." With that he headed deeper into the forest past the burning trees and into Grimm territory.
"Don't need one, I had spares sent over." He smiled. "Don't worry though, given your current situation, I won't target you." He picked up his weapon and put it on his back. "Even if you don't admit it I can see sadness with one glance." Suddenly as he was walking away he spun and slowly tossed something at her. It was a bar of chocolate. "Eat, or you'll be too thin for your dress."
Markus was on his way to beacon, again. He wasn't a fan of the place, and the only reason that he would go back is because of elinore. It was late and he needed his sleep, and yet he finds himself, up. He went over to his closet, and looks at the suit he is going to be wearing for the masquerade. He looked at the mask, it was a faunus mask. He liked it. "She won't recognize me, hopefully." He put the mask down on the desk in his room. the giant airship would be hiding above the clouds. "Sir we are almost there." "good then establish a height of 4,ooo feet, We're going to be jumping down to the school, off into the woods..... But first ready my ship, I have some business to attend to."

Drake who couldn't sleep because he heard talking and noise coming from outside, then a dash of an orange light. He got up, slowly. He walked down and outside, his tablet in hand. He saw Frelick, and two other people. A guy and a girl, that looked like they were going to be fighting. He just sat near a burt tree, and began to fiddle around with it. The girl had a cat with her.
As Trey walked back he sudenly leanes against a tree. "No...not now..." Around his hand a negative looking orb appeared. He punched against a tree and the tree disintegrated and the orb disappeared. "*pant, pant* I'm good, I'm good." He continued to walk.

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