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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Ferlick walked back to his room defeated and kicking himself. Not only had he become an embarrassment but he had simply stood there gaping when he was informed he was going to have to fight. Had that Lamppost kid not showed up he probably would have died. He didn't even make it to his room before he collapsed in the hallway a ball of shame just sitting on the floor staring up. I don't even deserve to be at a place like this do I?" His sorrow suddenly gave way to a horrible anger at himself. He stood up and hit the wall nearby him with all the force he had making not even a scratch on the metal but he did managed to cut his knuckles. This moment of surprise mixed with his feelings lead to him letting out a scream of agony and rage before he managed to open his dorm and slump inside falling face first on his mattress. He knew it now, he wasn't going to survive this place. Nobody would even think about adding him to their team after that display, and who would want to he had proven his own thought Beacon wasn't for him.
Trey was about to start eating when he heard a scream, thinking the worst he grabbed his weapon and smashed his way to the source. "Hang on buddy, I'm coming!"
Ferlick looked up and suddenly left his room to find out where the smashing was coming from. When he arrived he found the same man who had saved him from being beaten to a pulp and let out a long sigh. "Oh, it's you, well thanks for helping me I probably would have just stood there and been beaten to a bloody pulp like always if you hadn't helped..." He held back his emotions in order to try and seem like he wasn't completely depressed about it. "I guess Beacon isn't any different than the rest of the world, just the people beating you up are stronger."
"Aw, don't be like that, no one is that strong form the beginning, take me for example, you think I got this strong by just standing around, HELL NO!" He grabbed him by the collar and pulled. "I trained, nothing helped me, nothing but my determination and my weapon. If you think *deep calming breath* if you think that everyone around you is strong then get stronger." He let go of him, "I have some bandages in my room, let's get those treated" He returned to his room while gesturing him to follow.
Ferlick followed behind him timidly checking every now and then that he wasn't going to turn around and attack him. "I just don't know if I can take it, with the professors against me how am I supposed to get anywhere in this academy?" He looked around at the devastation caused by the man he was currently following and then looked down at himself. He knew he was strong, but he froze up when he got scared of a situation. This person was so unafraid that he destroyed everything in his path to get to a goal even if that was just to eat breakfast. "How do you live without any fear?"
"All men have fears" Trey said as he grabbed a first aid kit. "Even me." He took out the bandages and unrolled it. "But...only the best of men accept fear, they cherish it, to me, fear is a contant reminder of limits and humanity." He wrapped the bandages around the boy's arm. "What's your name by the way?"
Ferlick looked at him and shrugged at the thought of accepting fears. He would never be able to accept the idea that some people just beat on others because they weren't the same. "I'm Ferlick but people always call me Fence because no matter how many times you hit me I don't fall down." He smiled a bit and looked at his arms. "Thanks...I don't know your name..." He was suddenly surprised by himself, normally he would just run away but he was actually managing to be social right now. "I think, I think I would like to fight that girl that attacked me, on equal ground when I'm not so scared..."
Elinore headed back down to the dorms when she finished her food. Her time at Beacon had made her become too attached to people. She was actually feeling lonely. Such a strange sensation. She knocked on William's door, not wanting to be the one to open it due to her past experiences with opening William's door. She took a step back. "Hey Will, you in there?" she called
Aires wakes up terrified but then sees Loki. She remembers how she couldn't look at Will and tell him what happened. She looks at Loki's face and wipes away his hair. Her eyes tear up. "I'm so sorry Loki." She whimpers getting close to his sleeping face She slowly leans in to kiss whispering, "I love you."

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Loki groans and rubs his head. He runs his fingers through his hair and opens his eyes. "It's not your fault, I don't blame you. It was your family that did it not you." He sits up and smiles, rubbing her head. "Besides every time you get knocked down, there is no where else to go besides up. You get stronger through your experiences, which I may add, we have a very nice experience waiting for us. I bought you a present yesterday, I was putting it in you room when I went berserk. I think you'll love it." He laughs full heartedly and smiles at her.

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"Meow." E.L said as she climbed up Elinore's back and onto her head. "A little birdy told me that Creator isn't here. He's busy at the moment." She purrs before sending a message from William to Elinore's scroll, which explained that he wasn't going to be around for the entire day.
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"What kind of question is that? Of course I can stand." He gets off the bed and picks Aires up, hoisting her onto his shoulders. "See? I heal fast, plus you missed any vital muscles, it seems you knew who you were aiming at. So you made the feathers miss. Good goin girl." He laughs slightly and smirks.

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"Blleeehhh," Elinore sighed as she started walking away from the room, "well then what am I supposed to do? I'm so bored" she mumbled as she crossed her arms ans walked out to the courtyard, "I guess I could...go for a walk." she sighed.
" Whoa" Aires says as she is hoisted unto his shoulder. She loved Loki. Every inch of him. With every fiber of her being. She had come to threw point of not being able to be without him. A present? She wonders then she remembers and blurts out, "Ah! Loki the dance it's tonight! " Aires shouts looking down at him kissing his forehead, she giggles.

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"Exactly." He heads towards her room and opens the door. He sets her down and covers her eyes. "Surprise!" He moves his hands and a gorgeous teal dress lays on the bed. Next to it is his black suit and teal tie. And atop the clothes lays two intricate masquerade masks. "I hope you like them... I had to ask for help from the worker lady.... I am clueless when it comes too his stuff."

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"Names Trey, Trey D. Arkstar..." He put away the bandages, "I'm sure you could've held your own if I didn't interfere." He smiled, "Okay, you're good, don't hesitate to come back if you want to train or you need someone to talk to!" 
When Ferlick left he turned to his lamppost which he set on the table once more. "Time to add a flamethrower to this bad boy~!" He tinkered with it for a bit before he was satisfied, he lifted it and pointed to a random hole. "3...2...1...FIRE!" A large explosion suddenly rocked Beacon Academy.
"Oh Loki . . ." she said breathless, "They're beautiful." She begins to undress knowing that he'd look away. She tried on the dress and it fit perfectly, like a glove. She let her hair down and it flowed perfectly down her body. She turned toward, "You can look now." She smiled opening her eyes and looking at Loki. "How do I look?" She said blushing.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/animedress_by_ixbern-d5pvb00.jpg.4c71b95834b7f51688b0c5af44da9f17.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/animedress_by_ixbern-d5pvb00.jpg.4c71b95834b7f51688b0c5af44da9f17.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Excuse the cheesy pun but, like an angel." He smiles wide and kisses her deeply. "I'm glad you like it, now i'm going to go try on my suit. i'll be right back." He grabs his suit and walks out of the room and towards the showers. He changes into the suit and adjusts the tie. He heads back to Aires' room and lays his folded normal clothes on the bed. He then does something odd, he takes off his bandana and lays it on top of his clothes. His shakes his head and smiles at his messy hair. "This is why i wear headgear, the hair does not stay normal and because of the single white streak that i got from my mother."
She was absolutely tied to kiss. She couldn't anymore. "Loki," she whispered adoring his white streak. "I cannot be without you." She smiled up at him running her fingernails along his chest. They were the picture of imperfection.
Ferlick didn't return to his room though, he managed to sneak into the battle room that he had been humiliated in. It wasn't hard to do thanks to the new hole in the wall. He looked around to make sure nobody had seen him and pulled out his blade swinging it and practicing his battle stance. He made very few sounds as he practiced but at one point made a large gash in the wall which he was surprised by for a second but quickly calmed himself and smiled continuing to practice.
Markus was on the upper deck of All Under Heaven, the ship that he was named captain of. They we low enough so he wouldn’t have any problem breathing. “I must train.” He would say from time to time. “Two more inches...two more feet.... Two more miles.” He kept repeating. He was heading back to beacon, this time it was for something different. He knew that william would be there. He knew if he pushed himself harder, not only physically, but mentally as well. He could be, no, he will be ready to fight william.

“Never give up, never give in, and never back down.” He would say from time to time. It could have been his creed. He ran, and he ran. After some time, he was tired and fatigued. He went into the airships haul, and went to the captains room. It was a little bit bigger the the other rooms.

After his shower, he went back into his room. He sat back down and crossed his legs. He was going to meditate. He closed his eyes, put his hands together, and began to focus. He focused on the knuckles to his middle fingers. It began to glow in a blood red shade.

With each passing minute, the glow got brighter, and brighter. Until he focused on lowering the brightness, and that began to work. But after a few minutes the glow got brighter. He was thinking about Elinore. Her face, was beautiful. She cared about him, even when he did not care for her.

Then he thought of william, he did not like him. He was cocky, and how he enraged markus. He focused so hard that the glow began to discharge. Firing both left and right. The walls stopped them he thought that he could see the future. He could see elinore, and william, and they were standing. But markus was laying on the ground, something sticking out of his chest.

Markus tried to open his eyes but he couldn’t. He could make out the shape of a long staff sticking out of his gut. He was finally able to open his eyes. He thought for a minute, but no one at beacon fought with a pike, do they?

Drake was dropped of by his driver. “Thank you Jetson.... Would you mind helping me with my stuff?” He said as a flying moving truck pulled up. Jetson was his driver, and his friend. Drake opened the door to the truck, there was one trunk that was full of his clothes. Drake and Jetson grabbed that one.

The other things in the moving truck was five crates, and one crate that was thinner then the others. All marked fragile, and numbered. He went to his room and placed the trunk down. The movers took all the crates and placed them in the room.

“Thank you boys.” He said as he paid them. “Now lets get to work..... Oh and jetson, you may go. I can handle this myself.” He said with a smile. Jetson left.

Drake started with one of the big creates with the number 1 on it. When he opened it, the first thing that he took out were cables. He placed them on his bed. He then took out a rectangular box looking thing and placed it down. Then another, till the first four creates were empty, and two 6”11’ rectangles took up one corner of the room, they were spread apart with enough room in between them .

Two more smaller ones were in between them, they were about waist height. The last one was a bit smaller. The last one was in the total center of all the blocks. He was about half way done.

He had open the last of the larger creates. In it was a tablet looking thing, as well as some solar panels and cables connected to the solar panels. He connected them to the smallest box, and ran them to the roof, and hid them. So that way no one could screw them over. After he went back down to his room and opened the thinner crate. Inside was a thing that looked like a screen. He took that screen and placed it on the two waist height, and pushed it till he heard a click. He then took the cables and connect each box together. He made sure to place them in the right ports. It was almost done, it only needed one more thing.

He grabbed the tablet, and began tinker with it. After about a minute, a small light flicked on the smallest block. The machine was getting power, and the battery was beginning to store power. He fiddled with the tablet, and began to write something. The screen lit up, in what looked like gibberish to most, but not him. It made no sound and had a inner cooling system. So the room didn’t have to be sound proof, or cooled to a bone.That would make people want to get rid of them.

He put his hand down on the big screen and it lit up, in a cool blue tint. “This is good.” He said with excitement. The machine that took him almost four years to put together, and to build, was working properly. The screen he did not build, for he had no skill, nor the time to build it, so someone else built it. He just ran a diagnostic check to make sure that everything was connected properly, and working fine. He went into his files and opened some of the artwork that he had made. Everything was working fine, and all the connections were stable. Well for now, at least.

After, he decided to put his stuff away. So he unpacked his trunk full of clothes, and put them in the dresser that he was given. Half of the trunk was full of clothes, the other half was a case. He took out mariah. His weapon.

She was a machine gun, that he built, it was required for everyone to build their weapon where he came from. He took her out of the case and placed it onto the top of the dresser. His room was so cluttered. He called for the movers to come and get the creates, and they did. He paid them overtime, which was time and a half. He also threw in an extra 500 dollars for each mover.

It was easy to tell that he was from a rich family, but he wasn’t born into that family. He sat down and thought back to his real mother. Then to his adopted family, and how is adopted mother and father died. They ran a company that no one would have heard of, well at least no one around vale.

He walked out into the courtyard. He couldn’t see people, they might have been in classes, or doing something with their teams. He just sat down near the statue, that was somehow missing a head on one of the figures. Was beacon as good as people said, or was it jut another bad memory just waiting to happen. He wondered.
Ferlick walked away from the battle room after a good practice and went outside. He looked around and let out a long sigh before he noticed that somebody else was out there. He froze for a second before putting his sword away and approaching with a slight face of worry. Who was this person and why had they arrived so late. "Hello?" He had never been a social person or one to start a conversation but he felt in danger and it made him feel better to try and get on the good side of this person. "Who's there? Are you a student too?" He was expecting to be the only person out and around at this point and was surprised to see somebody else. He was planning to just spend the whole night reflecting on how to make it in Beacon.
Drake looked up from his tablet. One a quick glance. He began to draw on his tablet. "My name is Drake scags.... Well forget my last name, its long and boring. Just call me Drake, or scags. I go by either." He looked up from his tablet from time to time. "I am new.... Just got in today..... stand still for a second, please."
Ferlick looked at him and froze for a moment as he said before talking. "I am Ferlick, but people call me Fence and I prefer Fence. I got in yesterday but, didn't you come in with the shuttle?" He was confused by this, how could a student show up so late in the day he had always figured that people had to come in at the same time as everybody else. "I uhm think you should probably get your dorm assignment now..."

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