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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Drake moved away from the tree as soon as the guy began to walk towards the tree. "Alright." He said. "If I were you I would to and get that checked out." He said jokingly. He just went back to fiddling with his tablet.
Drake type something on his tablet. "Problems with your semblance...." He looked up. "What is you semblance?" He never really learned about semblances. The place that he went didn't really teach it. "I don't know a lot about semblances."
"Me too, I just think of it as superpowers." He turned to face him. "My Semblance is Disintegration." He stared at his fist. "I'm afraid that one day it'll act up when I'm touching someone."
"Then no high fives got it." He said jokingly, again. It wasn't in his nature to be joking but he found it easy with this guy. "Well if were going to be introducing ourselves, My name is Drake Scagliotti. but you can call me either drake or scags.... I don't care what one you do call me."
"Okay then, I'll call you Scalehead." He holds up his hands. "Don't worry, I usually get a warning when it's activating." He holds out his hand for a handshake "Name's Trey, now if you'll excuse I have a prank to plan."
Drake laughed when he said scalehead. "That's a good one.... I never heard of that one." He shook his hand, hoping that he wouldn't act up. He looked at him with an interested look. "A prank, for what?"
Drake shook his head. "No I hadn't.... I just got in today, and I had to assemble something in my room that took up all my time." He said as pulled up a picture of his master computer. "I was putting this together, and it took me.... well a whole day to put together." He was interested, a dance. at his old school they were boring, and strict with everything. "Have you been to a dance here before?"
"...No." He said. "Anyways, they're planning a dance later, and I plan on putting on a disguise, setting myself on fire and throwing pies everywhere. But shh! Don't tell anyone!"
That made drake raise his eyebrow. "So your going to set yourself on fire and throw pies..... Well at least people will remember that." He said chuckling. "Maybe someone could be hiding and spray people with seltzer."
"I know right!" He chuckled and reached for a canister in his coat. "If that doesn't work I could always set of this can of tear gas. Or acid, I keep forgetting which..." He walks again. "See ya!
Aires raced top the dining hall and grabbed some food, sprinting back to her dorm. She had two hours to do her hair, make up all that girly shit. "Crap, I don't even know where to start!" She frowned looking at her shattered mirror. "I wonder if Luna is getting ready?" She said to herself eating some strawberries.

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Trey ran to his room and absorbed the view of his ammunition. "Soon...hehe..." He took out a black cloak and skull mask. He then sprinkled Fire Dust and alchohol on the cloak. "Tonight's weather forecast...fiery...with a chance of pie!"
"Where is that prisoner?" Alex muttered as he was walking around the school. He passed by several students who were getting ready for the dance, but none of them was the faunus he was looking for. "This sucks..."

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Markus was getting ready for the dance. After all he was going to be the main event of it, and he wanted to look nice. He had a mask, that when he had it on, no one would recognize him. It was faunus in origin, it a had ear holes so it could look like he had ears, while he hid his tail.

Drake got and went into his room, he might not have a mask, but he did have a suit that he could wear. He went into his closet and grabbed his nice suit. It was going to take him some time, but he would be ready. His computer lit up, saying that a ship was coming into range, but he just he that it was some students just getting back form something.
Elinore sat on the male's restroom sink counter, running a curler through her hair. Why? Because the female restroom was crowded. The door opened and one of the poor unsuspecting students walked in. She turned her head to look at him. Between the black lace mask the obscured the upper half of her face, the long black dress, tall lace gloves, and choker, she looked like a ghost. Or at least someone you really didn't want to mes with "Sorry...sorry" the poor bystander said with his hands up as he backed out of the bathroom. Elinore continued to curl her hair.
Drake, who is all dressed up and looked handsome. Goes out into vale, he needs a mask to wear. But he doesn't have long till it is time for the dance to begin. He rushes into a mask shop and grabs a mask. It looks a little bit grimmish. Very dark, and creepy. But he laughed at it and bought it.

Markus was on his ship and beginning his decent into the forest to the north of beacon. He wanted to remain secretive, and make sure that no one know it was him. His tail was in his coat, and he had fake ears that were attached to the mask. As soon as he touched down, he began to make his way to beacon, it was going to take some time to get there, if he didn't want to sweat in his suit.
Benjamin was on his rooftop for the moment, waking up even more hungry than usual. "Guess I'll take out a loan with the cafeteria..." he begins, hopping down and making his way to the mess hall. The halls of the school were pretty empty, and he had no idea why because since he was not a student, he didn't have a scroll and what not. "Please don't let that Tiger faunus be in there too." he pleads to whatever higher being is in this world. He had so far succeeded in avoiding his latest captor from the knowledge of escape of sorts.
Alex was walking nearby the dining hall when he spots Benjamin entering the building. The professor smiles as he stalked his prey from the shadows. When he approaches Benjamin from behind unnoticed, he smacks his head with a new scroll. "Here. This is yours."

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Still trying to get ready she decided to go to the bathroom. There was a line out the freaking window for the girls bathroom. "What the dust is this crap?" Aires then decides to use the boys restroom instead. "I doubt anyone is in here." She smiled opening the door and seeing what appeared to be a ghost of some sorts. It was Luna. "Luna, you look, wow, I um bet you're wondering why I'm walking into the boys bath - hey hey hey, why are you in here?" Aires quickly turns it around.

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"Because the female restroom is ridiculous," Elinore replied simply, "you look nice," she said without ever turning away from the mirror, "I'd be careful though, every once in a while we get a brave soul who doesn't get scared away." She put down the curler and looked at Aires with a blank expression. "I'd be careful. I hear someone's planning something...pie related for the dance. And something about weather. I think I'm just gunna steal a bunch of food and hang out of the roof"
Aires could tell something was up. "Pie and weather? Alex is gonna have a field day if someone pulls a prank." She came towards the mirror and saw her face compared to Elinore's. "We're both beautiful." She says trying to get her to smile. "What's the matter?" Aires asked finally feeling tense. "You okay?"

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"I received a message from William today," Elinore said as she turned back to the mirror, "said he was transferring out. I swear, if it's a prank, that boy isn't leaving without....spontaneously combusting." she half cooed. She looked at Aires through her reflections and smiled, "I'm glad you got a new dress, that dress shop was..shady." she had no clue what had happened to Aires after the two were separated, but from what she saw, it wasn't good.
"There's no way he'd leave you, Lulu." It was the first time she had ever called Elinore something other than Luna. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, it just slipped out." She smiled sheepishly. Aires turns to leave when she doubles back and his Luna, "I hope you know you're my best friend." She smiled kissing the top of her head and heading out of the bathroom.

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