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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Again with the blinding. Elinore snapped close her axe and fired off towards the last place she saw Trey. The round arched down to the ground and exploded. "Oh dust!! I'm sorry!" Elinore shouted. She's replaced the round with the wrong kind. Oh man. She hoped he wasn't hurt. That'd be bad. Oh dust.
Elinore looked around. Oh no...she killed him. She slowly walked towards the lamppost and looked around. She fired off another explosive around behind her back, just in case he wasn't dead and he was planning some form of sneak attack. Granted that was also stupid, because she wasn't trying to kill the kid. But no one said Elinore was smart, "Uh....hello?" she asked as she picked up the lamp post. "uhh...." did she win?....probably not.
"LAMPPOSTIA!!!!!" Trey shouted from above as he dropped kicked Elinore right at the face then followed by stomping on it multiple time and ended with a flying roundhouse kick, knocking her out. "Why do they always forget to look up?"
Elinore went down, but of course not without being startled by the flying man from the sky in her face! As an involuntary reaction mid-dropkick, Elinore's finger hit her trigger, hitting Trey with one of her explosive rounds. They didn't pack enough power in them to do any major damage to him. But it was still a small explosion he took to his gut after knocking the girl out.
"Wheee!!!" He shouted as he hit the cage. "THAT WAS AWESOME, WAKE UP AND DO THAT AGAIN!" He looked at her. "Oh...is she dead?" He plucked his lamppost and used it to scoop her and fling her out of the cage.
Alex ends the match as he jumps down into the pit himself and lands on Trey's back with a satisfying cracking noise. Oh... seems like the teacher needs to loose some weight. "Well its time to go kiddies! The match is officially over it seems." He then throws Ferlick out of the hole before looking at Trey. He starts walking toward the student with a creepy smile. "Want to know a very important fact kid?" He asked as he was taking Bluntfire off his back slowly.
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"DON'T..." Alex holds his weapon with two hands as he slowly pulls it back like a baseball player. "BREAK..." Fire suddenly bursts out of Bluntfire like a red lightsaber, the huge bat now covered in fire dust. "SCHOOL..." He then swings at full force and as the bat connects with Trey's stomach, the student suddenly flies out of the pit like a rocket on steroids. "PROPERTY SCUMBAG!" He yelled out as Trey hits the ceiling, which he was stuck to for a few moments before falling down into a group of students. The professor then climbs his way up the pit without any help and looks at the broken cage after getting back on the surface. "Ah man, Ozpin is going to kill me for this... oh well. Students, class is now over for today so you can all leave. But someone bring those two to the nurse office since they're both knocked out cold." He was about to end it there when he remembered something important. "Oh yeah, the dance tomorrow is a masquerade dance, so remember to wear formal attire with your own disguises!" He then calls someone on his scroll as several people dragged the two injured students out of the gym.
Elinore sat up and gowned. Her face...hurt. Like...really badly. She looked around. She was in the nurses office...damn. She lost. Well...at least she didn't kill that student. She wouldn't be able to take it after.... she rubbed her face and stood up. She always was bad at fighting when she didn't have to worry about hurting someone. And she wasn't as good without dust either. Fire was a good ally. She stood up and groaned again. She was sore, like, really sore. "How long have I been out...." she muttered to no one in particular. Her stomach growled at her, "it must be lunch time" she cooed before heading out to the cafeteria
Trey woke up while swinging Savinh Light around. He blinked and looked around. "Man, that guy sure has one helluva temper." He saw Elinore getting out and shouted "Hey wait up!" and went after her. "I don't know my way around here!"
Elinore looked over her shoulder and chucked, "You know, it's rude to hit someone in the face the day before a school dance. Especially if she's female" she said as she crossed her arms, "where do you need to go?" she asked him as she continued on her way to the dinning hall. It looked...like a tornado came through the halls. There was a clear path to the classroom through all the wreckage...what on earth....
Trey noticed her look and felt kinda sheepish. "Yeah...I made this mess. I was late and sorta lost so I demolished through all of these..." He looked down. "Oh yeah! You owe me a coat."
She looked at him and chuckled, "Nice job. And if you didn't want that coat to get ripped I wouldn't have used it in a fight~" she cooed with a shrug. Granted it was an extremely smart usage of a coat. Too bad she had no intentions of giving him a new one.
"Yeah..." he scratched his head, accidentally knocking Saving Light onto a wall and making another hall. "Good thing they aren't making me clean all this..." He said as he stepped into the dining hall through the hole. "So what's all this dance business?"
"Yet you mean" Elinore said as she followed him through the hole in the wall, "they're not making you clean this up yet. Knowing Alex you're probably gunna spend all weekend cleaning up these holes" she laughed, "good luck with that" she said before heading over to go buy some food
Elinore took her trey of food and walked out of the dinning hall. It was a good day for roof food. She walked up to her usual spot on the roof and sat down in the edge, placing her trey down next to her. She sighed and watched the rest of the school scurry around in the courtyard as she took a bite of her sandwich.
Alex suddenly smacks Trey in the head before dragging the student into the hallway. "So where did you get the lamppost kid? It's a pretty interesting choice for a weapon." He asked before he makes Trey start cleaning up the holes he made with a broom. The professor then leans against the wall with his arms crossed.

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"Got it when I was fighting for my life, long before that I woke up in a forest, lot's of corpses were around me." He dumped some trash out. "I was very hurt back then and all I could remember was my name, I limped towards the nearest village and apparently Lady Luck hates me because that village was full of Grim." He sweeped some more rocks up. "They chased me around for a while til they cornered onto the very lamppost i wield, I fought them off and apparently cleared the village." He wiped some sweat, "So what's all this dance business?"
"The school is having a masquerade party tomorrow night." Alex responded as he threw a rag at Trey's face. "We're only doing it since Professer Ozpin wanted one from nowhere. Now dry your face off since your going to be here all day kid." He smirked before taking out his scroll to check out his inbox.

After leaving Aires alone with a injured Loki, William heads to Alex's secret workshop quickly. He locks the door and takes out the contents in the suitcase with a grin. "Time to build Archdeath 2.0." He said to himself before he starts creating his new armor.

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"*phew* This is going to take too long!" He looked at his weapon, then the rubble then the holes. "Can I?" He filled the holes with rocks and melted them. "I can!WHOOOO!" He did this with all the walls he broke. "I wonder if I can modify my lamppost into something for ranged combat..."
Benjamin woke up on his spire again. He woke up with a constant rumbling from his stomach and displeasure from the frustrated organ. "I hate being hungry." he moans as he sits up. He knew for a fact that he couldn't afford food from the cafeteria and if he actually ever wanted to attend Beacon stealing wasn't an option. "Maybe Elinore will pay for me again." he says with a trail of hope that quickly faded away. 
(And the reason I deleted that last post was because I read back a few pages and realized where everyone was)
Trey walked to his room and set his lamppost on the table, along with some tools. "Alright, time for work..." A loud 'ding' was heard. "But first, a snack while I think of what to do."

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