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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Well good luck finding a female" Elinore said as she stood up, "if you can't find anyone, you can always just go around spiking the punch" she said with a shrug before heading off to class. What was it, a quarter the way through? She'd have to use her sneaking powers

Elinore waited outside the door of the battle training class. She waited until someone came back form using the bathroom and scooted in behind her. Hopefully her little trick threw the attention off of her as she entered the room and sat down in the back.
Ferlick waited awkwardly for class to start before deciding to finally take initiative and start talking. He walked up to Alex and tapped his shoulder softly before speaking. "Uhm..professor you see, I was just going to ask if its...well possible to leave Beacon. I really do work better on my own so I don't think I'll be needed here." He immediately looked down and regretted what he had said, who was going to listen to him or care that he wanted to leave, it wasn't like they were at his old academy, nobody was sneaking out at night to go to some party, as if he ever got invited to those. "I just, don't think I would make a good addition to a team."
"Fool. Unhand me, or perish." He says punching Loki's right cheek, sending him flying. "Aires, who is this boy? Don't tell me you disgraced my name with that sorry excuse of a human." He snorts and then disappears into an airship.

Aires runs over to Loki. "Ate you alright?"

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Loki launches a few cannon shots from his lance at the airship causing it to crash. He pulls Aires' father out of the wreckage and begins to smash his head against the ground. "I WILL F**KING KILL YOU!!" He picks him up and slams him into a wall, before grabbing his throat and slowly starts to put pressure. "You can't break this grip, so don't even try. Now why did you touch her, what right do you have?"
"Aires darling, a little help for your father?" He chokes out. Aires's eyes change colors as they pulsate. Red, her father controls her mind with dust. "No my bit," He says to Loki, "what right do you have to touch her." He says as Aires shoots Loki's shoulders and legs blades shredding him.

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Loki yells in pain and lets go of her father before he steps a few feet away. He spits out blood, fighting every urge to lose consciousness. He struggles to stand on his legs after his muscles got torn, his arms hang limp at his side as he glares at Aires' father. "You will pay for this, you and your family." He roars in anger before finally losing consciousness and falling forward.
" Oh Aires, still daddy has the upper hand. Looks like you love this boy. Be careful or I'll make you kill him." He says shaking the bottle of her mother's special dust in her face releasing his grip on her mind disappearing.

Her eyes return to the two different colors and she sees Loki on the ground. "LOKI!" She cries seeing her feather blades in him. " NO! No, in sorry I'm so sorry" She says holding him in her arms. "Please open your eyes." She begs tears flowing.

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Loki pushes her away and growls. "Where is he... Ughhh" He groans loudly and rolls onto his back, unfortunately it pushes the blades further into his limbs. "Owww.... sorry darlin seems i failed to protect you again."
" I'm sorry Loki. Please don't puts me away." She said taking the blades out of his limbs and then wrapping his wounds tight so they don't open. "Come on lets get you back to Beacon." She says flying with him. She spots Will when nearing the school. "Will help!!!" She yelled landing

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Trey tries to step through the hole but his weapon was to big to fit through. He stepped back and smashed the wall again, making the hole bigger than it was before and stepped through it. "Sorry if the hole-making disturbed anyone, I was very lost." He puts his lamppost down and sits "Name's Trey by the way." Suddenly he slams his weapon down, making a plate of bacon and eggs fling from a near by table to him. "Does anyone have the time?" He asks while eating.
Alex smacks Ferlick's head as he smiled at the student. "Kid, nobody is forcing you to be here right now. But are you really going to give up so easily without trying?" He then looks at the class before speaking. "I have a reward for anyone who thinks they can beat... whateverhisnameis in a one-on-one duel. So anyone willing to fight?"

William was outside walking toward Alex's secret workshop when he sees Aires coming toward him. "Hey! Where were you... oh never mind. Let's get him to the nurse office now." He said as he takes Loki away from Aires and heads toward the nurse office. After the nurses put the injured student on a bed, William looks at Aires. "What the dust happened to him?" He asked crossing his arms while holding a suitcase in one hand.
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Elinore grinned. Fight? Reward? What was this, her birthday? "I volunteer" Elinore cooed as she stood up, waving her hand in the air to make sure she was being extra noticeable. "Do we have any rules?" she asked as she started walking to the front of the class. "You know, besides not killing him~"
Trey was enjoying breakfast until he realized he was the only one in the dining hall. His eyes widened in panic. "GAAAHHH! I'm late!!!" He grabbed his lamppost and stopped in front of the hole he made. "No choice!". He tightened his grip and Fire Dust started to ignite his lamppost. He charge towards a wall it exploded, and so did the next walls as he demolished his way to the classroom.
Alex thinks about this for a moment before giving a grin toward Elinore. "Well you can't decapitate any body parts, no use of dust, but cheap shots are allowed." He then lifts Ferlick onto his shoulder as he walks toward the center of the gym and stands right next to the caged pit. Before the student could do anything, Alex opens the top part of the cage and drops Ferlick into the deep pit. "Okay Elinore! Your turn to go down!

Suddenly a explosion is heard at one of the walls of the gym, which now had a small hole in it. "WHAT THE DUST! YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO BLOW UP MY GYM YA DAMN RASCAL!" Alex yelled as he grabs Trey's head and throws the student down into the pit. He calms down and looks at the his students with a creepy smile. "Okay, come over here class. It's time we get this new three-way duel started!"
Just as Trey burst through he was shouted and thrown down a pit. "Wait nooo!!!!" He landed face first, his weapon followed and landed next to him. "What a great way to start the day" He said sarcastically while rubbing his face. He grabbed his lamppost and extinguished it's fire. "Might as well." He looked at his opponents, "My name is Trey and this is Saving Light, it's a lamppost." He twirled it around around as a small fire started. "Who wants some?"
Elinore hopped down into the whole and looked at her two opponents. Alright, seemed she could take them...wait...what? "Did you just say lamppost?" she asked as she stood up and raised an eyebrow. "Well alright then" she laughed and she took her axe off her back, "It's nice to meet you Trey, my name's Elinore, and this is an axe cannon." she cooed, "Now remember, no dust" She said with a wag of her finger before getting into a battle stance. She hated making the first move. She'd let one of the boys take that honor.
There was sudden mischevous glint in his eyes. "Are you...making fun of Saving Light...?" Trey twirled his lamppost faster. "YO TEACH! I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND COLLATERAL DAMAGE!" He suddenly stopped and smashed his weapon against the cage bars and flung it at Elinore. He repeated this until there was no more metal in his immediate area. Then he stabbed the ground and tore of a large chunk of earth and jumped into the air.
"You kiddin me?" Elinore asked as she clicked one of the triggers, swinging her axe up with the force of the round's recoil. She held the axe out in front of her to block as many of the metal bars as she could, using a bit of fancy footwork to dodge one that came a little too close for comfort, "it's original. I like it~" she cooed. When Trey jumped into the air Elinore brought her axe back down and fired off two more rounds at him. Two large cylindrical rounds flew towards Trey. Normally, they would have exploded. But sense this was class and killing wasn't smiled upon, they were duds. But if he got hit by either, it'd be the equivalent of getting punched in the gut.
Trey used the chunk of earth as a shield. It got crushed and sent tiny bits of rock all over the place, effectively blinding everyone, which is exactly what he wanted. He sped behind Elinore and put Saving Light under her chin after which he gave her a classic suplex.
Always with the backward flipping. At least he was in close proximity. Elinore's axe was already down low, which put her in hte perfect position to hook Saving Light in the blade's curvy edge as she was falling back. Elinore clicked the trigger on her axe again, sending the axe and therefore Saving Light flying back with her. The axe slammed into the ground behind Elinore and embedded itself in the ground, Saving Light would be torn out of Trey's grip unless he wanted to be sent flying too and would crash behind Elinore as well. Elinore rolled back to put herself of her feet again, putting her beside her axe and between Trey and his weapon. She smiled and stood up, picking her axe up again. She swung it down over Trey, who could probably dodge, but not in any direction that would bring him closer to his lamppost.
Trey smiled and in a display dexterity and speed, did the most random thing, he slipped of his coat and threw it at her face. The he proceeded to wrap it around her head and arm, making her weapon and head collide. Trey then walked towards his weapon with no worry "Try getting out of that." He said, "I used a complex knot on it so it might take a while" He picked up his lamppost and put it upright while he balanced on it.
Elinore stopped for a moment. Did he just...jacket? What? Smart. Elinore stoop up straight and started to wriggle around to get out of her jacket-prison, turning her back to face Try completely. At least he kept talking. Now she knew exactly where he was. She fired the trigger on her axe again, sending another high speed round at him. She didn't care how nimble he was. He wasn't escaping that one. It would hit him...somewhere, she couldn't aim blind well enough to tell where. But it would hit him.She stumbled forward a bit from the recoil which she usually used to her advantage, but she couldn't really move her arms right now. "jacckkkeeettt!!" she shouted as she continued to try and get it off, like a dog with a towel over their head.
He fell as she hit his lamppost and struggled a bit before continuing.He chuckled as he watched her struggle. He was now doing handstands while balancing on his weapon. "Ohh...This is so going on the 'Never Forget' part of my brain...wait...its there."
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Elinore sighed and sat down. She wriggled around more to try and get the jacket off, but obviously it wasn't working. She turned her axe and fired it again. This time the round flew off in some random direction, but the axe slammed down into the ground. Elinore leaned back a bit, but tried her best to stay upright. The jacket wrapped around her arm couldn't take the force and ripped at the seam. "Finally!" she gasped as she took the ripped jacket off her head. She stood up and kicked open a compartment in her axe, revealing the chamber in the axe. She reloaded it, mid battle. She kept an eye out for Trey. If he wouldn't grant her the reload time, she'd make a move to physically attack him. Without holding her axe, Elinore's speed increased tenfold.
Trey stepped down from the lamppost and started wielding it again. With a small smile he slammed it into the ground and started spinning, kicking up dirt and starting an impromptu dirtstorm, no one would be able to see clearly through all the dirt. He then took a lighter as he set his weapon down again and lit it.

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