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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Markus was sitting on his bed, cross legged. He was meditating. What william said did make some sense. He needed to connect himself together to make him a better fighter. He was sitting in front of a candle. He focused on the candle. It flickered every now and then.

After a while a faunus rushed in. "Sir, We are nearing the rendezvous." "Good now get out!" He was focusing on the candle. It was an old technique, but a very good one. Markus knew that it would take a long time for him to master this, but he needed to work on his mind and soul. He played mind games, to sharpen his mind. But that was still going to take time, which he did not have.

He focused on the flame, and poof, it went out. He must have focused to hard on the candle. He pulled out the messaging device and messaged Elinore.






I just wanted to say thank you for saving my butt. I just wanted to say that I will be at the dance, and I would just love to have a dance with you. But you won't know its me.

He sent it. He then walked over to the weapons table and began to build a new weapon. This one is going to be a stronger weapon then before. Something that would bring out his.... Explosive side.
Benjamin had mad his way back to the academy but decided to stick to the rooftops to avoid the Tiger Faunus discovering that his collar was gone. "Ayaan, feel free to roam, just don't get caught in classrooms and such." He tells her as he tosses the keys into the car and heads for his spire.
"Um, i'm a student. I know my way around. Goodnight." Ayaan said, giving a little wave and walking away.

She didn't really know what to feel about the days events. First getting knocked down and then carried by strangers, then getting fixed by said people, then suddenly more people, then sleep, then Torchwick, then car chase, and now nothing. The quiet of Beacon was almost deafening.

Sighing, Ayaan headed towards her room.
Elinore checked her scroll when the message tone went off again. Man she was betting a lot of messages lately. "Uuuhhhhhggg..." she sighed when she read the message, "you have lunch in front of a guy when he's hanging from a statue once to mock him and he never leaves you alone." she mumbled crossly after deleting the message from 'Cardin'. "Next time you see Cardin, do me a favor and punch him." she sighed before standing up. "Alright. Let's get heading back to Beacon, I don't wanna be here too long"
"Roger that my lady." William said with a salute. He then puts the mask back on before standing up to follow Elinore out of the room. "Ever thought of living in this house again?" He asked Elinore as they walked back to the entrance.

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Elinore stopped and stared at the bloody mess when William asked her about living there, "Every day." she said quietly. She was glad she could finally step into the house again, but living there....it was too soon for that. "But Beacon makes a good home for now." she said before walking out the front door again.
William sighs as he closes the front door slowly, covering it with the board outside. "Well we got a long walk ahead of us." He said as he grabbed Elinore's hand and started walking toward Beacon through the woods.

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Elinore smiled and rested her head against William's shoulder, "at least we finally get some alone time" she said softly, "so what was in that case you got from the biggest bady to ever walk this world" she chuckled
"Get in there, you fool!" Aires was casted into a cell. The police that were following Will caught her instead. "Aiding a criminal." She heard a familiar voice. It can't be, she thought. It was. "Now gentleman, go ahead and leave us be." The man said with a wicked smile on his face. She looked up through her hair and saw his face. There was no escape and there was no way of contacting her friends or even Loki.

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"Just the right alloys and tech I need for Archdeath 2.0." William laughed as he pats the suitcase that he was holding the entire time. "But if you think Roman is the biggest baddy in the Remnant, then wait until you meet Cinder Fall. She makes Roman look like a wet tissue compared to her." He then starts talking about people from the Underworld to Elinore, discussing who's worse and what they do for a living to her in the entire walk. This stops as the couple approaches the school's back gate, which was now sealed with guards patrolling the area. Seems like curfew is in effect right now...
Elinore listened in interest. She'd always been interested in the people roaming about the Underworld. Granted there wasn't a single one on the list she had any interest in dealing with. But this was still good information to know. Maybe she'd keep an eye out for the people William listed, keep updated on the things they did, the places they robbed, that sort of thing. "So if you know so much about them, why'd you decide to go to Beacon?" she asked as they neared the gates. She looked at the locked fence and smiled, leading William away from the gate "C'mon, I've got a bypass system" she said silently as she led him towards the back of the school.
"Because Master made me come here after he created opened up the Grimm Reaper last year." William replied as he silently followed Elinore. "Even though I hated being here for the first few weeks, I'm kind of thankful to that old bastard for sending me here." He then pulls Elinore into a nearby bush as a guard nearby nearly spots them. The guard goes away and the couple continues on their path more cautiously now.
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"What about once you've finished?" Elinore asked quietly with a smirk, "are you gunna go back to the underworld?" she cooed before stopping at the base of a tree that grew over the fence and next to the fourth year student's quarters. She hopped up and started climbing after a brief check to make sure the area was clear.
"Nope. I came here to be a Hunter and it's a more honest living." William said as he starts climbing the tree after Elinore went. "But I was never part of the Underworld. As a mercenary, I can be hired by anyone at any time for a good price." He said as he looks up from his position to see if Elinore needed more time to climb up the tree. "So I also know people from different governments and business corporations too."
"Really?" Elinore asked as she scooted onto a branch that led up to the window, "Now...just be chill with these guys alright? They can be kinda...dumb from time to time. But they're friends of a friend...a really good friend....so just, go with it. It's a miracle they're still okay with me" she said before scopping the area again. She climbed out to the edge of the branch and knocked on the window a few times. It slid open and a student waved her in. She motioned for William to follow and crawled in through the window. "Heeyyy, if it aint Rolland's girl" one of the upperclassmen said as he tossed her a soda can, "out past curfew again?" he laughed. "You bet, you know I don't like keepin watch on time." Elinore replied as she cracked open the can. "Hey, she's got a friend." a second one said as William came in. "Oooo, out past curfew with a boy?" a third one teased. They'd entered a upperclass team's room. Three of the four men were present at the moment. "What would Rolland say?" the first one asked with a smug grin. "He'd say 'babydoll, you're breakin my heart girl, bein out with another man. Let me go punch Finnik in the face." Elinore sneered back, "thanks for letting us in man" she cooed as the two exchanged a complex little handshake.
William stays silent as Elinore was talking with her strange friends, confused with the entire situation. What does Elinore do outside of Beacon after curfew? Who the dust were these students and their friend Rolland? Why was everyone so chill with each other? But most importantly, who dust was Rolland?! "Elinore, it's time for us to go. Wouldn't want anyone to misunderstand the situation if they saw us here." He said coldly after grabbing Elinore's free hand and walks toward the doorway to leave the room.

A.D followed Aires as she was taken to the police station after the cops caught the faunus. Through a open window, the A.I watches a strange person talking to Aires in her cell. "Seems like I'll need some assistance..." He said to himself as he begins sending a S.O.S message to anyone on his contact list. But specifically to a certain faunus's missing boyfriend...
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"Bye bye chika," one of them called after the two as they were leaving before turning to the rest of the group, "yo, where's the pizza?" he asked as Elinore closed the door. She shook her head with a smile and looked back at William, "alright, I got us this far. Any idea how we're gunna get back to our rooms?" she asked him
"I got that covered." William replied as he looks around the hallway before getting his scroll out. "E.L, can you cause a blackout at the student dorms right now?" After a minute of waiting in the lit hallway, all the electricity in all of the dorms suddenly turn off and leaves everyone in complete darkness. "Okay Elinore, you ready to leave and split up?" He asked Elinore through the darkness.
Ferlick had just arrived at Beacon and was already nervous when the lights went out. His day had already been horrible and now it was just getting worse. It all started when he arrived at Beacon with another group of new students. Not only was he uncomfortable on the way up, but he became aware of the fact that he would have to work in a team. Upon hearing this news he kindly asked if he could change his mind about going to Beacon, which only lead to the others laughing at him. Upon arriving he found the place was already crowded and could already feel the others bullying him and getting ready to beat him. He was excited when he was placed in his dorm and told he would have it all to himself but the words spoken after he was already settled just made him shiver. Your dorm has been positioned to allow for you to wake up ready to greet the people around you. Why on earth would he want that, he hated people so why would he want to say good morning to anybody!? His perfectly horrid mood only got worse when the power went out as he was trying to unpack his small bag. "For the love of all things holy!" He barely stopped himself from shouting a string of profanities at that moment and quickly sighed finding his way to the bed in his dorm and laying down. "I guess I just wait it out now..."
"Almost," Elinore cooed before giving William a quick kiss. "See ya~" she said before dashing back to her dorm. She ran by someone shouting something about all things wholly. Maybe he wasn't a fan of the dark. Sorry bro~ she chuckled in her head before making it back to her room. She sat down on her bed and sighed happily. It was good to be back. Today was just exhausting. She flopped down on her bed, tossing her dress down on the floor and promptly fell asleep.
William sneaks his way back to his room and deactivates all of hidden traps in there. He then takes off his mask before laying down on his bed tired. Good thing the school didn't give his room away to anyone during his long absence. Otherwise he would need to bunk with other students, since his old batch left due to his traps. The lights suddenly turns back on and William was snoring on his bed when it happened.

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Ferlick noticed the lights come back on and let out a sigh. He immediately returned to unpacking his stuff into the room, consisting only of two changes of clothing, the necessary toiletries some dust and his sword. He didn't care much for putting them away neatly he just shoved everything into the drawers he had and sat down on his bed with a sigh. "I was hoping I could just go through Beacon solo like I used to, I can't stand the idea of working on a team..."
"Hello Sweetheart." Aires hears the man say. "I see you've been a very bad girl." Aires looks away gritting her teeth. The man slowly walks into the cell and grabs her chin. "So what's my little princess been up to? Running around with morons I see." She pulls away and spits in his face, "You useless brat. Do not disgrace your father that way. After all, " He continued wiping his face and running it on hers, "your fate is in my hands." He leaves and has some men strap her wings to the wall. Taking her boots away the men chain up her hands and legs as well. "Honestly, it should have been you that went blind and not Kaze. Disgusting girl." The Admiral said tuning to look at the Chief of Police, walking away from her. "Make sure she doesn't get away. Oh and if she gets restless, do whatever you'd like. After all, she is-" He turned to face her with a wicked bloody smile, "daddy's little girl." Slowly he walked away and took a phone call, "Hello, Torchwick, yes, thank you for your help in handing my little girl to me, oh yes I-" He turned the corner and she hung her head, thinking of a way to escape her father's grasp. Trying to contact Luna through her feather, "Luna, can you hear me?" There was static as she fell asleep to the hum.

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The first morning was the hardest part for Ferlick. When he woke up he couldn't remember falling asleep and it was the bustling sound of people moving and talking that got him up. He let out a long sighed and stood up from his bed going to brush his teeth and change into a fresh pair of clothes while praying he would be able to avoid social interactions. In the end he simply grabbed his sword and strapped it to his thigh along with a medium sized vial of fire dust which he put in his coat pocket. It took some bravery but he finally opened his door and stepped out immediately grimacing at the number of people. "Oh no...no no I did not want this I thought only the elite came here, I was expecting maybe 500 people this is way too many!"
Elinore crawled out of bed with a yawn, throwing on her jacket and walked down to the dinning hall for breakfast. She slumped onto one of the chairs and laid her head down on the table. She was most definitely not a morning person. She couldn't even bring herself to go get her morning cup of coffee without someone pushing her to do it. On the plus side, the tables made a nice pillow.

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