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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"In the living room. Here." Ayaan hands the pen to the Faunus. "Who are you? I don't think i got your name?"
Elinore joined them in the living room and sat down, glad to have the ink smudges off her face, even if she asked them to be put there. Seemed the 'wolf drew them in her sleep' trick didn't seem to catch on. Oh well. It was a nice try. "I think we're all set to go," she said with a nod, "do you two have anything else you'd like to do before we get started on our next adventure?" she asked the two faunus
Benjamin took it with a thanks. "I'm Benjamin. You are?" He asks hopping to his feet. "Nope." He says as he heads toward the bathroom. "What the hell? He says trying to wipe his face. He knew there were ways to get it off, but this was more fun.

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"Ayaan." She said to Benjamin. "And no, i'm good." She turned to Elinore. "Where are we going? Sorry, i'm still kind of out of it... You know, wound and all." She smirked.
"We're going to the docks so William can go...do....stuff" Elinore said with a nod. She wasn't one hundred percent sure what this was all about either. But she did know that it probably had something to do with remaking his suit. This was gunna be an interesting trip, "so we all seem to be set. Lead the way William" she cooed
William leads the small group out of the building and into the streets as night begins it reign over the sky. He continues leading them to the docks where they pass by locked warehouses and cargo containers while sticking to the darkness the entire time. The masked teen stops the group when they approached an empty space in docks. "A.D, I want you to be my eyes in the air and warn me if there's trouble coming toward us." He told the metal hawk before it flew off into the sky to do its job. "Now I want the three of you to stay in the darkness as I do business with my friend. So please don't do something stupid." He hands Elinore one of the suitcases and tells her to hold it for him before leaving the darkness to stand in the center of the empty space waiting for his friend. A Bullhead then flies into the area and lands right next to William's position. The airship's door opens as a man with a black hat, white suit, orange hair, a fancy cane, and a suitcase walks out of it with several armed gangsters surrounding him. The two then shake hands as they begin talking about the payment for their deal.
Aires flies by the group and sees that there is something going on. She flies closer to the group not knowing it was William and Luna. What's going on, she thinks. She hovers almost disappearing into the darkness because of her clothing but get wings could be seen a little.

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Ayaan tenses, recognizing the man. "Isn't that-" She stops herself, saying nothing. Why is this guy dealing with Roman Torchwick of all people? Oh man... It's probably best not to say anything, at least right now... She thought.
"Hehe....no way," Elinore said with an entertained smile from the shadows as she hugged the suitcase William handed her. It was Torchwick. As in THE Torchwick. Downright celebrity with the White Fang. During the month after her coma when the two actually talked like civil humans, Tavril used to complain about the guy all the time. Not to mention he was the villain of the year. And William referred to him as a friend. Awesome.
William and Torchwick exchanged suitcases with each other after talking about the criminal's recent dust operations, shaking each other's hands once more. William sticks the middle finger at the airship as it flew away from the docks with Torchwick and his goons. He then heads toward his friends in the darkness. "Okay, we can head home no-" Before he could finish what he was saying though, a squad of cop cars suddenly drive into the docks with sirens blaring as they surrounded William in a circle. The cops then exit their vehicles and point their guns at the masked teen. "Put your hands on your head and surrender! If you don't, we'll open fire on you!" One of the cops warned as several of his comrades approach their suspect, who was now raising his hands up in defeat. Several grenades then fall out of William's jacket before smoke suddenly surrounded the whole area and the cops start opening fire at the smoke cloud in confusion.
Benjamin considered attacking Torchwick and William due to the latter's highly public affiliation with crime organiztions, including the White Fang. But as he came to his conclusion the airship took off and the cops arrived. "Dust. I am not going back to jail." he mutters as he peeks out into the clearing of smoke. The officers had no idea where Will had escaped to and had all their fire concentrated where he was. "That's a relief..." the faunus states with a hint of sarcasm. He almost wished his new acquaintance was caught with his friend.
Huh? Aires sees Torchwick. She smirks thinking about the old days and then she hears cops. Grenades go off and she worries for her friends. "Guys!" She shouts. She zooms closer and fires at the cops. Wait, cops are supposed to be the good guys. Does this mean that Will is the bad guy? No way! She thought as she kept shooting at the cops with her boots.
"Aires! Get outa here! Don't shoot cops!" Elinore yelled up at the faunus who had for some reason decided it was a good idea to start shooting at people with bigger guns than hers. Elinore's little outburst had gained the attention of the cops who were now split between focusing their fire on where William used to be, the bird lady, and the crazy lady in the shadows holding a suspicious case. "H-hey. I got this thing!" Elinore warned them as she backed up into a wall, holding out the suitcase, "if you fire...it could explode and kill us all!" she warned them. William...there better not be anything illegal in this... she thought crossly.
Aires heard Luna and smirked. They can't hurt me up here, Luna. She focuses on the thing that Luna has in her arms. What is that? She reloaded and quickly shot at another cop. "I wouldn't go towards her if I were you unless you like a good electrocution. Never did like cops anyway." She sneered, "Luna! What is that thing?" She said flying closer to her still warming up her boots. Good thing she didn't use her wings on the humans.
Benjamin remained hidden for the time being. "This could be bad." he groans. "You got any weapons Ayaan?" he asked, glaring at Elinore. She just had to get the cops' attention while holding a briefcase full of something probably illegal. And then she went and said it was a bomb. He had already dealt with one of those today. Why hadn't AD noticed the fleet of police vehicles from the air...
"KAW KAW B****!" A.D yelled as he shot down several baby Nevermores out of the sky. No one can rule the sky except for the A.I himself, since he was a badass robot hawk! He then notices the chaos below him as the cops and teens were fighting each other. Oops... he didn't do his job right. Well time to make a grand entrance now. "YAYAYAYAYA! FEAR ME COPS! I AM YOUR WORS- OH DUST!" As A.D was flying toward the cops with his gun blazing, it ran out of bullets. Seems like its time for a tactical retreat. The hawk then flies over to where Benjamin and Ayaan were hiding and watches the chaotic scene in front of him ensue.

William was moving around in the smoke as he silently took out several cops with his new suitcase. He then sees Elinore holding his other suitcase in front of the trigger-happy cops. Uh-oh. Not good. "Beep Beep! Out of the way fools!" He yells out as he steals one of the cop cars and ran over several cops to get to Elinore quickly, swerving the car to the side so the bullets wouldn't hit the other suitcase. He pulls Elinore into the car before driving toward his other friends, pulling them in too. "This is going to be a bumby ride!" The car then drives away from the docks at top speed as the cops start chasing their car now. "Hey, wanna help get the cops away from us by shooting at them? I would greatly appreciate that." He asked his comrades as he pulls out a pistol and starts shooting the cops out of his window while driving.
"Yep, and I'm willing to use it." Ayaan said.

Damn. She knew something had would happen the minute she saw Torchwick... That jerk, shady deals, stealing, all manner of criminal things. Ayaan slowly pulled her sword out, preparing for the seemingly imminent fight ahead.

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Hmm, i don't like this, but whatever. Aires thinks as she dive bombs the cops and spreads her wings apart activating her weapon. She slices throguh three cop cars and then she releases her feather blades blocking off the cops abilities of reaching Will. She yells, "Drive Will! I've got the cops here! But whatever you do stay safe!" She said watching her friends disappear.
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Benjamin grabs the gun from Will and shoots out the back window. "Focus on driving." he says as he aims for the tires of the pursuing cars. "What the f*ck was that?!" he questions the driver.
"I know I just met all if you, but I'd like to know what's going on as well." Ayaan said, crossing her arms.

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"Well you see, I'm a merc and usually us mercenaries love to buy things from the black market for its low prices." William replied as he turns the car into another street as the cops were catching up to them. "We also take jobs from people in the government to those who are part of the Underworld crime organizations. During one of my jobs, I met Roman and we kinda became friends after I got him out of a messy situation." The driver then takes a hidden assault rifle out of his jacket and gives it to Ayaan. "Look to sum it all up, Roman gets me things I want for a good price and we have a dusting mutual relationship! So start shooting at the cops if you want to live!" He then makes another turn as he heads to the downtown area of the city.
Ayaan stared at the gun with displeasure. "This is why I have a bow sword. I hate guns..." She muttered to herself, but aimed out a window at the cars in pursuit.

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Benjamin continues to fire until the pistol is out of ammo. "You have a mutual relationship with a man who has high ties to an organization that you ran a raid on and sunk a freighter full of cargo?" he questions as he loads one of his blades with a vial of ice dust.
Elinore sat dazed in her seat. She was never good at dealing with these kinds of things. She sat there for a moment, confused. Alright... whisked away into a car and now they were running from the cops. Okay...she could handle that. After a moment to get used to her surroundings Elinore put the case down and leaned forward to get her axe off her back, "Alright kiddies, you're gunna wanna keep inside the car for this one. Will, firm hands on the steering wheel" she said before leaning the blade out the window and firing off an explosive round behind them. The recoil was enough to jerk the car out of its path if William didn't keep a firm grip.
Aires disappeared. Falling into the dusting group of cops. "Hey ya'll." She began. "No hard feelings?" She smirked. As the cops that weren't chasing Will and the others pounced on her. "Well alright then. Let's fight." She licked her teeth and rammed into them.

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