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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Benjamin glances at the awakened Elinore. "No. Your boyfriend is worse for wear though." He says, pointing to Will. "I think I did a decent job." He jokes and gets ready to run if needed.
Elinore stood up and looked over at Will. She put her hand over her mouth to try and stop herself from dieing of laughter. "Great job, really great job" she whispered approvingly. She looked at Ayaan for a moment, debating if they should strike another victim. She wasn't sure how heavy of a sleeper she was...or if she had a temper like her own...nah, too many unknown factors. "Wait...I just had the most beautiful idea, Ben, c'mere, and give me the pen" she whispered quickly
Benjamin tossed Elinore the pen in a heartbeat. "Well, let's see how you do..." He saysgoing back to tinkering with his weapons.
Elinore uncapped the pen and walked over to Benjamin, with the hand not holding the pen she tilted his head up and smiled, "Just trust me for a moment," she said softly as she uncapped the pen and started to draw on his face, "I'm not going to do anything ridiculous like you did to poor Will...just...funny" she said with a soft smile as she drew on a monocle and a fancy curled mustache. "Indubitably." she said with a nod once she finished, "now make me a cat" she said as she handed the pen back to Benjamin.
Benjamin gave her a confused a look as she drew on him. When she requested to be drawn on as a cat he didn't argue. After a few minutes she had a cat nose and whiskers. "Hm... We got anything to use as ears?" He asked. It didn't look right without the completed look.
"Maybe I'll find some later, but we can't use them now for the to work." she said as she took the pen back, "now when she wakes up, pretend to be asleep" she whispered before creeping over to Ayaan. She gently tucked the pen in the wolf girl's hand and crept back into the kitchen. She grinned and sat down, "oh my, it looks like Ayaan has an issue with sleep drawing. We should definitely get that checked out" she silently joked with a shake of her head
Benjamin obeys the command, laying down on the rug and pretends to sleep. He even snored a little but he had to focus to not fall asleep. It had been a while since he had slept on anything remotely soft other than his clothes.
Ayaan groaned, slowly coming back to wakefulness. She noticed the pen in her hand and frowned. "Why do i have a pen...?"

She looked around the room and spotted another faunus, sleeping on a rug on the floor. Ayaan looked from the pen in her hand to the faunus, an expression of extreme confusion on her face.
Torture... Pain... Suffering... Regret... Giant A.D pecking me to death... wait. Pecking?

Peck... Peck... "KAW KAW M***********!" A.D yelled out as he tried to wake William up from his sleep. The hawk then flies away to kitchen to get away from whatever drama might occur soon.

"WHAT THE DUST?!" William screamed as he wakes up from his strange dream and nearly drops the empty cup in his hand. He checks his surroundings to see that he was still in the living room. Benjamin was sleeping on the ground as Ayaan was awake with a confused expression in her face. "Umm... is something wrong Ayaan?" He asked before spotting a pen in her hand. "Why do you have a pen in your hand?"
Ayaan looked up from the pen, only to cover her mouth to stop from laughing. "What's all over your face?"

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Elinore walked into the room with a yawn and a stretch "Good morning guys" she cooed happily, pretending to have just gotten up from a nap herself. She looked around the room and smirked "William...you got a little..." she snerked as she pointed at her face. This was too hilarious

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"What are you girls laughing about?" William asked as he starts looking around for a mirror in the room. "What's wrong with my fa-... really? Who did this?" He asked after finding a reflection of himself on a small mirror he found. He then heads to the bathroom to wash the ink off his face, which doesn't seem to work at all.
Ayaan had started laughing, but quickly stopped, wincing at the pain in her side.

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Elinore patted the wolf girl's head, "try and take it easy darling" she said with a smile before following William into the bathroom. She leaned against the doorway and snickered, "that's...that's quite a....issue you have there" she laughed. She looked in the mirror and laughed again, Benjamin was quite the artists. But he was right about not looking right without the cat ears. She twitched her drawn on whiskers and laughed again.
William kept rubbing soap and water over his face as he attempts to get the ink off of his face. This clearly doesn't work since the ink was waterproof, which made things only more frustrating for the teen. "I can't go meet him like this. That bastard would just laugh at me once he see my face." He mumbled to himself before noticing Elinore at the doorway. "Yes, this is quite a issue I have here." He then notices something different about Elinore's face and moves his head closer to her. "Are those whiskers?"
"Yes, I'm a cat, meow" Elinore said as she raised her hand and flicked it like a cat paw. She kissed him on the nose and laughed, "alright, time to get this mess cleaned up"
"Yeah, but... did you hurt your head earlier?" William asked as he notices a strange bruise forming on Elinore's forehead. "Did someone hit you when I was asleep?" He then peeks his head out the bathroom door to look at Benjamin and Ayaan, suspicious on whether one of them hurt Elinore during his long nap. Because if they did... they're going to get tortured soon. Very slowly.
Elinore raised her hand to her forehead and raised an eyebrow, "What are you...oh...OH YEAH!" she said with a clap of her hands, "I had to go take care of....things at Beacon and on my way back I met up with Aries. Then I was knocked unconscious and I woke up tied up in some kind of closet or something. but you don't need to worry, I already set him on fire" she said with a nod
William looks back at Elinore with a cold look in his eyes. "Oh... well good thing you're okay now." He then grabs Elinore's hand and brings her to the kitchen with him. He fills a small plastic bag with some leftover ice from the recent bomb and puts it on Elinore's forehead lightly. "So where were you knocked out?" He asked with a strange smile.
"At some dress store" Elinore mumbled. It just further proved her belief to never trust dress stores. She wasn't sure when or why that superstition was made, but it was. And that's why she was going to use her mother's dress...which mean...she would have to...go home. "Don't worry about it William" she said as she looked him dead in the eyes, "there's no need to go hunt him down and hang him or something."
Aires frowns as she watches Loki head to the cafeteria. She sighs and then heads back to her room. "Luna had her semblance, not to mention am awesome weapon, Loki had his strength and bionic arm, heh and William has his mind that can think of anything plus he's a merc so what do I have that's special?" She looked at the shattered mirror. "I guess I can fly and shot out of my boots, given to me by Alex using Will's Armor. . .And I b have Loki's weapon which I barely use . . . Gah, I'm nothing special." She said falling over in her bed. "Who's team am I going to be on? When is the dance going to get over with? When will I see all my friends again?" She decided to fly away to clear her mind. Far Away.

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"Okay. Never said I was." William said innocently as he raised his free hand as a sign of defeat. He then hands Elinore the bag of ice before heading into the armory to get changed into something more... fitting for himself. "Guys, we're heading out to the docks once everyone is ready to leave. But if you need to stop by somewhere along the way, then tell us. We got time." He then closes the door and starts getting ready for the meeting with his friend.
Elinore stood up and rummaged through the shelves of the kitchen. She'd gotten quite a good idea about where everything was when she was making tea. She took out a bottle of oil and walked back to the bathroom. The took a dab of oil and rubbed it against her face to get the ink off. boy was it good to be a girl and to understand how to get waterproof things off her face. She rubbed her cheek extra hard to get the feeling of Markus's kiss off her. Why it no wooorrrrkkkkk....bastard.
William was holding two briefcases when he walks out of the armory with new clothes on him. He heads into the living room where most of his friends were. "So does anyone need to go somewhere before we head to the docks?" He asked through a metal skull-shaped mask on his face.
Benjamin 'woke up' having heard the entire ordeal. "Hey, my grease pen." He states, looking at the wolf Faunus. "Where are the others?" He asks, not realizing they hadn't left.

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