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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Benjamin was thinking about how he would improve his weapons to penetrate metals and materials denser than concrete. Someplace in the city had to have the necessary materials, the question was if he would so it legally or not. "What to do..." He mused.
"Thinking about weapons?" Elinore finally asked with a grin. How'd she know? Simple. Who didn't constantly think about weapons? Probably a normal person. But shhh, she didn't know that
Taking Loki's hand she heads back to school. "Hey have you seen Will or Luna at all?" I feel like I haven't seen them in ages. She slowly let's go of his hand and walks away from him. She smiles and looks at him. "I'm going to go into town. I'll catch you later?" She turns away and frowns. I wonder if I can find a dress or at least something nice to wear. She goes into a couple of stores and sees a lot of pretty things out of her price range. She enters a shop and then sees her reflection in a mirror. "What?" She noticed her eyes finally. "Oh no." Her eyes did change from ice blue to ice blue and neon violet. Why? When did this happen? She suddenly remembered the mission and how she almost died. "Excuse me? If you're not going to buy something then please leave." Said the woman. Aires apologized, and quickly left wondering aimlessly.
Benjamin looked up to a grinning Elinore. "Yeah. Need to upgrade these a little. Whatever bastard used them while I was imprisoned treated them worse than pixie dust." He said, popping the blade out a little. "Need to be able to penetrate metal again."
Loki sent Aires a message telling her to meet him at this expensive dress store downtown. He heads towards it and waits outside the store for her to arrive. He whistles slightly and smiles thinking of her.
Huh? She looks at her scroll, "it's Loki." Meet him downtown well alright. She didn't have anything else to do. "Where is he?" Aires suddenly spots a gorgeous gown. Wow! She doesn't notice Loki smiling at her. It was as when they first met with the strawberry.

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"Go pick a dress. I apologize about not being around today and for spacing out. I am busy with work and stuff." He hands her some money, which equals a lot. "Any dress, this should cover for it and the cost of my suit that should match your dress. And then you should have a decent chunk of money left over for whatever else you desire. I have to go back to doing the work i was earlier, but i figured you should know that i love you angel. Enjoy the shopping spree, surprise me when you are finished. Again i'm sorry i can't stay, but this is important." He kisses her gently before walking off.
She smiles lovingly at him. "Thank you Loki, I love you too." She kisses him back and watched him levee before entering the shop. "I wonder what kind of work he's doing." She enters and is greeted by do many beautiful suits and dresses.

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"Well that's no issue at all" Elinore said as she walked over to examine the blades, "You just gotta tighten some springs and gears, resharpen the blades, maybe pack some more power into the gun. We'll have it better than new in no time"
Markus only sneered at william. As soon as he left he sat down and looked out the window. "He talk about how you would need a sould to connect your mind and body... I do not need all the strength in the world, but I do have a soul. And a mind so fine that it would make someof the poeple here drop dead if they knew what I did." He looked back at the bars on the window cell. "Maybe I should show them something about me." He whispered to himself. "Oh cardin, buddy ole pal, we have not had a chance to talk in a long time.... Hows the arm treating you?"

He said with a crude smile. He knew that cardin still feared him. When cardin walked into the cell, Markus knew that he wanted revenge. "Bad Idea!" He said as he hung from the ceiling Knocking him back and forth.

After some time he knocked out cardin, and took the key to his collar. It was stupid, giving the guard a key to the prisoners collar. The first thing he did was take a deep breathe, it was extremely hard to breathe in those thing. Next he took the collar and put it on cardin and sat him down on the chair. He then took cardin's communicator, the one that he had stolen from him the day he was placed in the cell. " Lets cause some hell."

To: Eleanor.

Subject: Come quick!!


Come quick, Markus is trying to do something that could be harmful. He knocked out the other guard

and I can't take him all on my own. Please hurry!!!
Elinore was alerted when she received a message on her scroll. She took out the device and sighed, "Cardin....dust it....why are you such an idiot" she sighed before putting it away, "Sorry Benjamin, I gotta go. If William wakes up tell him I'll be back soon. Hopefully. If not, send backup." she said before running out the door.

After a hurried little trip back to Beacon, several severely scared bystanders, and a single kicked squirrel, Elinore arrived back at the academy. She rushed down to the dungeon, completely ignoring the guard who tried to stop her. She had the bigger weapon. Get out of jail free , pass go, collect $200. She ran down the stairs and looked around with her axe ready, "Alright Cardin. Where are you so I can bail your ass out" she shouted.
He smiled, The grin was so big it went from ear to ear. "Why my dear Eleanor, he is in here with me.... But I would be careful what you say. The wrong thing will separate his head from his body." He said as he put his hand on cardin's shoulder. "Dear, good friend cardin checked up on me and well..... Next time don't give the guard the key to my collar." He moved to the other side of cardin. "Now my dear, If you would be so kind as to let me go. I will let this pathetic excuse for a human go!" He said with a devilish grin.
"It's pronounced Elinore" Elinore mumbled as she lowered her axe, "and what makes you think I'd want to save Cardin? Do you forget that he's an ass?" she asked with a chuckle, "but don't forget, taking his head off with take your head off and my head off. Explosions aren't very nice to bystanders. But something tells me that's not why you called me down here."
"Smart.... Very smart girl. And the reason I called you down here was because the others, your team mates, wouldn't give two shits about this worthless thing. But you are something different, you care about people. That is the only reason why....." He said as he brought his face close to cardin's. "Plus I must say, your not that bad to look at. William, was it? He is a very lucky person to get to look at you." He said.
"I still don't see why I'm here" Elinore said as she crossed her arms, "You're collar free, Cardin's not going to cause you trouble with a bomb around his neck, you can escape if you want." she said with a shrug, "but something tells me you don't want to escape," the cooed, "but I can't think of any reason you'd want to stay. Now, care to tell me why I'm really here?"
He only smiled. "William is lucky to have someone as beautiful as you." He said. "Elinore your a very beautiful girl, and I would be so lucky to look on your face one last time." He looked into her eyes, deeply. "From the first time I talked you were some how able to prove me wrong." He moved to the door. "Your right I could get out right now, and I will but first I must do something." He leaned in for a quick kiss.

Only a quick peck on the check was all he was able to get before. He laid rubber down, and booked it towards the door and up the stairs. After he cloths lined the guard at the top of the stairs and ran for the cliff again and he jumped, but he landed on the top of a ship. That ship flew to the carrier, All Under Heaven. "Get out of here. I don't ever what to see this place again..... Not for a long time."
Benjamin nodded and waited, tinkering with his weapons. "Asshole White Fang..." He murmured and started increasing the tension in the springs and tightened the inner workings.
Elinore stood still for a moment. What? What just happened? Did he.... That was it. No one did anything of the such without her expressed consent! If she had a keyboard she would be mashing the buttons of it right now! Markus had made a fatal mistake. Several. He interrupted her date, which was something many many people did, so that was somewhat excusable. But now he'd gone and upset Elinore personally. And Elinore was not a good adversary to have. She literally crashed a plane into the last person she fought. "I'm gunna beat the dust out of him," she muttered as she walked back up from the dungeon. She knew she had no chances of catching him. This time. The next time, it was going to be brutal. "back to Vail I guess..." she muttered as she walked back to the airship. So much for a chipper day.
Aires landed in front of Luna. "Hey I sensed you are in trouble. Are you okay?" She asked her. She was but dirty bet eyes expressed her concerned. "Luna?"

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"Uh...." Elinore mumbled, "I feel....not okay" she said with a twitch of her eye, "I don't wish to speak of it." it had just happened and she was already done with it. Eww... "how are....you doing?"
Aires looked at Luna and gave a tender hug. She wasn't sure what happened but she wanted to be there for her friend. "It's gonna be okay. I'm okay. Heh" Aires lied smiling.

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"Your eyes are...being weird though" Elinore said as she took a step back. She really just...didn't want to be touched right now. In fact, the right provocation could send her into a blind fury again. It was probably just the shock of the matter that was keeping her in tact.
Aires looked away. "Oh really I haven't noticed haha" She frowned, "Let's go. "

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"Alright" Elinore said as she started to follow Aires, "go where?" she was glad she had someone to lead her around in her little shock daze. She was going to have all of the derp for some time. All of it.
Loki yawns loudly as he walks out of an herbalists shop. "Hmm thank you for ordering my things, i'll be back around in a few days to get it." He grabs an apple from his bag and decides to go for a walk around town.

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