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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore came back downstairs with a blanket to find the kitchen empty. Why could nothing ever be simple? She put the blanket down on the counter and sighed, walking down the hallways toward the low sound of zapping she'd come to associate with William's semblance. She wondered what could possibly have gone wrong now.
Benjamin nods in understanding and does as the psychopathic metal killer hawk said. He stayed just out of the line of the smg line of fire. "This could get interesting .
"One... two..." William starts opening the door without saying three, pushing the it open with his gun ready for a firefight. Who ever said saying three would always work out well when someone could just go on two instead?

"GREY, KICK THE DOOR NOW!" A.D exclaimed as the door was suddenly opening up from the inside.
Ayaan flicks her wrist and her sword springs Into a bow. She notches an arrow and aims at the door

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Elinore walked up to the scene and smiled, "Hey, it's AD" she said as she put her hands on her hips. What were they doing? It looked like some kinda standoff. "Hey AD, you know where any soup is in this place?" she asked the mechanical bird, completely ignoring the battle ready stance of everyone in the area.
"DIE SCUMBAGS! Wait... what?" A.D said as he realized that the intruders weren't criminals but his owner and friends. Oops, false alarm. "There isn't any soup but there is tea in the upper shelves of the kitchen. Why, is someone sick?" The A.I deactivates his gun and flies inside the building through the open door. He lands on the kitchen table and waits for the group to arrive.

William just stares at A.D and Benjamin as they walked inside the building, confused on why they were there. He puts away his pistol and closes the garage door as he follows the metal hawk into the kitchen. Ah-choo! Dust, he hates the cold now...
"I left a blanket for you in the counter" Elinore told William as she walked back to the kitchen. She opened the shelves in the kitchen and took out the packs of tea, "to be honest, I never expected Alex to have such good taste" she mumbled with an approving nod. "Do you have a kettle?" she asked as she rummaged around for mugs
Have my eyes really changed? She hasn't noticed her eyes in a while. She sees Loki staring off into space and she decides to bop him on the head. "Loki? Hello? Anybody home?" She sees his pack. "What were you doing?"
"Can I help with anything?" Ayaan asks Elinore, following her back to the kitchen.

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"Yeah, in the bottom shelf on your left." William relied as he takes the blanket and wraps it around him. He then sits down on the table with his head on its wooden surface. He looks up to stare at A.D and Benjamin. "What the dust are you two doing here?"

"Oh leave the guy alone Willy." A.D said as he pecked at William's head a few times to make him back off on interrogating them. "He's just on shore leave so don't you dare alert the Beacon or the police about this. If you do, I'll peck your eyes out." The bird then moves his beak toward William again, only to get sneezed on by him. Great, human snot is on his new bird body now. Just... eww.
"Yeah, go into there," she said with a gesture to the shelf on her left, "get the kettle and start boiling some water" she instructed Ayann as she grabbed as many mugs as she could carry and placed them on the counter, "AD, leave William alone. Not all of us are blessed with an impenetrable immune system." despite catching a cold herself a couple months back, Elinore was still convinced she couldn't get sick. Pride was a hard force to detour.
"Okay." Ayaan grabbed the kettle and filled it with water, placing it on the stove.

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William looks at Elinore with a smile on his face.

A.D tries to clean the snot off of his body by rubbing it against William's blanket to rub it off.
Elinore bend down over the table and laid her head down on the table across from William's, she smiled back at him, "Got any sugar?" she asked before standing up again. She picked up the mechanical bird and a cloth and began to wipe him off "Why don't you chill out on my shoulder for a bit. We'll be like pirates" she offered the bird
"Nope, I don't think so." William replied as he looks at A.D, who was now snot-free. "A.D, do we have any sugar in the kitchen?"

"Yeah we do. In the top shelf to your right Luna." A.D then flies up to perch on Elinore's shoulder, straightening his metal body up to look like a one of them parrots he sees in the movies a lot. "KAWKAW!" He yelled as he flaps his wings up and down in celebration of his new body. Who knew moving around could be so much fun?!
Ayaan leaned against the wall near the stove, waiting for the water to boil. "What's with the metal bird?" She asked Elinore.

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"Arg ye mate" Elinore laughed in response as she scratched under the makshift parrot's chin, "His name is AD. He's an artificial intelligence program we put in a mechanical bird body because...well because it's dustin awesome is why. He also makes quite a good friend, when he's not being an ass" she cooed teasingly as she grabbed the sugar. "Back at Beacon there's a counterpart cat named EL. Only she doesn't take kindly to make believe and refuses to be a detective cat"
"Yup, I am the most superior A.I you'll ever see in your entire life faunus! No one could beat my intelligence and awesomely good looks, now that I have a body!" A.D said as he starts trying to pose with his metal wings.
Ayaan laughed. She couldn't remember the last time she laughed. These people she had just met, and still barely knew we're so nice. They helped her, and had probably saved her life. Her thoughts are interrupted by a yawn. "I'm exhausted..." She said, mostly to herself.

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Elinore took the kettle off the fire just before it started to whistle. She hated that noise, and so did her mother. Before the incident, her mother had trained her well in the art of preventing kettle whistling. She started to pour the water into the cups, dropping little lumps of sugar into each. A little extra into one. "Here, take some tea and rest up. You can use William's bed if you'd like, or the couch down the hall" she said as she handed a cup to Ayaan. Elinore took the extra sugary cup for herself and slid another to William and Benjamin "Tea's ready. Drink up"
Ayaan thanked Elinore, and headed towards the couch. Quickly downing the tea and laying down on the couch. Despite her wanting to stay awake, her body betrayed her and promptly fell asleep.

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William stares at the tea cup for a moment before drinking it slowly with shivering hands. The warmth of the tea refreshed his body as if he was just healed from his cold instantly. Achoo! Never mind... still not cured yet. "Well she went to sleep quickly." He muttered as he watched Ayann fall asleep on the couch. "Elinore, we need to leave in a few hours since I need to pick up some stuff from a friend of mine at the docks. So wake me up when night falls across the city." He then stands up and walks toward the couch next to Ayaan's. A few hours of sleep won't hurt nobody now... Snore... He lays his head down on the furniture before instantly sleeping on it too, his blanket still around him and his cup empty now.
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Benjaminsat in silence, watching his surroundings. He didn't want to say anything or have to talk to them about why AD was only calling him Grey and how he didn't have a collar anymore.

(Sorry. Playing minecraft. Had a few heart attacks and ndes)
Elinore sat down and sighed, silently drinking her tea. Alright. So how many people was this, two? Three including the AI. Three people interrupted their date this time. Maybe she was just destined to never have a peaceful date. She might as well have just given up then. Not even worth trying anymore....okay....one more chance. She'd send Benjamin and Ayaan back to Beacon with AD. Then they could go back to just being the two of them. Maybe. Hopefully. Elinore sighed and rubbed her forehead, this was giving her a headache.

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