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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore watched the girl bleed nervously. Well...at least this time William hadn't done any internal damage or put her into a coma. But still, she was no medic! In fact, she was pretty sure that the spot she was shot in the shoulder a couple weeks ago was still only half treated! She grimaced and held her hands up, "I'm so sorry, uhh....we need to find you a medic or something and quickly because I'm pretty sure bleeding isn't good" she said quickly, looking around for any sign of medical help. She was usually calm and cool under stress, unless it involved healing. Then she was no use whatsoever. "William, you can put her down, I'm pretty sure women don't like being randomly picked up either...do you want me to carry her or...uh...something?" she asked quickly as she tapped William's shoulder.
"Negative on that Elinore. The wounded might cause the injury to open up more if she moves her body around too much. It's also the man's job to carry the woman when they're hurt." William said suddenly in a confident voice from nowhere. He then starts walking toward the Grimm Reaper with the girl still in his arms. "My home is nearby so I could probably mend your wounds there. But don't reject my offer since this is my way to apologize for the recent accident... whoever you are."

"Well this is the old part of the district." A.D said as he starts hovering over the spot he was on before. "Now put the bomb here so we can get this party started!"
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Benjamin does as told, putting it on a little slab of concrete. "You wanna do the honors?" He asks the hawk.
Ayaan grimaced. She didn't want some random people to help her, she hadn't needed or wanted help since she was a child. She also didn't like being picked up and carried by some guy, but she also realized it would be useless to refuse. "Thank you..." She said, her ears flicking with displeasure.

Despite her reasurances to the strangers, Ayaan was fighting to keep her face calm due to the pain. She remembered fighting the huge Ursa, the feeling of its claws in her skin. She didn't go to a doctor. She hated doctors. All white lights, white coats, white everything. She hadn't even gotten chance to get back to Beacon before smacking into some poor people.

And so she stayed in silence. Resigned to being carried to a strangers house.
William opens the door to the store with some spare keys he had on him, entering the dusty store with Ayaan still in his arms. He then heads toward his room and lays the wounded faunus there. "Okay, wait here as I get a medical kit out of the closet. It shouldn't take long if it's still in there." He then heads goes into his closet to search for the medical kit hidden in there.

"Dust yeah I do!" A.D said as he starts pecking the collar with his beak. The collar suddenly starts beeping while a red light flashes. "Okay! Follow me into that building nearby! We'll safety watch from in there!" The hawk then enters the nearby building through a window, landing on a old table as he counted down the amount of time the collar had left till detonation. This was going to be so awesome!
Elinore sat down on the foot of the bed and sighed. Now that there was some form of medical attention she could finally calm down. She looked at the faunus and smiled, "Once again I must apologize for all this. But we can't just have people running around dieing right?" she asked with a nervous laugh. She wasn't the best when it came to socialization either. "My name's Elinore and that's William. What were yo fighting that could hurt you thta badly?"
Benjamin ducks into the building, watching in interest at what the power of the explosive was. "This could be bad." He notes.
Ayaan smiled slightly, relaxing a bit. "My name's Ayaan. I was fighting an Ursa major. Bloody thing took me by surprise." She said, looking down at her wounded side.
"Oh stop being such a wuss you big baby." A.D said as he continues counting how long it'll take for the collar to explode. The A.I could just hack into it now and detonate the bomb in a heartbeat, but he wanted to see the explosion through his new eyes instead.
Benjamin shook his head. "Sorry I can't just transfer myself to a new unit if I am killed." He states and watches eagerly.
"Ursas" Elinore hissed, her hand forming a fist. She couldn't stand the thought of those things still living. Disgracing the world with their presence. "Did you kill it?" Elinore asked coldly. "Did you let it bleed to death? Suffer?" she inquired with a malicious grin.
William was still looking through the closet for the medical kit when he realized something was wrong. When he entered his room with Ayaan in his arms, he forgot to disarm the traps he set up in his room from the previous visit. But nothing exploded and he wasn't a Willicicle right now. Oh dust this wasn't good. "Hey girls I found it!" He interrupts the girls chat after discovering the medical kit was in the box where he left all his bombs last time. He then brings the kit to the bed before taking some bandages and needles out. "The operation shall now begin!" He then takes Ayaan's shirt off without thinking to examine the wound more closely.

A.D and Benjamin just stares at the collar with anticipation, both waiting for the collar to explode. Then out of nowhere... it stops beeping and turns off. "WHAT THE DUST! WHY YOU NO EXPLODE YOU STUPID HUNK OF SCRAP METAL!" The metal hawk flies over to the collar and starts pecking on it to turn it on again. That A.I was going to see a explosion when he wanted one and he have it delivered to him no matter what!
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Aires suddenly wakes up realizing she had dozed off. Something was licking her. "AHH! HAHAHA!" She noticed it was Ephemeral. "Hi there boy." She pet him, "I can't believe you've gotten this big." She sighs, something was off in her mind set. But she didn't really know what it was. Frowning, Ephemeral nudges her chin and she looks up him smiling, "I'm okay boy. At least I think I am."

"Let me see them." She heard a voice say from behind her. It was Kaze.

"See what? " She asked hiding behind Ephemeral a little.

"You're eyes, they've changed haven't they?" He says spitting blood onto the ground. Aires's eyes widen, "They what?" She sounded breathless and held onto a Ephemeral for support.

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"William stop!" Elinore shouted as she pushed him away from Ayann when he started to lift her shirt. "Bad William! Go sit outside!" she ordered as she pointed at the door. "I'm so sorry about that, I don't think he quite gets the idea of women and privacy" she mumbled. The last time she was here he walked on on her while she was getting ready to take a shower. He was definitely great at creating awkward moments. "Here, why don't you show me the wound and I'll treat it." she offered
Benjamin stands up with a look of disappointment. "AD, stand back." He says, loading the fire dust into a gauntlet.
Ayaan blushed slightly and looked away, lifting her shirt up to her midriff to reveal the wound. It was two parallel claw marks, each about a foot long, and maybe half an inch deep.
"Okay," Elinore said with a nod, "those are some scratches...alright..." she looked at the tub of medical supplies, "Hey William, you wanna come back in here?" she asked nervously. She had no clue what she was doing. At all. "Okay...it's gotta be disinfected first right? Um...you do that with htis stuff right?" she asked as she held up a bottle of medical alcohol.
William walked out of the room with his shoulders slumped in embarrassment. What the dust did he do wrong?! The guy was just doing what he always do in the battlefield. When a comrade got hurt, he had to take off their clothing in order to mend the wound before they bled to death. Did Elinore ever do first aid in battle before? Wait... did Elinore just call him back in? "No, you got to rinse the wound first with clean water before disinfection." He enters the room and exchanges the bottle with a wet towel in Elinore's hand. "Now try cleaning the wound with that but after you finish, put the medical alcohol on a new towel and repeat the same process again. I'll get the needle ready for stitching." He starts rummaging through the medical kit as he prepared for the small operation once more.

"CAW! I bet you can't hit it from in there Grey!" A.D taunted Benjamin as he starts flying back into the building. He then perches on the windowsill to see if the faunus could make the shot and make the collar explode.
Loki walks back into campus after a trip into town. He is carrying a very large sack of items on his back. He notices Eph's white head motioning him over and he walks to see Aires shaking in fear from Kaze. He sighs lightly and puts down his items and walks over next to Aires. "You are a fool."
Elinore nodded and took the towel he handed her and followed his instructions. She was glad he knew what he was doing, because she sure has hell didn't. "Don't you worry Ayann, William's great with this kind of stuff" she said as she gently began to clean out the wound
Ayaan winced and tensed her body, trying not to move. "Ow." She was starting to have second thoughts about letting these people help her, but she trusted them for some reason.
"Yup. I have first-hand experience with medical application during my years in the battlefield." William replied as he starts putting the stitches through the end of a needle. "Be careful Elinore. We don't want to cause the wound to get deeper." He lightly smacks Elinore on the head as punishment before going back to his task. "Now I have a question for you Ayaan." He turns his head to look at the injured faunus with emotionless eyes. "Are you afraid of needles or pain?"
Ayaan eyed the needle warily, her ears folding back. "I'm not particularly fond of them. They remind me of hospitals. But It's fine, and it needs to be done. And i can handle pain, no problem." If only you knew. She thought.

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