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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" A.D asked as he starts inspecting the collar. "But don't call Creator stupid! He's more intelligent then you, monkey brain!" The hawk then goes limp from nowhere, almost as if its soul just left it.

"Elinore, slow down! No need to rush!" William said as the couple entered the city. He then stops Elinore before they ran by a tuxedo store. "I need to ask something to the tailor in there, so wait here Elinore. I won't be gone for long." He then enters the store by himself, leaving Elinore alone outside by herself.

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Ben fires the blade a second after the body goes limp. "Your creator made an ignorant AI. He seems pretty dull to me." he said to the shell that his blade had maybe made a scratch, at best, in. Of course the bastard that attached an explosive device to him created an annoying ass bird to pair with it, he thinks as the chain retracted.
"I should just blow your head off right now you numbnuts." A.D calls out from the speakers of the metal collar around Benjamin's neck. "Right now I am in the position to activate this collar and let it explode with you still wearing it. But I can also free you from your prison too." The collar suddenly starts beeping as a red light starts flashing from it. "Now what did you call me and Creator again?"
"its a shame we never hang out mags. maybe some time we could go do something?" Micheal stows his pipe and shifts a bit to look at her.
Benjamin smirked. "Release me? How would your precious creator feel about that? I doubt he would be too happy that you let a convicted criminal go just like that." he says while making a little tsk motion. "And if you blow me up, you would be sacrificing your new body." he states, hovering above the empty shell. "Now, I am certain this explosive is powerful enough to damage this, however strong it is." He spoke with all the confidence of an action movie hero, not because he wasn't scared, but because either way the AI chose would not matter to him. The only person who had been kind to him since he had gotten to Beacon was Elinore, but it wasn't like she actually cared.

(No killing Will :P )
A.D remains quiet for a moment before he starts laughing hysterically through the collar. "Oh my gosh, I like you man! Your just too damn funny! HAHAHA!" The collar suddenly turns off and unlocks, falling off of Benjamin's neck without exploding. The hawk suddenly turns alive and starts pecking the faunus. "Now get the dust away from my body dude! The explosion won't destroy it but only damage some parts, which won't be easy to find due to them being unique!" What the A.I said was true since it came from the melted parts of Archdeath and finding the same materials would be hard to find. William only knew where to get it from but wouldn't tell the A.I even if he begged for it.
Benjamin hops away from the body that had found new life. "Thank you very much." he said, grabbing the collar. "You have any ways to dispose of this besides my way?" he asks, perching on the edge of the roof. "And my name is Grey." the monkey faunus states ready to jump.
"Yeah... I do. I know the perfect place to dispose the collar." A.D replied as he hovers over to Benjamin. "Head toward the air docks at the front of the school and board a airship. From there, we'll head to the city and go to the Industrial District. There's plenty of empty spaces to blow it up there without killing anyone nearby it." The metal hawk then flies away to the school's air docks, hoping that the faunus will follow him there. No one would know about the prisoner's disappearance after they get away from the school and the A.I really wanted to watch something to blow up.
Benjamin follows the hawk out of curiosity as it seemed to know where it was going. Time to put some of that dust to use, he thinks, reaching into his pocket and grabbing a few minuscule vials of dust. Looks like I only grabbed one fire. And a lot of ice, thoughts cross through his mind at alarming rates, one to the most frequent was why is he following the hawk that attempted to peck him to death.
A.D flies into one of the airships and waits for Benjamin in there. Time to get this party on the road. Or air. Whatever, the A.I wanted explosions and he will get it soon!
Benjamin follows the AI to an airship, boarding and wondering what the AI's plan was. Probably to go make fireworks of the collar.
Elinore waited outside of the tuxedo shop. She assumed his business was related to the school dance. She'd probably wear one of her mothers dresses. The lady sure did love dresses. She was always trying to get Elinore to dress up in the fancy Gothic gimmick. That was probably why everything she wore was black. And a skirt.


William was going to wear a tuxedo? Like...a full out tux? That'd be hot. What?! BRAIN, stop that! Stop thinking like that! Elinore shook her head to try and shake the thoughts away. Couldn't William hurry up? If she kept thinking about it there was no doubt she was going to say something really stupid.
William walks out of the store and grabs Elinore's hand. Before she could say anything, he pulls her away from the store as they started walking down the street in silence. He didn't want Elinore asking about the tuxedo yet since he wanted to surprise her when he wears it in the dance during the weekends. Though something was bothering the guy as he though about his preparation plan for the dance. Okay I convinced the professor to give me lessons on 'that', got the tuxedo ready for the dance, and have my hidden weapons prepared. But what did I forget to do? Hmm... William thought to himself as he unconsciously bumps into someone that passed by him.

The airship arrives at the city after flying in the air for a while. The bird flies out of the vehicle quickly as some of the crew chased the robotic bird off. "See you later suckers!" A.D yelled out as he lands on top of a bench nearby the air docks.
Elinore quickly brushed the stranger off, apologizing to him for the inconvenience. The random man stepped away from her and stated that it was no problem before rushing off. Elinore's little obsession with cleaning cloths usually scared people off. She was used to it by now. "Distracted again?" Elnore chuckled as she looped her arm through his, "you seem to get easily distracted" she laughed
"Yo, AD! Wait up!" Benjamin says, pulling a Spidermanesque move by flipping over the crew blocking the exit, shooting a blade into a building, and swinging towards the bench the hawk landed on. "Where to now?"
Aires sighs verifying herknees toher chest and places her head in her lap. " What am I going to wear? I have nothing cute to wear for the dance. And Loki I wonder if he's gonna dress up. Gah, Where's Loki? I miss him." She sighed even more feeling a pain in her head, "Agh, no pain go away." She said lying down on the ground.

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William didn't hear what Elinore said and didn't notice her arm around his, still deep in his thoughts. Maybe I have to get a haircut? No, I like my hair as it is. Buy Elinore a dress? No, she already has one. Wait... I KNOW IT NOW! He lifts his arms up to the sky in victory, not realizing that he flung Elinore's arm away from him. "Elinore! I forgot to ask you but will yo- " Before William could finish his sentence though, he trips on a rock and falls into a person in front of him on the sidewalk. They both fall down onto the ground with a loud THUD.

"Now to the Industrial District Grey!" A.D said as he flapped his wings up and down. "But we might need to ride a bus to get there quickly. So follow me to the nearest bus stop!" The hawk then flies off to head to the bus stop with haste, clearly excited to see how explosive the collar was.
Benjamin nods in understanding following the bird with a series of acrobatic stunts, aided by his weapons in getting around longer groups. Been a while since I've been free to do this, he notes.
"Ack!" Ayaan said as she fell, crushed beneath the weight of some falling guy. She flailed a bit. "Get off me before i cut something off!"
"OH MY GOSH! I'M SO SORRY!" William exclaimed as he gets off the girl he was on. "Are you okay?" He asked the stranger when he lifts her off the ground, carrying her in his arms. "Did I break something in your body?" 
A.D flies into the bus as it arrives at the bus stop. "Get into the bus! It's not going to stay here fo- HEY! STOP HITTING ME WITH THAT CANE DUDE!" He then flies out of the vehicle when the driver and passengers scared off the metal bird, each aiming to hit him with something. Well it seems they're going the old fashion way. "Time to use that body of yours Grey! Onward!" The bird then flies down the street to head to the Industrial District.
"No, i'm fine-" She winced in pain, her wolf ears twitching. Blood started to seep through her grey shirt.
The Faunus follows with a sigh. "AD, you could have waited." He states and begins to follow the AI through the streets of Vale. "Man, I have got to do this more often. I miss it." He notes aloud. "Hey AD, do you know where the industrial district is? Like this is the best way?" He asks, wondering if the rooftops would be better. It would avoid people even if they weren't skyscrapers.
William just stares at the blood for a moment in silence. Why the dust does he always hurt someone in the opposite sex?! Is this some sort of curse that he's suppose to live with for the rest of his life?! "That doesn't look fine to me. I'm sure that blood coming out of the body isn't normal unless it got cut or something else caused it." He then turns his head toward Elinore, his eyes pleading for some sort of help from her.

"Yeah man!" A.D said as he passed by the store known as the Grimm Reaper. "I got GPS in this body, so don't you worry Grey. I got this." He then turns at the corner of the street and enters a empty street with ruined buildings in it. Probably the right place if the GPS is correct. "I think we're here!" The bird then lands in the center of an empty field, waiting for Benjamin to arrive.
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Ayaan shakes her head. "This is from a fight. Not a big deal, i've had worse." She starts to look uncomfortable. "Uh... Any chance you could put me down?"
Benjamin follows the bird into the buildings. "This is the industrial area? Seems kinda dead..." He starts still grasping te collar.

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