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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Then I shall start stitching the wound." William quickly pierces Ayaan's wounded skin after Elinore finished cleaning it, making sure the needle goes through the skin correctly. He then starts stitching the wound as he moved his hand skillfully with the small needle. "So you don't like hospitals?" He asked as he was halfway finished with the operation.
"Yeah... They're all too blank." Ayaan winces as the needle goes through her skin, but continues. "White coats, white lights, pale walls and floors." Ayaan frowned, as if at an unwanted memory, but quickly brushed it off. "Anyway, how do you know so much about medical stuff?" She said, swiftly changing the subject.
"I was taught first aid when I was younger." William said as he was finally finished with the stitching. "My master wouldn't let me go into battle until I was 8 years old. So he had the other mercenaries teach me some passive skills on the sidelines during his missions without me." He then turns toward Elinore with a emotionless smile. "Elinore, can you start heating the wound with a small fire so the wound could close up more quickly? Then bandage her wounds carefully after you're finished with that." He then starts walking toward the door to head down to the kitchen to get some drinks for the group.
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Ayaan's eyes softened. "You were a slave?" The second thing William said registered. "Oh no, you are not putting fire anywhere near me, no way." She narrowed her eyes.
ELinore nodded and took a vile out of her jacket, "A mercenary dear, but if you ask me they're close enough." She said quietly as she opened the vile of red dust, "see, no fire, there's no need to worry" she said with a smile. She sprinkled a bit onto a towel and dabbed it gently on Ayann's wounds. Of course it was fire dust, she might as well have just held out an open flame. It would feel the same. She put the towel down again and picked up the bandages and began wrapping them around the faunus's torso "there we go, all done."
Ayaan nods. "Thank you... So what do you do? You a student at Beacon?" She figured she should at least try to be nice, considering these people patched her up. Though she wasn't really the social type, she could hold a conversation.
"That's right," Elinore said with a smile, "William's one too...are you a student?" she asked with a clap of her hands. Another student meant another weapon. Oh she wanted to see what this one had. Maybe a ranged weapon? There weren't a lot of ranged weapons it seemed. "What weapon do you have? Is it cool, I bet it's cool~" she cooed
Smirking at Elinore's excitement, Ayaan pulled out her weapon. "Yes, I'm a student as well, and this-" She holds up a very mechanical looking black and metal sword. "Is my weapon, Syrstair." Flicking her hand, the sword folded in on itself and turned into a bow. There were arrows locked into the sides of the bow, and the arrow tips were different colors. "The arrows are tipped with dust." Ayaan explained.
"Awesome," Elinore said with a grin as she started to examine the bow, "I used to know someone who used a bow like that, nothing as cool as yours though. It didn't turn into anything yours" she said with a nod, "so why don't you like hospitals, or fire?" she asked with a small chuckle. She didn't understand how anyone could not like fire. There was nothing about fire to not like.
"Hospitals are so colorless. Plus, they smell terrible." Ayaan scrunched her nose. "And I'm scared of fire. Brings back bad memories of childhood..." She trails off.
Elinore nodded, ah bad childhood memories. Something almost every student in Beacon seemed to be well acquainted with. Though if she was scared of fire, she could see some definite issues in the future. But that bridge could be crossed when they get there. No need to worry about it now. Well then....Elinore was officially out of things to talk about...
William was walking down the stairs as he heads toward the kitchen to get the drinks from the fridge. But the thought of the missing traps were still in his mind as he walked through the store carefully. Seeing how he didn't set a hidden bomb off, he enters the kitchen to open the fridge door. Okay, what do we have h- BOOM!" A loud explosion could be heard throughout the building as the kitchen was now covering in ice. Great, William was a Willicicle now. Why would the old faunus decide to protect the food with a water dust bomb out of all things?! Dust he hated that man.
Elinore looked at the door and chuckled when hse heard the explosion. "I knew it was too quiet to be true" she said as she stood up, "c'mon, you can help me thaw him out." she laughed. What was this, the fourth ice bomb to have gone off near something of William's?
"I don't have to hit it. I just have to get close." The faunus states and aims his arm. "Ready?" he asks rhetorically as he flexes his forearm, firing the blade. Within a few seconds, the dust coating the blade ignited and left a bright blaze like a tracer round. He then waited for a huge explosion.
"A dust bomb," Elinore sighed, "Probably ice...they used to be allover the place. I had the displeasure of dealing with one before" she said with a shake of her head as she led the girl to the kitchen. Yep, there was William, covered in ice. "I'll start from that side, you can start over here" she sighed as she walked around the icy mess. She took the axe off of her back and swiped the handle. The dust lit up and the blade caught fire. She held it over the ice to start melting it. "You know Will, this is almost becoming a regular activity"
Wow, who knew being covered in ice without Archdeath on could be so freezing? William thought as he was entirely covered in ice when the girls both arrived into the kitchen. His hand was still holding the fridge door and his face just had blank look on it, never having enough time to make a different expression when the trap went off. This was pretty embarrassing for the armor-less student as the girls started to melt him out with some fire dust. Oh he will so get back at Alex when gets back to Beacon later...

The blade hit the collar at full speed but bounces off it without a dent. "Wow. That was really impressive Grey." A.D laughed as he watch Benjamin's blade roll away from the explosive. "I bet a blind Ursa could do better th- BOOM!" The collar suddenly explodes as it sends the empty field on fire in one second after detonation. It's explosive force can also be felt around the surrounding area by the vibrations it gave off in the ground, making it feel as if a mini earthquake was occurring for a few seconds. Now that was awesome to watch.
Ayaan flinched at the fire, but helped to melt William anyway. "Why do you have dust bombs in your house?" She asked William after the ice over his face melted.
Benjamin smirks. "What were you saying about a blind Ursa?" he questions the AI. "Because I found that pretty damn impressive." he says standing and retracting the blade. "I do need to improve these though. They have gotten a little weaker since my imprisonment." He was obviously proud of himself, especially since it was his only shot. "Where to now AD?"
"How am I fool?" He states at Loki. "Haven't you realized my sister is different than before." He says looking at her eyes. "Have fun at the dance wearing your rags sister dear. Don't hurt your wings, if you die I don't want to revive you with my wings." He says leaving.

She looks at Loki. "Where have you been all day?"

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"It's a security measure just in case criminal tried to rob things from the store when we're gone." William said as he was shivering from how cold the ice was on his body. After he gets the materials he needs to rebuild Archdeath, he was going to have some soup later. Everyone knows you need soup to prevent getting a cold. Which he didn't give to Elinore last time she almost got a cold for being covered in ice...

"Well we could... wait. Someone set off a trap in the Grimm Reaper nearby." A.D reported as the security system from the store alerted him about the recent incident. "Grey, follow me. We're going to capture ourselves some idiots today." The metal hawk flies out the building and toward the garage from the back of the store. While waiting for Grey to arrive, the A.I remotely opens the sliding door with a electronic switch in his electronic mind.
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"Ah... I see." Ayaan's hands had started shaking from being so close to fire. Oh god... She thought, trying to keep her hands steady.
"Grimm Reaper?" Benjamin asked with a confused look. "Trap?" This bird was going nuts was the only thing that passed through his mind, yet he still followed the Hawk, probably so he wouldn't be pecked at mercilessly. Vale is huge, he thinks as he follows the bird through the city. When he arrives at the back entrance, Ben realizes the Grimm Reaper is a store. "The store is being robbed?" he questions the AI.
Elinore looked around when she felt the ground tremble. Was that...an earthquake? Some kind of explosion? She couldn't even tell anymore. "Okay, Ayaan, stay here with William, I'll go find him a blanket" she said once he was thawed out before running back upstairs. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more traps. She dusting hated this store. So many pointless traps.
William was trying to warm himself up with his semblance when he heard the garage door open near the kitchen. He immediately pulls out a hidden pistol from his jacket as he motions Ayaan to follow him. He heads toward the door that connects the garage to the hallway, getting his pistol ready to fire as electricity starts skidding across his body. "Ayaan, on the count of three, I'm going to open this door. I want you to cover me from behind as I try to subdue the intruder." He then turns the doorknob slowly to open the door. "Are you ready?"

"Dust yeah it is. Someone set off a trap within the store a few minutes ago." A.D replied as he starts hovering in the air above Benjamin. The bottom part of the hawk's body suddenly opens up to reveal a mini submachine gun, which was now ready to fire at the door. "Grey, I detect the intruders behind the door now. I want you to kick open the door and jump to the side immediately as I start pumping bullets in them." The A.I hovers closer to the door to make sure he wouldn't miss. "Are you ready?"

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