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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Go where . . .good question." She looks at Luna, "Forget the ship." She grabbed her hand and flew into the sky. "Where's Will? I'll take you to him!" She yelled into the wind. "Or do you want to see the dress I got!?"
The last thing Elinore expected to happen was to be whisked into the air. Flailing around would be really stupid right now. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Elinore did. She quickly calmed down as she adjusted to the situation, "Will? He's asleep, we have some time. Let's...go look at that dress f yours" she said with a slow nod
She landed in front of the dress shop that she met Loki at. "Sorry about flying. It's just how I get around, like everywhere." She enters the dress shop after trying to fix Luna's hair, "Yeah sorry Luna, I didn't mean to mess up your hair." She saw the store keeper and smiled, "Hi I'm back. I was wondering if I could model that dress that I bought a few minutes ago? This is my friend and you know it's girl stuff." The man smiled and went in back to get the dress. "Hey Luna," she said spinning to face her, "Have you gotten your dress yet?" Her hair flowed down her shoulders.
"Yes actually," Elinore said with a smile as she started to brush out her hair with her fingers, "I was going to wear one of my mother's dresses sense she had a ton of them." she cooed, "she was always trying to get me to wear those things. So I figured this would be the opportune moment to try"
Aires watched her fix her hair and then looked away wondering what was taking so long. Her mother at least loved her. She sighed and then saw the man come out with a violet gown. "Sweet! I'll be right back." She went to the back to try it on. Looking at herself in the mirror she saw her eyes and felt the hot water begin to pool. Idiot! Be stronger! She wiped her eyes and smiled at how "pretty" she thought she looked. The gown stopped at her kness but continued with a train in the back. When she twirled the gown spread out to the point of a plate. She frowned at herself. What's the matter with me? Sighing she asks, "Ready Luna?" She comes out and looks around, "Luna?" She scaned the store and she wasn't there. Did she leave? Maybe she's outside. Aires makes her way to the door, when the store manager stops, "Miss I know you've paid for the dress but I can't let you take it until I'm done hemming it for you." Aires sees she still has the dress on, "Oh, of course, silly me." She goes to change not realizing what the man's intentions were. Taking the dress off in the dressing room she goes to reach for her clothes when, what the? Where are my clothes? The dress is then pulled out from underneathe her and she falls down in her underwear. "WHA!" She shields herself as the man tries to enter the room. "What are you doing!? You f***ing asshole!" Her wings cover body. So she couldn't use her weapon without exposing herself. Gah, why me? This sucks! She desperately thinks of a way to get out of her current situation. Damn it, I'm on my own. She then remembers that she's still wearing her boots. Heh, take this bastard. She round houses him and then shoots him in the leg causing him to fall and rip the dress. Grabbing her clothes from she books it out of there flying back to Beacon. Luna was no where to be found and Aires zipped through her bedroom window. She locked the door, the window and then she got dressed and curled up on her bed sahking and silently crying.
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Loki watches Aires dash off towards Beacon. He gets up and runs after her. He knocks on the door of her bedroom and frowns. "Aires? Angel are you alright, i saw you flying over her and i'm worried. Can i come in?"
"No!" If he saw her then that means he saw her in her underwear. " I don't want to come out." Her eyes were blazing, her Ice and violet colors sparkling.

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"That's not exactly fair... but okay. I love you, if you need me i will be in the cafeteria. Since, like always, i am hungry." He laughs softly and backs away from the door. His sadness written on his face, as he heads towards the food center.
Elinore was waiting for Aires to finish getting ready when a man tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to see the store manager. He smiled gently and asked to see her outside to help with a surprise for Aires. She shrugged and followed him, perhaps they knew each other. She figured nothing could possibly go wrong. And if it did, she had an axe. The store manager led her outside and without even giving Elinore a chance to react, she was hi outside the head and blacked out. Alright. No axe could prepare her for that.

Elinore slowly faded back into consciousness some time later. She wasn't sure how long she was out, but she was tied up. Today was not a good day to be knocking Elinore out and tieing her up. She sighed in aggravation. She closed her eyes to try and calm herself down. Nope. Not working. When her eyes opened again they were dark red and her semblance kicked in. The ropes around her caught fire and burnt away. The store manager came into the room with a bandaged up leg and a ripped dress. Hehe. He was dead.

Elinore stood up, fire circling around her. "Hey....you know what's funny?" she asked with a chuckle. The man tried to back away, but Elinore had him by the shirt collar before he could escape. "How you're on fire now." he shouted in pain as burst into flames. Elinore grinned, holding him there for a second before her semblance faded and the fire disappeared. She couldn't help but think of....of.... "Never mess with my friends again" she said quickly before dropping the man and running out of the shop. It was time to head back to the Grim Reaper. She was sure Aires was safe. She could take care of herself, and the guy had a bullet in his leg. No doubt the work of the gun-booted girl.
Aires hears Loki walk away. She gets up from the bed and opens the door, she slams into him burying her face in his chest trying not to cry. She mumbled, "a man tried to touch me, he took my clothes away in a store and left me with just my underwear and he ripped the dress I bought, and all of your money and I'm sorry and I can't find Luna" She wasn't making sense.

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"I'm going to give you more money, and we both are going to go to a much better store that i found and buying a dress, and suit. We will look amazing, i mean you already do but even better." He pats her head, and kisses her forehead. His body is shaking, and he is trying extremely hard to contain his anger.
Aires wipes her tears away and nods. "Okay, thank you." She looked at Loki, "Loki, Luna said my eyes were weird, and I know they're different but does it look bad?"

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He takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly. With his anger in check he looks into her eyes and smiles kindly. "They look amazing, but then again i may be a bit biased. Because no matter what you look like, i will care for you. You were with Luna? Is she okay?"
Aires looks away, "I couldn't find her. She wasn't okay when I saw her so I tried cheering her up by having some girl time, but well we both can see how that turned out."

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Elinore walked back into the Grim Reaper, making sure to use a door she knew wasn't rigged to blow. She slumped back into her chair in the kitchen and laid her head down on the counter. Semblance made her tired. Even if she only used it for a little while. Maybe she could just rest her eyes for a little while...just a moment....aaannndddd she was out.
Benjamin was sitting in the kitchen when Elinore sauntered in and dozed off. So now he was the only one awake and had to resist the urge to pull a Jigglypuff and draw all over them. With every fiber of his being telling him to do it he was visibly sweating staying put. 
After several minutes he gave in. "AD, stay quiet." He orders the AI. "I have a feeling you will like this." He says pulling a grease pen from his pocket and uncapping it. "Who first?" He wonders aloud, humming a tune eerily similar to the Jeopardy theme.
Elinore slowly opened an eye and glared at Benjamin in a way that reflected death itself when she heard that pen uncap. "'less you wanna know what being on fire feels like boy....I'd suggest....you move on...." she mumbled in her half asleep state before closing her eye again.
"Do Willy first." A.D said quietly after Elinore's threat to Benjamin. "If you make sure to cover his whole face with drawings, I'll give you a thousand lien for the deed." The bird then flies over to couch to see if Benjamin had the dust to do it to his previous owner.
Benjamin nods to agree to the birds proposal, begins to scribble on Will's face. "Man, this is gonna suck to clean off." He said, not realizing that Will would probably have no problem beating an untrained Faunus to a pulp. He started with a few whiskers and coloring over the teens eyelids, soon drawing other markings on his nose, forehead, and neck until Will looked like a sideshow attraction for a hideous tattooed man. 
(What happened to my post?) 
(Never mind found it)
A.D records the entire deed through his robotic camera eyes as the faunus scribbles on William's face. After he recorded everything, the hawk suddenly starts laughing. "Oh Willy is so going to kill you for this!" He then flies over to Elinore's head and starts pecking on it. "Okay, now do Luna! Lets make the couple look as hideous as each other!"

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Benjamin hesitates, reluctant to draw on Elinore after hearing her threat. "Maybe you should AD." He says offering up the pen. "And Will has to catch me to kill me."
A.D stares at the pen silently, not sure if he should draw on Elinore's face. Knowing Elinore quite well during his time with her for a month, the bird nods his head side to side to say no. No way was he going to drown in water because of a joke like this.

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Benjamin suppressed a chuckle. "You mean the fearless falcon is scared?" He taunts the AI in a hushed tone. He didn't want to do it just as much as the AI, but he still offered up the pen. "The wolf next?"
Elinore sat up and rubbed her eyes. The girl never much liked to sleep in the day. A quick nap was usually all she needed to restore her energy after semblance if it was only used for a small amount of time. Not to mention a metallic beak had pecked on the back of her head. She was not what one would refer to as a heavy sleeper during her afternoon naps. She turned her head to find Benjamin and AD whispering and holding a pen. She smiled softly and shook her head, "I hope you weren't intending to use that on me," she whispered softly, "because I can snap both of your necks" she cooed ever so gently with a pleasant smile.

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