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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Trey looked around himself. "I think I'm lost...". He dashed down one of the corridors. "Yep, definetly lost...". He slowly hefted his lamppost "If you can't find a way...", he swung towards a wall and smashed it, "Make a way!"
Markus was just putting the finishing touches on his new weapon, because he had his last one taken from him. It would have the chains, and the hammer, but there is something a little bit more deadly. After he had finished his weapon, he went out to the deck of the ship. He could see the clouds, because the air ship was hiding.

"The air is better up here." He said as he took a nice big breath fresh air. He could see vale, and beacon, and forever fall. He could see it all. He was then called to the bridge. He walked up to the bridge and was meet with a screen. It was some woman who was a leader of the white fang. "Yes mama...... sorry mama." She was ripping him a new one.

After a few minutes of shouting, she calmed down. He then was given new orders. He wasn't happy about it. He was given control over All Under Heaven. He was also told that he was to go back to beacon, and he was told, something pretty bad.
Trey peeked through the hole he made and saw a room with tables and chairs. There was a girl with her head on a table. "Is this the dining hall?"
William woke up when his alarm rang and went to the bathroom in his room. After having zero success with washing the ink off his face, he heads to the dining hall with his school uniform & skull mask on.

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Ferlick arrived at the dinning hall and without looking up at any of the people got himself breakfast. Then came the hard part for him, almost every seat was taken or had the seat next to it taken and he did not want to have to talk to people. Eventually he managed to find a table next to a random hole in the wall that had a girl sleeping on it. Sitting down he began to eat figuring that she would remain asleep while he ate and not wake up until he was gone, which was for the best. As he ate he began to hum to himself quietly a habit he started when he was 5.
Alex was looking for a seat in the dining hall when he saw the hole in the wall. Seeing that Elinore was sleeping right next to it, the teacher thought she caused that and seats himself next to the her.

"Oh Elinore! Wakey, wakey time!" Alex smirks as he hits Elinore's head with a hash brown. He looks at the student peeking through the hole. "Yep, this is the dining hall my boy! Now sit down and eat some breakfast with me." He then looks at the student humming nearby. "What you humming kid?"

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Alex never learned.One does not mess with a sleeping Elinore. And it seemed no amount of sacrificed bacon could drill that through his head. The moment she was hit by the breakfast food she sprang up from her seat, "Alex! So help me, I will MURDER YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!" she snapped at the teacher. Several people who were sitting in her general area scooted away. Elinore looked around to find she was still in the dining hall and it had already pretty much filled up. She usually got out before other people arrived. What more, there were people siting near her, one of which was humming. Wow. The school had gotten brave. Or desperate. "I'm going to get breakfast" she mumbled before walking off to go buy some food.
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Ferlick jumped at the sudden action and stopped eating. He also immediately stopped humming and looked up to see Alex. After forming a timid smile he spoke with a soft scared voice. "I don't know I was just sort of humming, it always helped me take a beating." He looked back down immediately and began to eat again hoping that that would end the interaction between the two and he wouldn't have to talk. He hadn't taken much time to look but he could tell the man who had addressed him seemed to be older. "Sir are you a professor here?" He figured that perhaps this man could help him get out of beacon so he could stay away from working in a team. "We have to work in teams here right?" The question was purely a decision of whether or not he would stay if he didn't have to join a team he might be able to stay working solo.
"Yes, my name is Alex and I'm the combat instructor in Beacon Academy." Alex said proudly as he waves goodbye to Elinore with a smile. "But every student must work in a team if they plan on graduating here. It helps build up the importance of teamwork when fighting the Grimm, since nobody is a one man army." Well, except for the professor himself of course. The faunus then looks at the time before realizing he had to leave for his first class of the day. "I have to leave kids but make sure your not late to class." He said as he ruffled Ferlick's hair and runs off with bacon in his mouth.

William was getting some breakfast when he bumps into Elinore by accident. "Morning Elinore. You feeling alright?" He asked as the couple were getting their food together.
Ferlick jumped up realizing he had to hurry off to his first class as well. he had forgotten to ask if he could leave Beacon and he wasn't excited about the new knowledge that he would indeed have to work in a team. "But I don't work in teams!" He was trying to call out but Alex was already almost gone and he had no way of catching up to him. Sighing he finished the toast he had and began walking towards his first class. It happened to be combat so he desperately hoped to get a conversation with the professor about leaving the academy. He would much rather just make his money dealing with minor monsters alone rather than have to work on a team with others. It took him a while to make it to the room and he immediately found the darkest area for him to hide from the other students.
"Good morning William" Elinore said as she handed the lady her money and took a bite of her delicious blueberry muffin. Breakfast was the best meal of the day. It always had such delicious foods. "And I'm feeling fine, how about you?" she asked before Michael joined in on the conversation, "never too late for breakfast....unless you've got class right now." she replied as she sat down. Elinore had class right now. But class could wait for her to finish her muffin.
"Morning Michael." William said as he sat next to Elinore. "I'm alright for now Elinore. Just a little... dust." He said when he realized the mask didn't open halfway like his old one. This was going to be one awkward breakfast. "So Michael, you going to the dance later?" He asked as he lightly pushes the bottom part of his mask to leave some space open around his mouth. He puts a piece of toast into his mouth awkwardly, trying his best to not expose his inked face.

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Elinore chuckled as she watched William try to eat,"have you tired oil yet? Like olive oil. It's great at getting waterproof stuff off" she cooed. "it feels good to be back at Beacon though. Yesterday was exhausting" she laughed with a yawn.
Aires wakes up and is startled. One cop is staring at her through the bars of her cell. She tries to move about and realizes how restrained she is. "Damn," she thought back to when she exploded through walls in the old mission looking for Travril. How did I do that she asked herself making a face that caught the cop's attention. He unlocks the cell and steps inside it inching closer to get face. "What are you thinking about Ms. Phoenix?" The man asked; one could clearly tell how many packs he smoked a day and much he had to drink. The man reeked. Aires tried wiggling away from him but it was no use. Though, she accidentally turned on her scroll and it began to voice record everything. The man was now a centimeter from her face and she yelled, "Get away from me! Don't touch me!" She forced her head away from his only for him to grab her chin and force her to face him. He immediately kissed her, disgustingly, on the lips. When he pulled away her eyes had changed to solid neon violet. Her smirk spread across her face as she whispered, "You're dead . . ."

BOOM!! She release a destructive dust that created an explosion of great magnitude. Her restraints gave way and she stood up to leave when her father came crashing into the cell as her scroll stopped recording and sent the recording to her friends without her even knowing.

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Loki looks down at his scroll and starts shaking. "I'm going to do something I never thought I'd do... I'm going to kill them." He gets up and dashes to the police station. With one swing his lance smashes a hole n the wall. He grabs an officer in his new hand and crushes his skull. Loki roars in rage as he knocks more officers flying. "AIRES!!!"

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"AIRES!!!" She hears Loki's voice and so does her father. "Friends of yours, my princess?" She drops kicks him and runs past him grabbing her boots wish were sitting on the table. "Loki?" She turns the corner to see the station trashed. She searches for him only to crash into him sending her to her butt. "Ow." She looked up and it was him, "Loki!"

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Blood coats Loki and his lance, as he turns toward the thing that bumped into him. "Angel? Are you alright? I came running after I got your message."

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:Why are you coded in blood? Loki, what have you done?!" she looks at him and then at his lance she can't believe what she sees "Wait a minute I didn't send you a message" she doesn't realize is that her scroll was recording the entire event. "Loki dont kill anymore" She pleaded.

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"I see... wanna share Elinore for the dance? I don't mind if kissing isn't involved." William joked as he was about to drink some coffee. But what did Elinore say about olive oil? It can do what? "Wait, is that true?!" He exclaimed as he drops the cup of coffee due to Elinore's comment. Like really hot coffee. Which he just spilled all over himself in his short moment of excitement. "OH THAT'S HOT!" He yelled out in agony. This causes everyone in the room to look at him, which caused William to leave the dining hall quickly to change his uniform.

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Loki looks at her and frowns. "I'm sorry my love, but I cant forgive these pigs. Your scroll sent me a recording and I will destroy the one who touched you." He walks past her and towards the cells. He picks up her father and growls. "You must be my target."

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Share? Didn't Elinore have a say in it? But before she could interject, William dropped his coffee in his lap and ran out of the room. Well then. "So you don't have a girl to go with?" Elinore asked as she fully turned to face Michael. "I would have thought you'd ask someone like Magnolia to go with you by now. Or the nurse" she laughed. The nurse must have been scared to death of the boy. It was quite funny actually. That poor woman.
"that's not funny... maybe a bit. i haven't seen magnolia around lately and i don't think she wants to go with me" Micheal pushed his tray forward a bit now finished.

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