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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)

MightBeASithLord said:
((Why are you rating all of my posts "spooky"))
yeah....it's supposed to be rated aww not spook > :o these scenes are cute... i seriously know what a rated spook shall be cuase I've done scenes where one of my charas has seriously gave a live dissection to another person before whop wasn't put to sleep and was awake for the whole thing OWO)
Goldy sighed "Make yourself at home, this is your home as well. What kind of gem are you, ya didn't say," he said placing the yellow crab down. He sat in he cubby he had made and spun his gun, accidentally shooting the roof before putting it away.

Petro Wood

Petro gave Obi a disgusted glare. "That is incredibly revolting." He pressed his hand on his face, trying to wake him up further. " You know I've been of missions that rose gave me. And their solo ones so I have to do them my self." He bit the corner of his thumb, contemplating why he had so many Solo mission. " Mabye it's because I'm the only gem of my kind..." He trailed off, he needed to clear his head for a few moments. " Hey Obi, I'm going out for a fly. If anyone askes just tell them I'll be back in about a hour." He turned his back on her, walking away to the front door of the house. His wings sprouted out of his gem, he pushed open the door and bolted into the sky.

@Shammy the Shamrock
MightBeASithLord said:
((Why are you rating all of my posts "spooky"))
(~~~You have been spooked by the legendary spookmaster~~~)

Amber swam from the Homeworld Gem Pals island to the nearby peninsula, which has a statue of a large fusion. It looked recently-carved, for the most part. There was a human city on the other side, which looked more like a small settlement than anything. A fence blocked off mingling between the humans and what he assumed was gems. Rebellious gems. He could see a sign that read "Beach City", he shot some crystals at it, marking it with the Diamond Authority marking. He walked up to the entrance of what looked like a temple, and shouted "Anyone in there! This is the... Police!" Amber giggled at the thought of having authority. @anycrystalgemsinthetempleorsomething
ferociousfeind said:
(~~~You have been spooked by the legendary spookmaster~~~)
Amber swam from the Homeworld Gem Pals island to the nearby peninsula, which has a statue of a large fusion. It looked recently-carved, for the most part. There was a human city on the other side, which looked more like a small settlement than anything. A fence blocked off mingling between the humans and what he assumed was gems. Rebellious gems. He could see a sign that read "Beach City", he shot some crystals at it, marking it with the Diamond Authority marking. He walked up to the entrance of what looked like a temple, and shouted "Anyone in there! This is the... Police!" Amber giggled at the thought of having authority. @anycrystalgemsinthetempleorsomething
((Gonna get spooked right back, son.))
@mewbot5408 @IIQueenestII @ferociousfeind

Azurite quickly turned his head to the source of the voice: A poorly disguised homeworld gem (an Amber, by the looks of it), who had disgraced the beach city sign with a symbol of diamond authority. He walked up behind the gem, and picked the Amber up by it's tiny hands, which was easy due to Azurite's sheer size. He froze the Amber's feet together and brought them to Catty and the new gem. He explained to the two in a narrative tone,

"Guys, here is a world cultures lesson. This here," Azurite gestured to the Amber, "is a homeworld gem. Before the war, their purpose was to simply colonize other planets. Then, Rose quartz decided that this planet in particular is not going to be colonized. Now, their main function is to hunt us Crystal Gems down, gem by gem. Now, they would never send one alone, especially one so..." Azurite stared into the Amber for a second, "...no offense to the Amber, but one of such a low class. No, there's bound to be more, along with a commanding officer."

Azurite flung the Amber into the water. With the raising of his hand, a ball of water began to lift the Amber out to the surface. Azurite clenched his fist to freeze the water around the Amber, with it's head out of the water. The water was frozen to the point where the Amber couldn't get out. Azurite walked on the water to speak with the amber face-to-face. "Now," he said with his usual bass voice, but with the same glare that paralyzed the gem scientist back at homeworld with fear before he shattered them, "who and where is your commanding officer?"
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MightBeASithLord said:
((Gonna get spooked right back, son.))
@mewbot5408 @IIQueenestII @ferociousfeind

Azurite quickly turned his head to the source of the voice: A poorly disguised homeworld gem (an Amber, by the looks of it), who had disgraced the beach city sign with a symbol of diamond authority. He walked up behind the gem, and picked the Amber up by it's tiny hands, which was easy due to Azurite's sheer size. He froze the Amber's feet together and brought them to Catty and the new gem. He explained to the two in a narrative tone,

"Guys, here is a world cultures lesson. This here," Azurite gestured to the Amber, "is a homeworld gem. Before the war, their purpose was to simply colonize other planets. Then, Rose quartz decided that this planet in particular is not going to be colonized. Now, their main function is to hunt us Crystal Gems down, gem by gem. Now, they would never send one alone, especially one so..." Azurite stared into the Amber for a second, "...no offense to the Amber, but one of such a low class. No, there's bound to be more, along with a commanding officer."

Azurite flung the Amber into the water. With the raising of his hand, a ball of water began to lift the Amber out to the surface. Azurite clenched his fist to freeze the water around the Amber, with it's head out of the water. The water was frozen to the point where the Amber couldn't get out. Azurite walked on the water to speak with the amber face-to-face. "Now," he said with his usual bass voice, but with the same glare that paralyzed the gem scientist back at homeworld with fear before he shattered them, "who and where is your commanding officer?"
(it's so fun to play an oblivious character! But I'm not going to play the obvious "they said not to tell! :) " card)
Amber went rather silent as they were caught by the Azurite, sudden actions tend to reboot him.

"This got really serious really fast. Who knew Azurites were so large!" Amber mused before responding to the question properly, "You mean the Rhodochrosite that fled the war when the rebels shut down the Kindergarten? They're probably either shattered or on another planet!" Amber finished with an oblivious smile, "The last thing they told me before they left was that I was a 'lost cause', but I'm not sure what they meant by that."

Amber thought for a second, "Oh wait, you don't want that! You want to know who I'm currently working with. Heheh, that would be a Citrine and a Pyrite. There's an island due east of here where they camp out. Swimming at 20 knots should get you there in about an hour or so."



Blue cat's eye eyes widened at the mention of the kindergarten And looked at the Amber. "It's you...." he says sharply eyes glowing as his pupils thinned. He summoned his scythe giving a direct swing pointing the blade at Amber as his voice distorted into a much more eerie sounding one. "Do you remember me?" he says and gives a wide chaotic smile. Blue cat's eye gave a bitter snicker leaning forward holding the blade under amber's throat. Blue cat's remembered the things he endured before being put back to sleep. A cat's eye gem wasn't something to be toyed with, they were extremely rare and considered dangerous. Not many gems knew much about them since they were mysterious in nature and of course the diamonds if having grasp on a cat's could use him as a weapon if trained just right. Of course blue cat's eye didn't understand his full potential. Blue cat's eye moved and swung hitting the ground next to Amber but looked like he'd kill him."good thing you're not lying or I'd shatter you..." He growled and turns with a annoyed huff. He disliked Amber.
mewbot5408 said:


Blue cat's eye eyes widened at the mention of the kindergarten And looked at the Amber. "It's you...." he says sharply eyes glowing as his pupils thinned. He summoned his scythe giving a direct swing pointing the blade at Amber as his voice distorted into a much more eerie sounding one. "Do you remember me?" he says and gives a wide chaotic smile. Blue cat's eye gave a bitter snicker leaning forward holding the blade under amber's throat. Blue cat's remembered the things he endured before being put back to sleep. A cat's eye gem wasn't something to be toyed with, they were extremely rare and considered dangerous. Not many gems knew much about them since they were mysterious in nature and of course the diamonds if having grasp on a cat's could use him as a weapon if trained just right. Of course blue cat's eye didn't understand his full potential. Blue cat's eye moved and swung hitting the ground next to Amber but looked like he'd kill him."good thing you're not lying or I'd shatter you..." He growled and turns with a annoyed huff. He disliked Amber.



Azurite tightly squeezed Catty's hand. "It's okay, Catty," he said with a smile, "Amber can't do anything right now. We're gonna head over to his base right now. Actually, alert the others, please. I'll stay here with our other gem friend and watch over the Amber." Azurite stared at Catty with a tender care in his eyes before continuing, "Also, I think I should train you in combat soon. With my training, we can make you one of the best combatants in our group. Plus, I need you trained if we're gonna fuse. Now, go tell the others about the homeworld gem."
Seeing the Catseye's reaction to their presence made Amber wince, shattering gems was not a light topic, they laughed nervously, before quieting down when the Catseye lashed out.

This was a serious mistake, leaving the base in search of rebelling gems. Amber could tell, though, that attacking the Hematite, corrupt or not, would have an adverse effect on their relationship with the Citrine and the Pyrite.

Amber made a face when Azurite mentioned fusion, "I was told that anything other than same-gem fusion was wrong, a cheap trick to make worthless gems more of a nuisance." Amber looked rather proud of this information, they thought it made the Rebellion look like the bad guys, which he was sure of.
ferociousfeind said:
Seeing the Catseye's reaction to their presence made Amber wince, shattering gems was not a light topic, they laughed nervously, before quieting down when the Catseye lashed out.
This was a serious mistake, leaving the base in search of rebelling gems. Amber could tell, though, that attacking the Hematite, corrupt or not, would have an adverse effect on their relationship with the Citrine and the Pyrite.

Amber made a face when Azurite mentioned fusion, "I was told that anything other than same-gem fusion was wrong, a cheap trick to make worthless gems more of a nuisance." Amber looked rather proud of this information, they thought it made the Rebellion look like the bad guys, which he was sure of.
Azurite looked at Amber with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Oh, really?" His was filled with the warning of an educated comeback. He continued, "That's really interesting. Because, from what I know, one of your toughest foes is a fusion. Her name is Garnet. Also, a fusion is a symbol of companionship, love, and so much more than a petty trick. Lastly, despite showing disdain towards fusion," Azurite adjusted his scarf to show off the clusters on his shoulders, "you homeworld gems are quite fond of tampering with its power." He flashed a menacing grin before covering up his clusters once more.



Pink Marble's reaction to Blue Cat's Eye was a noticeable flinch and surprised look, nonetheless, she looked at Amber and growled whilst nodding her head in agreement to Azurite's statement, she then took a few steps towards Amber and looked down on her in inspection, towering over them and looked straight into their eyes with a glare, trying to make herself look as intimidating as possible.
"We are? I never noticed. I was too busy following directions, Rhodochrosite didn't tolerate disobedience, or curiosity." Amber wasn't intimidated easily, mostly because he lacked the physically inscribed data on how to react to intimidation, so he defaulted to ignoring it, "I can't help but notice how you reacted at the mention of the Kindergarten. Is there something wrong? Were you left to allow the last of the gems to grow and appear, not knowing how rebellious they will be? I was nearly shattered by a particularly needy Ruby" Amber looked down with a frustrated face as he resisted the feedback loop, "Ahh, let's change the subject!"
Goldy smiled "Well it's a pleasure to meet ya, Hematite. If you need anything just ask," he said leaning on a wall and tipping his hat. He dozed off and went to bed curling up against the wall.

Sarah sat on the couch and looked around, she took a deep breath as smoke seemed to come out. She played with her GAL, she sighed knowing no one was around, frowning as no one was there.

(SO SORRY! I forgot about this rp)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
Goldy smiled "Well it's a pleasure to meet ya, Hematite. If you need anything just ask," he said leaning on a wall and tipping his hat. He dozed off and went to bed curling up against the wall.
Sarah sat on the couch and looked around, she took a deep breath as smoke seemed to come out. She played with her GAL, she sighed knowing no one was around, frowning as no one was there.

(SO SORRY! I forgot about this rp)

Hematite stood there confusedly as she was so abruptly left behind, the cracked gem unsure of where she even currently is "Wha...I..." She watches him quickly make his way out. The large figure stands still, curiously looking about her new surroundings

( It's definitely not my first time being in that situation. Don't worry. )
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Goldy looked up "You're on Earth by the way. This is our base on a inland near a place called Beach City," he said stretching his feet. "I can give you a tour," he said with a smile studying her cracked gem.


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