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Fandom Beach City Tales (A Steven Universe AU)


A Happy Catbug
Welcome to Beach City, home of The Crystal Gems. They exist only to protect humanity and planet Earth from gems from Homeworld and other major threats to humanity. Here, the Crystal Gems live in a temple hidden and restricted to Gems only.

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Emerald was laying on the couch in the Crystal Temple, a flower growing in her hand around her arm. She looked out of the window to see a very sunny day on the beach. She closed her eyes, trying to help the flower move freely, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she slipped into unconsciousness on accident. Now she lay there, without a care in the world about what happens for her. She dreamed about her visit here and how the many years it has been with her team mates. She smiled without her knowing it. She slept silently, and any noise can wake her from the loveliness of her closed eye illusion.

@Any1 who wants to interact.
Obsidus sat on the porch of the temple, reading a book. She sighed looking out at the beach, it had been a while since she had just admired her surroundings. She looked around seeing no one else around, she decided to put on her beach clothes and go down. She sat in the sand and covered her body, still holding the book in one hand. She felt a crab grab her toe "OUCH!" She yelled, throwing the crab to the side and rebuilding her mound. She looked at the water "I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand." She laughed at her joke and watched the waves move.

The twins, formally known as Smoky and Clear, sat in the sand, resembling two females with one sitting on the other's lap. Clear's chin rested on her 'twins' shoulder, lazily playing with the back of the other Gem's hair, hey eyes halfway closed as though she was about to slip away into the dream world. Smokey, her 'twin', had her arms wrapped around the other's body in a protective way as she looked at the calm waves, which almost touched her feet each time the water would meet the shore. The two wore matching white swim-trunks and black t-shirts, their backs burning as the sun pelted them with it's glow. The 'twins' were lost in each others thoughts, which filled them emotions of calmness, safety, and a tinge of love. Clear lifted up her head, staring back at the temple. "We should probably go back." The two said in unison before awkwardly standing up and sideways walked to the temple, each step being planting with unconscious expertise, since the two were so used to the weird walk by now.
Obsidus saw the two and waved adjusting her shades, she felt sick seeing them. She took the sand off her body and walked back inside, putting on her usual clothing, and eye visor. She looked at the couch seeing Emerald on it, she went over "Emerald can you please move, I would like to sit down." She said nervous of the precious gem, "You are looking green today," she tried to give a compliment but immediately regretted it. She kept her hands clasped together, waiting for an answer.

@TheOnlyCatbug @BigBadWolf
Running around the bend with jubilant laughter was Howlite. She made a mad dash toward the center of the beach and skidded to halt still laughing. She could see Obsidus in the sand, Clear and Smokey headed off to wherever they were going, which left Emerald in the house.

Howlite was bored, she soon was wanting to stir up trouble. She lifted her long green fur scarf and twirled around she noticed that Obsidus was retreating indoors and soon followed suit. Sure enough Emerald was inside
sleeping and this made a perfect opportunity to cause some trouble.

Walking from the door way Howlite said with the loudest voice possible "HONEY I'M HOME!"
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Emerald woke startled and moved. She rolled off the couch with the flower in her hand still grasping her arm. "Ah! Oh, hey Obsidius. Sure." She said getting up from a prone position. "That was weird, what just happened?" Suddenly Howlite went in shouting. She jumped at his loud announcement. "Hey, hey, hey... Howlite. How was your day..." She said slowly. "And I'm not honey, you dink." She used that word as an insult even though it was a normal word, it just sounded to her like it was a word to call someone. She pointed to the flower that relaxed a bit. "Look what I found on the beach."

@Ashs Pikachu @Shammy the Shamrock
Clear and Smoky stopped two steps from going into the vast place they called home, along with the other Gems, but stopped mid-side step, their heads quickly turning to the screaming Howlite's direction inside. They then looked at each other, then back inside, repeating this process again before stepping inside in a brisk pace, their eyes glued on the loud gem. Their expressions were emotionless, although that quickly changed into confusion, then a mix of understanding and humor. The two turned to look at the flower, both cocking up an eyebrow. "It's very...pretty.?" The two said. The two shared a few thoughts. "Yes, that's the word." Clear said to none in particular, although it was most likely directed to Smoky.
Obsidus jumped and threw her weapon missing Howlite "Please don't scare me. I could have cracked you," she said sitting down on the couch, her feet crossed. She looked at Emeralds discovery "Isn't that just a flower, we see those all the time at the hill." She said seeing no significance in the plant. She stood motionless seeing smokey and Clear "How was your time outside," she said trying to make conversation.

@TheOnlyCatbug @BigBadWolf @Ashs Pikachu
"I know, but this was the prettiest one I've saw, and it grew on the beach and not the hill like the other ones." She always said whatever plant she has control of is the prettiest, but this one looked weird. The flower had yellow pedals and an orange center, but the long stem was tan in coloration. She looked at the twins. "Hey you two. How's life... lives?" She still didn't know how the 2 worked, like a fusion but not entirely fused.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Ashs Pikachu @BigBadWolf
"It was good." The two said. "Nice weather, although you should know that. You were out there too." Clear speaking the first line, followed by Smoky who said the second one, the two tending to speak at the same time, or finish each other's sentences. The two sat down, Clear sitting on Smoky's lap like they always did when they sat, the white haired Gem craning her neck to look over at the three other Gem's. They were going to go change their clothes, but decided to stick around for a bit. "Life has been good." The two said. "And I must say, your choice's of flowers are extremely resilient, you always choose the best ones." Clear said by herself, having to explain through thoughts to her 'twin' what some of the larger words meant. She meant what she said, always finding Emerald's flowers or other plants to be at a weirdness level that made it strangely pretty.
Howlite smirked she loved the reaction everyone however nearly being cracked wasn't part of the plan, she was thankful Obsidus missed. But hearing all this talk about a unique flower caught her interest.

She raced up to the others and ran behind the couch climbing up on the back of it sitting above everyone else. "I like it's colors!" She said trying to sound involved in the conversation. When actually she wasn't too sure on what was being said about it, she couldn't deter if the flower was dangerous or not.

@TheOnlyCatbug @BigBadWolf @Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus examined it closer "That is impossible, the sand can't sustain flowers and the salt water wouldn't work." She said before sitting back down "Anyway it was nice outside, til the crab came up and got me." She said leaning back and looking up at the ceiling. She got up and decided to run, she ran around the temple in under a minute "Let's see Sunny beat that," she said always seeing him as her competition. Obsidus sat back on the couch and kicked her feet on the arm of the couch.

@TheOnlyCatbug @BigBadWolf @Ashs Pikachu
"Be careful." Smoky said to Howlite. "Things with bright colors are usually dangerous." Clear said, finishing her 'twins' sentence. "Like Watermelon Tourmalines." The two said, this time in unison before turning their attention to Obsidius. "Maybe it evolved? Like how that science book said humans came from monkeys?" They said a few moments after mentally agreeing on that explanation. "Or it's from the home world. Yes, that is also a possibility." The two said separately, Smoky the one giving the second option of an explanation.
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Obsidus stiffened "Homeworld, that place isn't home. It was awful and I'm one of the few who have lived through it," she said being one of the few who actually came from homeworld. She became agitated but calmed down "Sorry, I just really don't like that place," she said with a sigh going to the kitchen.

@TheOnlyCatbug @BigBadWolf @Ashs Pikachu
The "twins" watched as she left before that stood up, Smoky having to wait until Clear's feet were planted on the floor. The two Gems quickly went to their room, ignoring any possible social content as they headed to do their initial task of changing. In the middle of the shared room was a large pool of water, rocks surrounding all but the way in. One side of the room was pure white, the walls and floor practically glittering with how clean the surface was. In this section there were two book shelves, each one filled to the brim with books, a small waterfall of crystal blue color that fell into a small 'pool', a large sitting rock in the middle. The other half had the colors of brown in many different shades. There was piles of trash and thrown clothing, and the pool of water, similar to the one on the other side, was littered with a few cans and other small objects. The 'twins' walked over to the dirty side of the room, retrieving clothes from a pile and beginning their complicated task of changing into another set of clothes, the task difficult because of the connecting gemstones restricted their ways of removing shirts. Soon enough they were back in their original clothes, Smoky throwing her clothes in another pile before they walked over to the clean side, Clear folding the clothes and setting them down beside her shelf before they walked out of the room, heading to the kitchen to find something to do.
Timeskip: Morning

Emerald woke up with a headache, controlling a simple flower for that long can hurt her mind. She finally finished her decoration for her room, which was more like a garden/greenhouse. There were plants everywhere, from tall trees to flytraps. Basically it was where she wanted to be. She went out of her room to lay on the rail outside. Rose messaged her of a mission at hand and they had to leave in a while. She looked out into the sea. Singing a tune.


Smoky and Clear sat lazily on the rock that sat in the center of the clear pond in their room, Clear sitting on her lap, book on Human Anatomy in her hands, the white haired Gem wanting to learn all she could about the species that inhabited this planet. Smoky never found much need for reading, as her 'twins' thoughts were linked with hers, basically getting all the reward without the work, so she lazily hung her feet into the water. This continued on for a few more minutes before Clear closed her book, sitting it on the space on the rock behind Smoky. Smoky stood in the water, Clear's legs wrapped around her waist as she basically carried her, and walked out of the water, exiting the room they had spent the night in. The two walked through the temple until they went to a room where Obsidus sat on a couch. The two exchanged a few thoughts before they decided to sit next to her, hoping to strike up a conversation to pass by time until seeing Emerald. "Hello, Obsidus. We assume you're having a good day so far, yes?" The two said to their fellow Gem.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus put her book away, glad that she could stop reading. "Yes, I been having a good day of training and napping...mostly napping. How is your day going so far," she asked putting her feet down and looking at the two. "I don't know if this is a touchy subject but how was it being created in the kinder-garden." She asked nervous if it would offend the two.

"Good as well. A lot of reading involved." The two said, Clear saying the first line before Smoky said the second. The 'twins' were quiet for a moment, exchanging a few thoughts before speaking. "Well.." The two said, the two scratching the back of their own head's. "Painful. But we don't think it was just our Gemstones fusing together as we were created... After that, it was sort of...terrifying.." More silence as the two debated whether or not to continue. "We were in a line of other Gems being sent to be cracked before we somehow summoned our weapon and escaped..the others weren't so lucky though.." The two finished, decided not to elaborate on the obvious outcome of the others that were deemed useless.
Obsidus sigh "Homeworld isn't so great either. Countless people worshiping a rock due to it being part of a class. I was under blue diamond and was her fastest soldier. I however didn't see the use in fighting so they warped me to the ground and left me there. I traveled for a long time, I met the crystal gems and joined in the war for a bit. The left me and I wandered again until I ran across the man who founded beach city. I joined his pirate crew til we reached here and I found the gems again and joined as a permanent member." She told her long story looking down, remembering the hardships she had faced.

"We too do not see the reason for worshipping those snobby Diamonds. The only thing that separates us from them is our Gemstone." The two said. "At least you were lucky enough to not of been cracked." The two added, standing up from their seat. "Would you care to accompany us in locating Emerald?" Clear said, her head turned to Obsidus. "We want to know if she has heard of any upcoming missions. Smoky added to her 'twins' statement.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Obsidus smiled "I would enjoy to come. If you two don't mind my company." She added getting up from the couch. She pulled out her swords and walked outside, waiting for the two. She looked out at the beautiful day.

Emerald sat outside on the hill above the temple, waving grass around and the flower around her right hand. She wondered how it grew in the sand, it surely wasn't from homeworld as it didn't have a gem on it. "I guess your just... special." She treated the flower as a pet, it was a really good discovery for her. Even to this day, she still acted like a child, but at the same time was somewhat of a leader.

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