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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He smiled as she collided with him and held hee tightly. “So you didn’t miss me?” He chuckled quietly, kissing her happily. “I was only gone a few days beautiful.” He reminded her but held her tightly al the same
Max shook her head and peppered kisses all over his face "I missed you is all." She murmured. In all honesty though, she had been getting weird texts from Matt the past few days and it was making her super uncomfortable
He smiled and eventually moved away to start walking to her car. “We going back to mine or yours?” He asked her yawning a bit and held her hand with his free one.
Max smiled as she walked with him "Oh uh mine if you don't mind." She said softly getting her keys out once they got to her car
He nodded and smiled. “Sounds good. I’m ready for a nap in a comfy bed and some lovin if you got some to spare.” He winked at her, chucking his bags in the trunk of her car.
Max nodded and smiled widely "Oh yeah I definitely got some to spare. I actually got some new clothing to model for you." She said before sending him a wink
He grinned over at her. “Hold up hold up, how much is this gonna cost me if I rip this set though?” He asked her, “Cause I gotta get Tracy some upgrades soon and I gotta budget for ripping new sets.” He chuckled.
Max smirked some and got in the car "Oh baby there's ribbons to tie it up, no need for tearing." She said laughing lightly as she started up the car.
He grinned and nodded. “Know me too well beautiful.” He chuckled, leaning back and tapping on his thighs while she drove, “how did my children behave for you?” He asked her happily, oblivious the whole week to how she had been skirting around talking about his place and the cats at all.
Max frowned a bit and nodded "Oh uh....yeah they're good." She murmured quietly biting her lip hard. She'd really only gone in and out quickly, and only when she saw that Matt's car wasn't there so she didn't know fully how well they were.
He nodded. “I’m gonna run back over there real quick in the morning but then I’ll come back and we can sit down… talk about moving forward with living together.” He told her as they pulled into her driveway.
Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "Okay yeah that sounds good." She said softly before following him inside "Okay you get comfy and I'll be right back." She said with a wink before running upstairs
He gave her a salute, dumping his bags by the front door and went to lay on her couch after kicking his shoes off, sighing happily as he sunk down into the pillows but frowned when he heard her phone pinging several times, reaching to pick it up so he could hand it to her but when he saw his roommates name coming up with every text he sat up and frowned.
Max came down in a robe smiling widely. She frowned though when she saw the pissed off look on Will's face as he stared at her phone "Babe? Whats wrong?" She asked softly gulping quietly when she saw the anger in his eyes as he looked up at her, she hadn't ever seen this before and it was worrying her for sure.
He frowned and shook his head. “How long has he been doing this?” He asked her, frowning. He could see that it was entirely one-sided and as much as Matt had been a good friend and roommate for a long time he wasn’t okay with him treating his girlfriend like this.
Max bit her lip hard and gave a small sigh "A couple weeks.....he just started the texting when you left. He's been saying weird stuff to me when I've been over for weeks now though, and he keeps looking at me in a creepy way." She admits before going over to him "I didn't want to make anything bad at your place."
He shook his head and put her phone down. “Right. I’m gonna handle that” he told her. “Leave it with me okay? I don’t want you worrying about it. But you should’ve let me know.” He sighed, sitting down and pulling her closer, running his hands up and down hee sides.
Max gave a small sigh and nodded as she moved to straddle his waist "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, forgive me?" She asked as she gave a light tug to his hair.
He smiled and watched her. “Oh you’re gonna play games huh?” He murmured, kissing her roughly.
He lay next to her a couple hours later finally completely spent and just caught his breath first before finally going to get her some water and a towel, bringing it back and getting into his boxers. “I missed you.” He smiled, crawling into bed and pulling her in close, kissing her cheek.
Max panted as she layed beside him afterwards nodding softly "I uh.....I dunno if I can get up." She said giving a small laugh before cuddling into him "I missed you too."
He smiled and shook his head. “I’ll order a pizza for dinner, you can stay there.” He promised. “But seriously, let me handle Matt, you won’t have to deal with him again I promise.” He murmured, kissing her head and pulled her in tight to his chest
She nodded softly and smiled a bit "Mmm can you get a hawaiian pizza?" She asked quietly as she stayed cuddled up to him completely worn out now from their earlier antics.
He nodded. “You wanna nap and I’ll wake you up when it’s here?” He asked her, running his fingers through her hair. He was tired but after seeing what she’d been dealing with he wanted to make sure she was taken care of.
Max gave a small nod and yawned "Take one with me? I know you're tired after your trip." She murmured softly to him.
He smiled and shook his head. “I gotta wait up for the food but I will lay here with you.” He told her, kissing her head and held her close while he placed the pizza order.

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