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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He smiled and held her tightly, just trailing his fingers down her back soothingly while he ran through his mind how he was gonna deal with this
She woke up later that evening when she heard the bell downstairs. She smiled some as she came down in his shirt and a pair or lounge shorts seeing him with the pizza at hand "So how was the vocal stuff? I forgot to ask earlier."
He smiled and shut the front door, going to set up her lounge. “Yeah it was good. A little uncomfortable but it was fine.” He smiled. “They stuck a camera down my throat and everything.” He chuckled.
Max nodded some and she poured herself some wine and got him a beer "I can't wait to see the video." She said happily before sitting down with him "I'm so proud of you, ya know that?"
He smiled and watched her. “You spoil me” he chuckled, Lea king over and pecking her cheek before digging into the pizza and handing her the tv remote, his eyelids already getting heavy
Max smiled some and put on her wrestling show knowing he wasn't going to be long for the world. She ate quietly and by the end of the evening she was curled up against him while he snored loudly. She gently shook his awake once she was ready to get up and yawned softly "Come on, lets go to bed."
He hummed quietly in response and let her take him up to bed, falling back to sleep the moment his head hit the pillow, exhausted from the travel
Max woke up the next morning and smiled seeimg he was still asleep. She got up and made her way downstairs to start on breakfast for them hoping to surprise him with it. It was another 30 minutes when she felt arms wrap around her "Mmm good morning, you're just in time for breakfast."
He grumbled quietly into her hair and just swayed quietly with her. “Mmm I missed this.” He mumbled, kissing the top of her head and went to grab some coffee.
Max smiled happily and nodded some "I missed it too. Could you make me another cup?" She asked as she started to make their plates "I made your favorites by the way." She said sweetly before pecking his cheek
He nodded tiredly, not quite awake yet and smiled over at her. “Would you be okay with the cats moving in here with us?” He asked her. “I’ve been thinking about how to handle this situation…. And I know we already talked about moving in but I could pay my rent and move in with you at the same time until they find a new housemate.” He suggested, sitting down at the table.
Max looked over and gave a small smile "Yeah we can do that, you think they'll like it here?" She asked as they sat down together at the table "Maybe we stay here for a year or two, then look for a house? Make sure we got a good enough savings built up?"
He nodded, digging into the food. “That would be good. We can talk details when I’m more awake.” He chuckled a little. “But I’m gonna go back and see my children, get them sorted and sort out this mess alright?” He told her. “He tries any kind of contact at all you tell me straight away.” He told her quietly.
Max nodded as she started to eat as well "I promise I will. I think I'll get them a nice cat tree, maybe we could get them some new toys too." She said sweetly wanting to make sure they would be comfortable at her place.
He smiled and watched her. “I knew there was a reason I loved you.” He told her happily, more awake by the time he was finished with breakfast and went to get changed and head out to his place, promising her that he would call as soon as he was done
Max was busy looking at cat trees when he came back a few hours later. She looked up at him as he came in and smiled a bit "Hey, everything go okay?" She asked
He nodded and sighed heavily. “He wasn’t there. But I spoke to Jack. I’m gonna hire a truck and start moving my stuff next weekend, should be all moved in here just before I go on that Europe tour.” He told her, kissing her head.
Max gave a small smile and nodded some "Alright that sounds good, when do you start back in the studio?" She asked as she pulled him to sit beside her.
He smiled and leaned back, kicking his shoes off. “Once we get back from Europe. Listen I’m thinking the tour after that, it’s just a few festival shows, you could join us as our photographer. The other guys really like your work as well.” He told her.
Max smiled widely and gave a small nod "I love that idea! I'll make sure to let my job know, they might let me publish some in the magazine." She said happily before pecking his lips "How are the babies?"
He nodded a little. “They’re good. It’ll be nice once we get them here.” He smiled a little. “I know they’ll miss Jack.” He told her. “What are we watching tonight?” He asked her, pulling her in tight.
Max smiled wide and pulled up One Piece "I need to get to where you are, you mind re-watching?" She asked happily before cuddling up to him.
He smiled and nodded. “That sounds great to me.” He told her, kissing her head happily. “I won’t spoil it I promise.” He told her quietly, just squishing her to him and grabbing a blanket to lay over them
Max laughed lightly and smiled wide "Good you better not or I'll pinch you." She threatened before starting up the episode.

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