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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He nodded still looking a little skeptical. “Alright…. You want me to go home tonight?” He asked her yawning some and kept watching her.
Max gave a small nod and smiled "Yeah if you want to. I won't mind at all." She said softly to him. By the end of the night she was cuddled up against him in bed and sighed happily "I love you Will." She whispered
He smiled and kissed her head, yawning big. “Love you too beuatiful. Get some sleep.” He murmured, closing his eyes to start and drift off himself.
By the next evening she was stood outside her parents house giving Will's hand a squeeze while they waited for them to answer the door "You ready?" She asked softly smiling some when noticed him bouncing on his toes "Breathe babe, breathe."
He nodded and smiled at her. “I’m breathing. I’m fine.” He promised, trying to relax out some while he clutched the bottle of wine he’d insisted on stopping to pick up after he’d decided last minute that there was no way he was going to go in empty handed.
Max smiled softly and turned her attention to the door as it opened. She stepped forwarded hugging her mother tightly "Hey there, how are you?" She asked getting their normal little banter out of the way before pulling Will's hand "Mom, this is Will." She said happily.

Her mother smiled widely when she saw Will and immediately gave him a hug "Oh it is so wonderful to finally meet you! Maxine has said such wonderful things." She said sweetly to him as she pulled away.
He smiled and nodded, “so nice to meet you. I brought wine.” He told her, handing her the bottle. “All the good bits I hope.” He told her and followed them inside.
Max smiled as she followed them inside and bit her lip seeing her dad standing there looking Will up and down "Dad this is Will." She said gently giving a small smile as they shook hands and he said it was a pleasure to meet him.
He nodded, making sure he gave him a strong handshake, “good to meet you too sir.” He told him

“And why is it that you’ve not come to meet us until now? Hope you’re not planning on leaving my daughter again.” He told him
Max frowned some and shook her head "Dad, that was on me and you know it. No need to bring all that up." She told him before squeezing Will's hand.
Will swallowed a little and just nodded. “I think we’ve both grown and handle things better.” He told him, relaxing slowly as her parents did and was eventually sat having dinner with a few of her family once the others had arrived, sat next to her when her mom asked him what kinds of music he made. “Oh… oh I uh, I’m a vocalist in a band.” He told her. “We’ve toured the country. Done a few overseas shows too.” He explained, chuckling a little when they asked if he could give them a taste of what kinda stuff he did. In the moment he wasn’t thinking and instead of giving clean vocals, went straight into the last bit of To the Hellfire
Max went wide eyed and did her best to not bust out laughing at the faces her family were now making. Her sister was looking impressed, her mother shocked, and the others a bit mortified. She squeezed his hand gently once he stopped and smiled proudly at him "Yeah Will is really popular with the metal community. He's even doing a a vocal study here soon about how he does all that." She explained happily to everyone.
He sat there looking a little sheepish and nodded. “Sorry. Got carried away there a little.” He chuckled. “Not everyone’s taste though I get it.” He smiled.
Max smiled happily and went on with dinner. By the time they were leaving Will was in a conversation with her sister and she went to tell her mom goodbye "Thank you for having us mom, dinner was great."
She smiled and hugged her tight, “I like him. Not sure on the noise but if you’re happy then I am too.”

Will went to find her once her sister walked off and smiled, “we ready to go? I got an early flight, you got work… you still good to check in on the cats?” He asked her hopefully.
Max smiled happily and nodded some "I'm very happy with him." She said before turning to Will "Hey yeah I'm ready." She said happily before rolling her eyes when he mentioned the cats "Yes I told you I would." She said before pecking his cheek.
He smiled and nodded. “I’m just making sure my children are looked after.” He told her, saying goodbye to her family and heading out with her. “I probably should’ve gone for just some sleep token shouldn’t I?” He chuckled quietly as they got in the car, taking her hand.
Max gave a small nod and laughed a bit "Probably, but I think it'll be fine. My sister seemed impressed." She said as she squeezed his hand before he started to drive back to her place.
He nodded and smiled. “I panicked okay?” He chuckled and yawned. “I can’t believe how drained I am from that. I was more stressed than I thought.” He chuckled.
Max laughed lightly and smiled at him "Yeah it can be draining, lets get to mine and you can go home if you want." She said before kissing his hand again "You know I love you right? Like a lot?"
He frowned and glanced over at her. “You kicking me out?” He pouted a little. “You love me but you want me to leave?” He whined a little, holding back a smile
Max laughed lightly and shook her head "No I'm not, I was thinking since you have to leave tomorrow you may want to go home. But you can stay if you want, I'm not going to say no." She said softly
He shook his head. “My suitcase is in the trunk. I was gonna go to the airport from yours.” He told her. “Jack is watching the cats til I leave but I’ve asked you to check on em from tomorrow cause he’s away for the weekend.” He told her
Max gave a small nod and smiled a bit "Alright sounds good. They're all set on food right? I won't need to buy any?" She asked
He nodded. “All good with food. I’m only gone for a couple days anyway.” He reminded her, pulling into the drive for her place and parked up.

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