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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He nodded and smiled. “That would be good.” He murmured, getting out and drying off, heading straight back to his room to get dressed so he could drop her off at home then go down to the studio.
Max followed him quickly to his room and got dressed as well. She stepped out to the kitchen to grab some water while Will made sure the cats were put away. She gave a small frown though when she heard Matt behind her.
He got them set up with everything they needed before heading out to the kitchen and grabbing his reusable coffee cup. “You ready?” He asked max, heading to the car straight away
Max nodded quickly and went out with him without a word feeling uncomfortable with how she noticed Matt staring at her. She held Will's hand as he drove smiling softly "So will I ever get to meet Tracy?"
He smiled and glanced over at her and nodded, "You wanna come to the race meet on Sunday?" He asked her smiling. "It's only for a few hours. There's a barbecue going on as well." He told her. "You don't have to be in the car with me." He told her.
Max smiled some and gave a nod "Yeah that sounds like a lot of fun." She said happily completely unaware to what she was getting herself into.
He smiled and nodded "Sweet. We're leaving at 8:30 in the morning." He told her happily, "When are you going to visit Carmen next?" He asked her, knowing they'd been organising it but not remembering for when.
Max smiled some and watched the world pass by through the window "Next weekend, we're having lunch and a little shopping day." She murmured happily
He nodded and smiled. “You’re going all the way out there for a day?” He asked. “I’d need at least four to justify that flight.” He chuckled, shaking his head some.
Max gave a small laugh "Well thats what we have planned. I might stay an extra day but she did have some work to do." She said with a small shrug "Maybe next time you could come." She murmured happily kissing his hand gently
He smiled. “I will if we’re gonna stay for a few days.” He told her. “Noah’s a decent guy to hang out with too.” He told her smiling as he pulled up. “Alright. Behave. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He told her parking right outside her house and leaned over, kissing her happily. “See you later beautiful.”
Max waved bye to him and smiled happily before going into her house to start on submitting her photos from the festival.
He ended up not being able to see her again until the weekend with her schedule and hee stayed the night at her place, feeling a little bad about having to get her up at 7 in the morning but at the same time he was excited to get out on the race track again. He took her a coffee and woke her up gently, setting it on the side. “Morning. I’m gonna go take a quick shower. Be right back.“ he murmured, pecking her cheek and headed to her bathroom
Max groaned softly as he woke her up but soon got up when she heard the shower going. She got dressed all cute for their outing smiling softly as he came back out "I'm just about ready." She murmured kissing his cheek gently before she went to the restroom to do her hair and brush her teeth.
He nodded and smiled as he got dressed for the day, getting his own coffee in a travel cup while he waited for hee to be finished.
Max came out and pouted some "You didn't make me a travel cup?" She said before smiling and going down to make her some as well. Once they were down at the race track she stood beside Tracy smiling some at how excited Will seemed "You really love it here huh?"
He nodded happily and smiled at her "Oh yeah, wait til you see me race." He told her, going to grab his helmet out the back of the car so he was ready to go then took her hand to go introduce her to his friends down there "There's some girls here too, you won't be drowning in testosterone." He assured her
Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "I can hold my own around the guys." She teased before kissing him gently as they called for him "Be careful out there." She said sweetly before letting him run off to get Tracy ready.
“Yes ma’am.” He told her happily, heading off to get sorted. He had a great race, a smooth one at that but he still saw max looking alittke freaked and chuckled as he pulled up, “you okay?” He called out the window while he parked up again
Max was terrified the entire time he drove. She knew it would be fast, she'd been watching the whole time, but seeing him in the car had heightened her fear. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as he pulled up. "I....no I'm not." She admitted running over and hugging him tightly as he got out of the car.
He chuckled and held her close while he pulled the helmet off and chucked it in his front seat. “I’ll get you out there next time.” He chucklee
Max shook her head frantically as she hid her face in hid chest "No, no, no.....I was so scared you'd crash." She said quietly and squeezed him again
He smiled and shook his head. “I’ve got it babe. Been doin this long enough.” He promised, kissing her head. “Come on, let’s go get some food.” He told hee taking her down to the food truck that came and served everyone every meet.
Max nodded and started to calm down as they walked to the food truck. She held his hand as they looked over the menu smiling some as the cook called out a greeting to Will. "You make friends with everyone don't you?"
He waved back and nodded. “Got one of those faces yknow, people like me.” He smiled, scratching her back gently while they waited in line then got their food and took her somewhere to sit down. “So you’re not gonna be a regular down here then?” He pouted.

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