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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max was doing her best to stay calm as she tried to pack her bag once they were in the room "He was at the race track.....Tracy was in the shop...so he drove another guys car and the brakes failed." She said before stopping when she noticed how shaky her hands were "They said its really bad Carm...oh god what if....I haven't even told him yet." She whimpered while looking to her best friend for help.
“Right. Breathe. Pack your shit let’s get you to the airport okay?” She told her. “We’ll get you on the next flight home alright?” She assured her, “when you know more let me know what’s going on okay?” She coaxed, helping her pack while she looked at flights for her.
Max took deep breaths and nodded before she began to pack again. By the next morning she was home again, thankful that they had been able to find a flight opening for that night. She got to the hospital once she had heard from his mom where he was at and took a shaky breath as she walked into the room to see him.
Carmen sighed quietly as she finished up with her client and was busy cleaning and tidying away. She’d spoken to Noah the night before and explained what was going on, hearing how run down he was and she’d spent most of the morning worrying about both him and max. She jumped a little as she heard a voice from the doorway, turning around to see Noah stood there, just staring at him confused. “How… wha? … what are you doing here?” She smiked as she stepped over to him, hugging him tightly.

Will was out cold still and his mother stood, hugging her when she stepped closer. “He’s uh… he’s not woken up yet…. A lot of internal bleeding. On top of the car flipped, metal pole went through the windshield and got lodged in his abdomen. And at the speed he was going even with the helmet on he has a bleed on the brain they’re very concerned about.” She explained to her gently.
Noah smiled widely and pulled her in close to him "Hey beautiful. They cancelled the next few dates, we were all so burnt out that Jolly and Folio were sick." He explained quietly before kissing the top of her head "So you got me the next couple days."

Max whimpered quietly before going to his side and taking his hand in hers. She placed her head on the bed and let out a short sob as she kept close. "I'm pregnant.." was all she said to his mother before bursting into tears again.
She smiled and nodded. “That sounds like we got a couple days to relax.” She murmured, “I’m just waiting for max to message or call,” she told him, running her fingers through his long hair, smiling at him. “Best surprise” she murmured, pecking his lips before pulling away to carry on packing up. “Im in the hotel til Monday anyway, pool side cocktails?” She suggested, turning to find him staring at her. “What you looking at?”

She moved to sit with her and hugged her close with one hand on her sons leg, “and when he’s doing better he’s going to be so excited.” She told her gently, watching him. “I’m going to get some water, give you a little time.” She told her gently before getting up and heading out of the room.
Noah smiled softly at her and shrugged a bit "Just how beautiful you are. I got real lucky." He murmured happily as he watched her still. He was beyond exhausted and really would love to nap, but he supposed lounging by a pool with her would be just as relaxing.

Max looked at Will once she left and gently stroked his face "You better wake up and come back to me, you can't leace yet." She said quietly before kissing his hand gently "I love you so much Will." She murmured
She smiled and blushed, finishing putting the last of her stuff away. “Where’s your bags?” She asked him, nodding when he said hed dropped them off at the hotel she was staying at already, grabbing her bag and reached for his hand. “Come on. I think, it’s been a long morning for me and you… I could do with a nap.” She told him, recognising the look in his eyes when she really looked at him.

His mom came back a good half hour later and sat down. “He got lucky with the pole. It didn’t hit anything major.” She told her quietly. “From what I understand, his car is being worked on and a friend suggested Will race his car instead of him…. He hadn’t planned to go yesterday.” She mumbled frowning
Noah nodded softly and smiled a bit "Yeah a nap sounds real good." He said quietly before takimg her hand and heading towards the hotel. Once they arrived he got stripped to his boxers and immediately collapsed onto the bed groaning softly "This bed is fucking comfortable." He said into the covers.

Max nodded some and took a deep breath "Thats what they told me too. I just....I want to be mad for him doing something like that, but I can't find it in me." She said quietly while she stroked his knuckles with her fingers gently
She had organised for them to bring his bags to her room so she was a little behind him, walking in to find him taking up most of the bed, nudging him over while she moved to lay with him, kissing him softly. “I’ve missed you.” She murmured. “So much.” She murmured, already exhausted and startin to fall asleep next to him.

She shrugged a little. “He always did things as safely as he could.” She sighed a little, shaking her head, going to call his sisters to give them an update.
Noah woke up about an hour later when he felt her moving to get up "Where are you going? I was having a nice time cuddling you." He whined as he looked over at her.

Max went ahead and texted Carmen what was happening as she sat back in her chair. She sighed heavily and turned her attention back to Will as she finished up.
Carmen frowned, checking her phone. “Just a moment.” She murmured, sending her one back to let her know what she needed to and that she was available if max needed her before going back to laying with Noah, brushing his hair out of his face, kissing him gently and straddling his waist. “Mmm, I missed you.” She murmured.

It took a few hours but he was slowly coming around and groaned quietly as he opened his eyes to blurred vision, just about able to make out shapes of people in the room, feeling a hand on his face, it sure who it was but relaxed once he finally heard maxs voice.
Noah pulled her in close and smiled a bit "Mmm I missed you too." He murmured before kissing her deeply as he let his hands start to roam her body.

Max looked over at him when she heard him groan and placed her hand on his cheek "Hey, hey its me. You're okay." She said softly giving a small smile when he finally looked at her "Scared me half to death."
He frowned, squinting to try and bring her into focus but no matter what his vision remained blurred “I can’t… your face.” He mumbled before passing out again, going in and out of consciousness for hours until the early evening when he came to again, his vision still just blobs of colour. “Max?” He mumbled.

She smiled against him, making quick work of stripping what she needed… she lay next to him after, watching him happily. “I was going to wait til we got home but maybe… maybe now is better.” She murmured, getting up carefully and having to steady herself for a moment before going to her suitcase, pulling out a long box from one of the pockets and taking it to him. “Before you panic, it’s not a pregnancy test… but I got you something.” She told him, going to sit with him again and handed him the box that held a silver chain necklace.
Max looked over when he woke up again and smiled "Hey I'm here babe, I'm here. Your vision still blurry?" She asked as she pressed the call button to get a nurse in there to look him over "Stay calm okay? Everything is going to be okay."

Noah looked at her a bit confused before he opened the box. He smiled as he lifted the chain out the box "Oh wow babe, thank you!" He said happily before leaning over and kissing her cheek gently "I love it."
She smiled and watched him. “I didn’t want to spook you with a ring or something but we’ve been together three years now…. I figured it was time for me to get you something more than a nice tshirt.” She murmured, slipping her arms around him. “And I wanted to talk with you…. About uh… about us finding our own place.” She told him slowly, knowing how adverse to change he was.

He groaned quietly and closed his eyes again, “I can’t … can’t see.” He mumbled, frantically feeling around for her hand and put his over hers on his cheek, gripping at her desperately. “I can’t… what happened?” He asked, trying to not freak out but it wasn’t going very well for him.
Noah bit his lip some and nodded "Well now I gotta get you something nice too." He said smiling a bit "Move huh? Well uh...you think we could afford a house in Cali?" He asked biting the inside of his cheek as he thought about it.

Max held his face and pressed her forehead to his "Hey, hey calm down its okay I promise." She murmured gently to him "You had a car crash baby, its okay I promise." She said quietly looking at the nurse as she came in "He still can't see."
She nodded and moved to check him over, “Mr. Ramos, I just need you to take a couple deep breaths okay? Try to relax. I know this must be quite scary right now but you’re in good hands.” She tried to settle him, “we’re going to take you for a scan shortly okay? Im just going to borrow your partner for a moment is that alright?” She asked, frowning as he finally hummed in agreement and she stepped out with max. “He’s lost a lot of blood and we think it’s likely that the sight is due to the bleed on the brain. Doctor just wants a CT before he does any kind of surgery, last thing he needs is to suffer any more major blood loss.” She explained to her slowly.

She shook her head and smiled. “I didn’t say that did I? Noah you spoil me, I just wanted to get you something nice.” She murmured, kissing his cheek and rest her chin on his shoulder. “I think we could start looking… whether we get married or not some day, I know that i want to be with you for the rest of my life.” She told him. “But I don’t want to live in a house with five other people the rest of my life.” She told him.
Max took a deep breath and nodded as she listened to her "Will they be in soon to do the scan?" She asked quietly as she did her best to stay as calm as possible.

Noah smiled widely as he wrapped an arm around her "Yeah I guess you have a point, can't have roommates forever." He said softly before nodding "Well I guess when I get back from tour we can start looking around at things. I would prefer not to leave California, but if we have to leave LA...then I can do it." He said softly "I don't want to loose you, I want forever as well, but if I seem a little off about looking or not interested, thats not it okay?" He said softly knowing this would be a major change for him to get used to and he hoped she would be okay with giving him just a bit of time to process it.
She moved back and cupped his face making him look at her. “Darling I don’t expect this to happen tomorrow. Or even next month or six… I just think we should start taking steps down that road okay? Plus I never said we had to get out of the neighbourhood either.” She murmured, kissing him gently. “I love you. Very much.” She murmured, moving to go get dressed for the pool.

She nodded “As soon as they can.” She told her and left them to it.

Will hummed quietly when he felt her hand on his face again, feeling for her other hand but kept his eyes closed this time. “I don’t…. Remember.” He mumbled. “I was at … the track… and I think… I don’t know… someone else’s car.” He mumbled, pausing every few words to gather the energy to speak again.
Max held his face and shool her head some "Hey hey don't talk okay? Just rest and reserve your energy. Its going to be okay." She said quietly before kissing him gently.

Noah nodded and smiled some "I love you too." He murmured before getting up and changing for pool time too "Good thing I always pack my trunks." He said happily before taking her hand and following her down to the pool area "You gonna lather me up so I don't become a lobster? Some of us don't have the natural ability to tan."
He mumbled incoherently before passing out again, his normal energy levels had been reduced to nothing for now and he could hardly keep awake for more than a few minutes at a time.

She smiled and shook her head. “No you certainly didn’t get any kind of uv protection did you?” She smiled, shaking her head. “I brought factor 50 though so you’ll be alright.” She smiled, getting them a couple of loungers and set her stuff down to turn and get him smothered in cream. “When are you gonna start getting your back tattooed? It looks really funny right now cause it’s blank.” She teased a little.
Max took a deep breath as she sat back down and let a few tears fall. She had never seen him this bad before, even when he was deathly sick he still had that energy. She looked at the door as the nurses came in to take him for the tests and thanked them quietly while she stayed back.

Noah chuckled some and shrugged "I dunno, gotta figure out exactly what I'd want there. Been toying with a few ideas but haven't settled on one." He said smiling before pecking her lips once she was done "Mmm thank you beautiful."
She hummed quietly and got him to do her back before putting sunglasses on and relaxing in the sun lounger until she heard scraping noises and glanced over, laughing out loud seeing Noah was dragging a large umbrella over so he would be in the shade.

His mother came back with some food, handing her a bag. “Here. How long did they say they would be gone for?” She asked her, sitting down and sighing a little.
Noah looked over and glared playfully at her "What are you laughing it?! Its too damn bright, and hot." He said as he positioned the umbrella in the right place so that they could be shaded perfectly.

Max thanked her as she took the bag and sighed softly "About 30 minutes hopefully." She said before she dug into her food.

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