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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He nodded happily and sat up, reaching for his nightstand to pull out an inhaler, shaking his head a little. “Damn woman. Tryna kill me already.” He chuckled after he’d finally managed to catch his breath, winking at her and got up to put his clothes back on. “We are definitely doing this. I got your name on a contract that proves it.” He chuckled.
Max laughed lightly as she smacked his arm playfully before getting her clothes back on as well "Did your Mom say what time she was wanting to be here by?" She asked as she went towards the door.
He shook his head. “Knowing her probably in about an hour from now. I better get going I’m running late now.” He told her, getting ready for the day and kissed her once more. “Love you, I’ll be back around five I hope.” He smiled, waving as he left and headed down to the studio
Max nodded and gave a small laugh seeing he had a mark coming in on his neck "Don't let the guys give you too much shit for your neck." She teased before pecking his lips "I love you too." She murmured before letting him go off.
He nodded not really listening. Getting there around fifteen minutes late. “Sorry sorry, I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t find the inhaler, we had to look through way too many boxes.” He told them, going straight to sit down and hear what they had got done yesterday
Austin couldn't stifle his laugh as Will gave them an excuse about his inhaler "Uh huh...listen man next time tell Max to chill out, people are gonna think she's a vampire or somethin." He said between laughs and laughed even harder as Will gave him a confused look.
He frowned until Austin took a photo and showed him, “oh jeez. Okay so maybe there was some sex sprinkled in there but to my credit… I was dealing with a lack of being able to breathe after that.” He chuckled and shrugged it off, texting max hallf an hour later to ask if her and his mom were doing alright
Max smiled as her phone pinged with Will's ringtone. She took a photo of their now fully unpacked kitchen and sent it to him with the message 'Your mom is no joke, she has been helping so much. We got the kitchen done!'
He rolled his eyes a little and sent back another. “Alright we’ll have her move in instead of me then.” He sent her with a sad face emoji, putting his phone down to get to work

His mom shook her head when max showed her the next message. “You know I always thought he would grow out of the dramatics. But good luck to you cause I know you adore him but surely that gets old sometimes.” She smiled.
Max laughed happily and gave a small shrug "Sometimes it does, but he normally doesn't do it in serious moments so I can handle it pretty well." She explained happily
She smiled and shook her head. “I love my son dearly Maxine. But seeing him taking this step with you, it won’t be long before the two of you are engaged knowing him and I want to be clear that I know he is my son but if you are having problems with him, you come right to me and I will sort him out.” She told her sincerely.
Max blushed some at the thought of Will proposing and nodded some "I promise I will, but so far he has been very good to me." She said with a small smile "Would you like some food? I can make us something." She said happily
She shook her head and smiled. “I’m good thank you, need to get to my daughters in a couple hours so I’m gonna stop on the way over there, bad break up, wants her mom.” She smiled some. “Right, I will leave you to it my dear but if you need anything just call okay? I know Will is likely to call me every day anyway, just to tell me what he had for lunch.” She shook her head and smiled, hugging max and left her to it until will arrived home that afternoon.

Carmen was just finished sending max her own flight details and the hotel and everything else that was important when her phone lit up. “Hey handsome, perfect timing, I was just gonna go make myself some lunch. How’s the tour going?” She asked him, hoping they weren’t going to add yet another one on after this one so he could come home for a bit
Max smiled happily and gave her a small nod and hugged her goodbye. By the time Will came back home she was sat on the couch cuddling with the cats. She smiled some at him and waved "Hey handsome, how was the studio?"

Noah smiled some when he heard Carmen's voice on the line "Hey beautiful, its going alright, the shows have been great so far." He said happily as he sat down in the bus and sipped his water "I miss you though, can't wait to come home to you."
He smiled and set his stuff down, heading over to her and plopped down. “I’m wearing turtlenecks the rest of my life.” He chuckled, kissing her head. “You have a good time with my mom?” He asked her quietly, pulling her in close.

She smiled a little and grabbed a sandwich out the fridge. “I miss you too puppy.” She smiled. “I can’t wait for you to have a break. You need it.” She told him, “oh I got max joining me in vegas next weekend. I’m hoping my next work trip after this will be when you’re home. Bring you along for a pool break.” She smiled. She worked as an MUA working on a lot of high profile clients. They’d met while she’d been working on someone he’d been on tour with and hit it off from there
Max laughed some and cuddled into him "I tried to tell you." She said before pecking his lips "Yeah we had a nice time, told me to call her if you start driving me insane." She said while she cupped his face and stroked his cheek with her thumb.

Noah chuckled some and shook his head some "Oh lord, watch out Vegas. Make sure you two behave yourselves." He said happily as he yawned a bit. "Mmm you can say that again, a nice pool holiday sounds pretty damn good right now."
She smiled a little. “Oh no baby I’m working and sitting at the hotel, the last thing we need is me to start gambling.” She pointed out. “Go take a nap. You what…. Got soundcheck in two hours? Try to catch up on sleep.” She suggested, “I love you okay?” She smiled. “Get some rest.”

He closed his eyes tiredly and relaxed into her touch, “mmmm so you’re gonna never ever call her right?” He smiled “I’m gonna take a nap. We don’t have groceries yet but you wanna doordash some Taco Bell?” He asked hee yawning some and moved to lay with his head in her lap.
Max smiled some and gave a small nod "Mmm yeah that sounds great. I'll make sure to do a grocery run tomorrow." She murmured softly as he moved to lay on her lap "I love you babe."

Noah smiled a bit and nodded "Alright babe, I love you. I'll talk to you later." He said softly before making his way to the bunks for a nap.
A week later Carmen was sat in a sun lounger next by the pool next to max and having the catch up they needed. “I don’t know how you handle wills energy all the time. I couldn’t do it.” She told her, reapplying the sunscreen and smiled. “Although we all have that one thing we have to push through don’t we…. Noah’s thing is having the air con on all year round. He likes it cool in the house and he wants to be in hoodies and sweats year round.” She muttered rolling her eyes.

Will had sent her a message to say he loved her and would call her tonight when he’d pulled up to the race track but after that turned his phone off, going to meet with some friends
Max laughed some and shrugged a bit "It definitely took some getting used to as first but I got used to it." She said with a smile as she sipped her drink while lounging back "You guys still living with his bandmate?" She asked her while she checked her phone and smiled happily texting him to be careful.
She nodded and sighed "And Jesse from Erra.... And Davis.... And Orie and Orie's girlfriend... I want out of there." She sighed a little "Don't get me wrong me and Noah are great.... Things are just a little cramped." she told her, laying back and glancing over at her cocktail next to Max's soft drink "So... When are you gonna tell him?" She asked her curiously.
Max nodded some knowing that all too well "Oh I get ya, even just spending the weekend at Will's old place was a lot. Atleast you don't deal with a creep roommate." She said smiling a bit as she sipped her drink "Once I get back, I got a cute onesie and everything to surprise him with. I just...I hope he's happy about it. Last time we both didn't even get to enjoy the fact of knowing ya know?" She explained to her friend. She'd found out she was pregnant right before she left and she excited about it, she just hoped this time didn't end up like the last.
She nodded. “I think he will be. Might be a little freaked but he’s grown up now.” She pointed out and smiled at her but rolled her eyes when maxs phone started ringing a little while later
Max smiled when she saw Will's name pop up a little later on her phone "Hey babe, how was the race?" She asked happily but her happy demenour changed when she heard one of his racing friends. She shot up when she heard the word wreck and quickly started gathering her things "What happened?! How?! Is he okay?!"
Jake frowned and shook his head. “He’s … his car is in the shop. So he used Cameron’s, looks like his brakes failed but it’s… you should get here soon as you can. It’s real bad.” He told her frowning.

Carmen frowned and sat up seeing what was going on, getting up and heading up to the room with her to help her once she got off the phone. “What happened?”

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