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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max gave a small laugh and smiled at him "It'll be okay, I like your mom." She said happily before kissing his cheek "My parents said to let them know when we're settled in and they'll come by to see the place." She said happily
He nodded and yawned a little. “Sounds good. Remind me what weekend your work trip is again?” He asked her, checking over his own schedule to make sure he was booked in for racing that weekend especially if she wasn’t around. He tried his best to schedule his racing days for when she was also busy but sometimes went anyway. He was just a lot more diligent these days about spending time with her
Max smiled softly at him "Its in two months, I'm heading to one of the Carolinas for a festival." She said giving a small sigh "I might be looking for another job, I'm tired of them over looking me for a promotion but giving everyone else raises." She muttered shaking her head a bit.
He frowned but nodded and kissed her head. “Whatever you wanna do I’ll support it.” He told her quietly, getting up only when the doorbell went for the pizza and made a face. “Oh we’re gonna have to change that doorbell.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "That was can agree on, those chirp bells just don't sound right. Plus I'd like to get one of those ring camera bells." She said as she got up and followed him into the kitchen.
He nodded in agreement. “You can get the wireless ones now too.” He told her quietly, kissing her cheek while he grabbed plates out for them. Just paper ones for now until they had time to go to ikea.
Max gave a nod and poured them two sodas before going to sit at their new table "So Halloween stuff is out in stores now....maybe we could go grab a few things the spruce up the house?" She asked giving him big puppy dog eyes hoping he'd agree to let her make atleast some spaces halloween like.
He smiled and rolled his eyes. “Babe if you wanna go get Halloween stuff then go get Halloween stuff, just as long as the house isn’t covered in it all year round.” He told her smiling
Max pouted a bit but nodded "Listen, spooky soap holders and welcome signs are year round." She said with a small laugh before pecking his cheek "Oh I have to get the babies some toys too." She said before starting to eat.
He rolled his eyes a little and shook his head. “Remind me to not join our bank accounts until after Halloween.” He teased her, sitting back once he was stuffed, lifting up his tshirt and pat his stomach. “I think I need to go to bed.” He told her smiling. “You happy?” He asked, reaching for her hand while he watched her, still punching himself that they had finally made it. Finally had a house together after all these years.
Max smiled widely and nodded "Yeah I am, I'm very happy." She said happily before kissing him gently just still in shock that they were actually doing this. "Well you get some sleep, I'm gonna stay up and unpack a few things."
He frowned and shook his head. “Don’t stay up too late okay?” He murmured, leaning over and kissing her cheek before tidying up his plate and mess, finally heading to bed to get some shut eye.
Max nodded and smiled some "I promise I won't." She murmured before going to start unpacking some of the living room after she cleaned up as well.
Carmen called her from her and Noah’s new place out in California, sighing a little. “Hey, how’s the move going?” She asked her, locking up the house and taking their dog with her up to bed. “I know it’s last minute, but any chance you fancy going on a weekend trip to vegas with me next weekend? All expenses paid, spend most of it by the pool, I got a job through work and they said I could bring someone with me. Just gotta pay for your flights and I can cover that if you need.” She told her. “Cause you know… I don’t get to see you anymore…. And I’m so lonely with Noah on tour…. You can’t see it but I’m batting my eyelashes and giving great puppy dog eyes.” She smiled.
She gave a small laugh at her friend and nodded some "I'll need to talk with Will, I don't think we have anything planned but just in case. Other than that yeah I'd love to go." She said happily as she sat down "Oh its going alright, our new bed won't be here til the end of the week which sucks but other than that everything went as smooth as it could." She explained to her "Hows Noah?"
She sighed a little and nodded “don’t make me call him myself to force him to say yes cause you know I’ll do it.” She smiled. “Uh yeah… Noah’s alright…. Just in desperate need of a break. Even the weeks that they’ve been at home he’s been working himself to death either with bad omens or producing or writing with other bands…. Just so crazy busy.” She smiled. “I’ll let you go so you can get some sleep considering how late it is where you are.”
Max gave a small nod and smiled a bit "Sounds like you two need a holiday." She said before chatting with her just a bit longer "Alright girl, I'll call you tomorrow with my answer." She said before hanging up and deciding to just take herself up to bed for the night.
Will grumbled a little in the morning when he woke up to his phone pinging several times in a row and looked over to see max sat up and reading. “Why is Carmen texting me this early?” He grumbled, rolling in close to her and hugging her legs tightly.
Max looked over at him and laughed lightly "She invited to me to girls weekend all expenses paid to Vegas and I told her I needed to talk to you first. So she is wanting your answer." She explained with a small laugh
He grumbled again and closed his eyes, resting his head into her lap. “Whatever you wanna do babe.” He mumbled, starting to fall back asleep, enjoying the quiet of the morning in their own house.
She smiled a bit and watched him fall back to sleep before picking up her phone and texting Carmen that she would go. It was another hour before he was up again "Oh thank goodness you're up, I have to pee!" She squeaked before getting up quickly and rushing to the bathroom.
He hummed quietly and watched her go, taking a minute before getting up to go sort out the cats, texting a friend to let them know he could sub in on the weekend now that max would be out of town. “Hey, I’m gonna go down to the track when you’re having your girls weekend. Just for a little while then I can carry on some unpacking.” He told her once she got to the kitchen
Max nodded and smiled as she came out to him "Okay just be careful out there." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck "Can you believe we actually own a house now?" She asked before pecking his lips
He nodded and smiled. “Mind is a little blown.” He told her smiling at her. “I think we should go christen the new mattress though.” He winked at her, dragging her back up to bed.
Max squeaked as he picked her up and ran to their room....by the end of their escapades she was panting and staring at the ceiling with a giant smile on her face "This is all so crazy huh?" She said softly before turning to look at him "I mean, we're really doing this together."

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