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Be My Oblivion

Aiden held her gaze, "Don't apologize. It's not that it makes me uncomfortable, Ember." He said, a small smile on his lips. He leaned into her hand as it brushed against his cheek, and reached up to pull her against him. Except the difference was that he kissed her as his arms settled around her.
The sweet and tender moment shared brought a smile to her lips, but as he pulled her into a kiss, she gasped with surprise. It was certainly a pleasant surprise, one that she quickly sank into. Her body drew close, pressing against his, her good arm reaching around his neck, holding him close. Her lips were soft and sweet, a soft moan rumbling in her throat with such intense pleasure from such a small act. Her heart was beating quickly, seeming about to burst. Ember pulled back for only moment, long enough to whisper his name.
Aiden felt like his heart skipped slightly as she responded so easily to him, and then it hammered in his chest. He groaned softly when she whispered his name and pressed her lips to his again, his arms tightening around her. He held her close for a while, his emotions hightened from the flood of relief he felt after the fear that had threatened to consume him back at the village.

Finally, he managed to pull himself from the kiss, and parted from her lips. His arms remained around her, their bodies still close. "I thought I was going to lose you." He whispered, closing his eyes and sighing. "I was truly scared." He added, his brow furrowing.
Her eyes were closed, perfectly content in his warm embrace as they stood there in the clearing, and a smile shined brightly upon her face. Cheeks were flushed, this time not from unease or discomfort, but from a passion that burned deep in her belly that seemed to grow the moment their lips met. Standing on tip toes, she pressed hers against his forehead, giving a soft chuckle. "You seem to misunderstand just how strong a wolf can be, how hard one is to kill. Your fears and worries are quite flattering, but please, do not stress. I'll always be here." It was a perfect moment, one she didn't wish to see end. However, they would need to head off towards the coast, and she was quite eager to start their life together.
Aiden opened his eyes and peered at Ember, frowning. "Just because you're stronger than a human, doesn't mean the same things can't kill you. Which also means, things like seeing you shot doesn't scare me." He said softly. He released her, keeping her good hand in his. He stooped and lifted the pack from the ground. "Let's keep moving. We should probably try to find a cave or thick brush to camp for the night." He stated as he started walking, still holding Ember's hand.
Holding his hand tightly, she moved with him in search of shelter, as the day would eventually draw to a close. His words rang fresh in her mind, worries like that never having been thought of before. She could understand now, and looked to her side to admire the man she walked with. "You're right. And you have every right to worry when I'm injured. I guess it would be the same if I were to see you injured as well. It's like how protective I feel of you, how I never wish to see you in pain, and how I only desire to see your smile. I will be careful from now on, I swear it."
Aiden glanced back at Ember and smiled warmly. "I'll swear the same for me, then." He agreed lightly. He walked with her until the sky began to darken, the light fading from the day into night. They were in a fairly dense part of the forest and he paused to look around. "This looks fairly good, but can you scent anywhere that might make a better campsite for the night?" He asked curiously.
The snapping of twigs beneath her feet seemed to bounce off the trees, their presence alerting the wildlife nearby and sending them to scatter. Darkness was quickly creeping upon them, putting the wolf on full alert, each noise nearly making her jump. Finally, she paused, inhaling deeply in hopes to catch the scent of anything useful nearby. "I'm not sure." She'd loosen her grip on his hand, the first time since they left the clearing, and began to search around them, sniffing in various directions. "There's something nearby. I smell burning wood. Whether there's a camp around, a village, or an abandoned site I can't be sure."
Aiden tensed when she mentioned burning wood, not wanting to risk meeting anyone else. "Which direction? I'll scout it." He said softly, sliding his hand from hers. He reached into his boot an pulled out one of his knives and held it out to her by the hilt. "You probably shouldn't risk shifting an opening that wound with it still rather fresh." He said in explanation of why he offered the blade.
At first, she looked at the blade quizzically until he explained, and she nodded. "You're right. Shifting again will only tear it open and probably make it deeper." Sniffing again, she'd point off to the northwest, indicating the scent was coming from there. "I can't get a scent of humans, though. Strange. Though it might be too far away for me to tell otherwise." She was hesitant to let him scout, but nodded in agreement, willing to let him do what needed to be done as to not risk further injury. "Please, be careful."
Aiden smiled warmly, "I will. I won't argue if you want to follow, just keep a safe distance and don't risk hurting yourself more." He said gently before moving off in the indicated direction. He counted to twenty before called softly back to her saying she could start following if she wished and let him know if the scent changed any.
Of course she would follow, not about to let her human go off towards potential danger alone. Even as he walked ahead she began to pace, and keeping her distance took a lot of control. She gripped the handle of the blade tightly in her good hand, the other arm tucked snuggling below her breasts to keep her shoulder in a good position. The smell grew stronger, hair standing up on the back of her neck but she couldn't detect anything else. It was quite frustrating, and far too tempting to shift anyways. A grumble rumbled low in her throat from frustration at herself.
Aiden stalked forward carefully, watching where he stepped to keep his footfalls as silent as possible. He strained to listen for any sounds that weren't his. It didn't take long for him to reach a medium sized cabin, and from the looks of it, someone lived there. A thin line of smoke drifted out of the chimney stack, a fresh stack of wood near the doorway. Which was abnormally wide, and certainly taller than needed. A thick hide blanket was what covered the doorway, rather than an actual door itself, and there were no windows. He looked around, the sight was certainly curious. "Hello?" He called in as friendly a greeting as his nerves would allow.
Ember watched from the brush, keeping her distance as Aiden entered the medium size cabin, nervous as can be once he was out of sight. A familiar scent shifted with the breeze, freezing the wolf in place. She had to warn him, and fast. At normal human speed, she darted through the clearing and into the cabin, reaching out for Aiden's arm. "We need to go, quick!" She could feel it, the air was buzzing around her as others began to shift. "Hurry let's go!" She couldn't stress it enough, but they were too late.

The cabin was surrounded but beasts, snarling at the intruders who dared to enter their home. The rumbling was so low that Aiden may not be able to hear, but she was white as snow as if she'd seen a ghost. One word would tell him what he needed to know, her voice a low whisper. "Wolves...." She'd have to shift, she'd have to risk ruining her stitches in hopes to gain their trust. The problem was, she was frozen, standing in the doorway as a massive white wolf was slowly stalking their way.
Aiden spun when he heard approaching steps, reaching for Ember just as she reached for him. His mind registered her distress, and moved out of the cabin with her, only to freeze in place when he spotted the white wolf. His arms slid around Ember, protectively.

He turned his eyes to the ground, this white wolf must be a leader of a sort, but he made sure to keep his senses alert. "Forgive us for trespassing." He said in a clear, steady voice. "We mean no harm to you and yours." He added, glancing to the treeline that surrounded them.
The white wolf snapped his jaws, the beast large and towering over them as he looked down upon the trespassers. Ember was about to shift, though Aiden's arms around her were far too distracting, and she couldn't risk the shift while he was so close. Instead, she did what a wolf would do and lowered her head, her eyes cast upon the ground at the creatures feet. "Don't look him in the eyes. He'll think you're here to challenge him." Her whispers were harder to hear as the pack all snapped their jaws and pranced in place, seeming to awate the order to attack.

With head lowered, she nearly appeared to be attempting a bow, showing full respect for the leader and also her submission. He seemed to buy it, growing quiet and barking at the pack before stepping forward towards the two. His nose was pressed firmly against her hair, taking in her scent before moving to Aiden's, though something about the human would make him sneeze. He backed up before he did so, body erupting in a fight of sneezes that sent fur flying into the breeze.

A decision now needed ot be made, the minutes ticked by as the world around them silent. The large white wolf stood there pondering the sight of a human hovering over a wolf, finding the relationship quite puzzling and confusing. The air trembled around them as he began to shift, giving way to a large and burly human male in desperate need of a shave. With arms crossed, he stood there silent staring at the two.
Aiden glanced at Ember, and followed suit, lowering his head like she did. He was tense as he heard the surrounding wolves snapping their jaws, his arms tightening around Ember. He froze as the white wolf sniffed Ember, and then himself. Something about the wolf stepping back to sneeze made him unsure whether to chuckle or feel insulted.

He blinked as the white wolf gave way to a naked man. "We mean no harm." He said slowly, his arms loosening on Ember, but he never fully released her.
Ember lifted her gaze as the man shifted, stepping forward when Aiden loosened his grip. Though, she couldn't go far as he still held her, which did bring about a sense of security. "Please, we were just passing through, making our way to the coast. We didn't mean to intrude on your home." She'd be cut off, the naked man lifting a hand in signal to bring about silence.

He cleared his throat, gaze wandering from wolf to wolf before fixing on the couple before him. "If you mean us no harm, then why are you armed with blades? It seems you've come to slaughter us. And you..." He pointed at Ember, narrowing his gaze. "I'm disappointed in you, running with a human. You're not a wolf, but a traitor. You should be executed for your crimes." The pack barked in agreement, many prancing in place once again in hopes to charge and take a chunk of the trespassers.

Ember lifted her hands defensively, spreading them out to create a barrier between them and Aiden, determined they won't touch him. "I had no idea your pack was here, Sir. Please, my mate is very accepting of our kind, he doesn't desire to harm you. He saved me from humans who would do such things, and worse. He's a good man, I swear it."
Aiden watched the exchange in silence, and blinked when he heard Ember call him her mate. It brought a smile to his face, and he chuckled softly. He took the blade he had lent to Ember, and tossed it away from them. He took hold of one of Ember's hands, lowering it so he could step forward. "I will admit," He began, and pulled off his shirt, revealing the hidden blades at the base of his back, and the ones on his forearms. "I have taken many wolves lives. Out of ignorance, and eventually revenge." He sighed, and untied the sheathed blades from his arms, tossing them away from himself as well.

He then reached and removed the blades at his lower back, tossing them away as well. "A pack of your kind took my first wife and child." He sighed, lifting a leg to yank off his boot, tossing it and the knife that had been hidden in it away. "I hated wolves for that fact alone for many years." He continued, pulling the other boot off, tossing it. That one had been empty, as that had been the blade he had given Ember. "It was Ember, and the love I carried for my first wife, Clara, that showed me how wrong I was." He sighed, and knelt to his knees.

"I'm now defenseless to you. I do not ask forgiveness, because the lives I have taken are irreplaceable. Just do not harm Ember." He finished, bowing his head to the man.
At first, the pack leader sneered at the humans confessions, a hand rising to control a wolf who was growing far too eager to attack. It was rather close to stepping out of line. However, as Aiden worked to disarm himself and lower to his knees, it struck a chord with the alpha and the corner of his lips pulled into a smirk. "You've got guts for a human, I'll give you that." He stepped forward now to remove the blade that Ember clutched so tightly, figuring as a wolf against an alpha she'd happily oblige.

She did, letting him take the blade from her grasp and toss it aside before gathering the rest. With a snap of his fingers, another wolf shifted, a man who appeared no older than maybe 18 stepped forward with rich copper hair nearly like Aidens and gathered the stash before retreating into the house. Ember stood in amazement, watching her human submit to the pack so willingly. He really had a change of heart, and it brought tears to her eyes.

The alpha's gaze finally settled upon Ember's wound, leaning in to inspect it closely, even going so far as to touch it softly. "Did humans do this to you?" She nodded, wincing as he toyed with her injury. "I'm not about to let an injured wolf wander through the forest. You'll be taken down in an instant. The human, however." He paused, leaning down to gaze into his eyes. The alpha's were green like the richest emerald, though there was a darkness within. "Keep your pet restrained and we'll have no issues, understood wolf?" She nodded, moving to wrap arms around Aiden's neck protectively.
Aiden felt himself tense as he was referred to as a pet, but bit his tongue and remained silent. "I only ask that I have my blades returned when we leave. I'll leave myself defenseless to you, but I'd rather not be defenseless against other humans." He said softly, looking at the ground. He stood from his knees, gripping Ember's hand. He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles lightly.
Some of the wolves scattered, angry about the alpha's decision to let the trespassers live. Others stepped forward, sticking their noses against them both, taking each scent in. The rest shifted, finding it far more pleasant in their humans forms and much easier to communicate. However, none wanted anything to do with the human, and were rather cautious about Ember. They all headed inside, pushing their way past their guests to find some clothes to wear. Ember simply turned to Aiden and smiled, but the tension hadn't faded.

The alpha never promised the weapons returned, unsure how to answer it at the present time and left it up in the air. As he retreated, a wave of his hand would invite them inside, and Ember would follow, dragging Aiden with her. "I cannot thank you for your generosity, Sir. We were beginning to lose hope of finding shelter." Again, he raised his hand to cut her off, and like a trained pup, she obeyed.

"I am not letting you stay here out of generosity. I do not trust you, nor do I want you here. However, wolves are growing harder to find and it would be a shame to eliminate another. The humans have done that enough." A cold glare was cut Aiden's way, but his throat was cleared and continued. "I did say I wasn't going to let you into the woods injured. I never said I'd let you both survive either. If I feel you can be trusted, perhaps I'll set you free. For now, you will be tended to and supervised very closely. Step out of line once and I'll let them snap your necks."

Ember swallowed at his harsh words and nodded, not daring to argue with any of them. "By the way, wolf, why is it that you are not traveling with your own pack? It's not safe for you to be alone. I trust you know that. Or are you recently turned and seeking a new home?" Ember froze, shaking her head, unsure how to answer. "No, I was born a wolf. My pack was recently eliminated. It's why I'm heading to the coast with this human, here, to start a new life." The man scoffed and shook his head, moving to put on a pair of pants. "I'll never understand the appeal of mating with a human."
Aiden kept his head down, swallowing hard to keep from speaking. He could tell he was clearly unwelcome, and his presence was strained as it was. A trickle of fear coalesced down his spine as the alpha spoke, mostly for Ember rather than himself. He had begun to regret the senseless killings of wolves, but there was certainly no way he'd ever be able to convince these wolves of it. Her name is Ember. Not wolf. he snapped in his mind, and bit his lip to keep from saying. This was the captain, the alpha, the leader. Whatever title you wanted to give it. He had to respect that.
Ember's cheeks blushed brightly and took a place upon the floor near a pile of pelts. "Well, I'm unsure of mating, Sir. That's not anything we've really talked about. But I'll agree, I never imagined being with a human either. I guess once my pack was taken from me, it opened me to other opportunities." She smiled and patted Aiden on the hand, looking to him like the most precious treasure in the world.

The alpha snorted again, finding amusement in the situation, and could easily see that Aiden was eager to say something! "Well, if it's puppies you desire, you're welcome to one of my men. I can promise you, they have wonderful genes and can produce strong babies." It was quite an awkward situation, and Ember turned her head away, unable to look at anyone. He gave up quickly and pulled out some dried jerky, offering it to them both, taking a seat right across from them upon a large bear rug. "So the coast. Why? Why not just settle anywhere? It seems to me that you are running."
Aiden smiled at Ember, taking her hand in his. He was only slightly embarrassed about where the conversation had gone, tensing when the Alpha suggested Ember choose one of the pack men. That was certainly something he'd fight for, armed or not.

He accepted the jerky hesitantly, and glanced at the man across from them. "There are humans hunting Ember and myself. They'd have killed her by now had I not intervened." He explained, looking down at his and Ember's hands.

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