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Be My Oblivion

Laying down beside him, her head resting on his shoulder, she found herself quite comfortable, more so than ever before. He was muscular, yet soft enough that laying there wrapped in his arms was rather pleasant. It was similar to sleeping with her sisters, yet far better. A weight was lifted off her shoulders now, but there was a whole new world to explore with him. At least the boundaries between the two had lowered a little, and it was quite a relief when she didn't have to watch herself so much around him anymore.

Pondering the map, she envisioned the various towns randomly upon it, thinking of landmarks and such that would prove beneficial. There was one that stuck out to her the most, partially because it was often a dream she had as a child. "Well, there's a place towards the coast. It seems small, I think. Maybe a bit larger than this place here. If I read the map correctly, it shouldn't be a long journey. It would give us a benefit, though, having the sea as a border. Plus, I've never been there before. I've always wanted to go. What do you think?"
Aiden nodded slightly, "Sounds perfect. I've always wanted to see the coast as well." He said softly in agreement, smiling in the darkness. "To the sea it is." He yawned, and pulled the light blanket over them. "We'll leave at daybreak, and hunt our breakfast. I should have enough coin left over for when we arrive at our destination." He explained, letting himself relax. "Get some rest. Good night, Ember." He whispered, letting his eyes drift closed.
She had something to look forward to, which eased her mind and made sleep that much easier. She yawned, nodding with agreement as they snuggled beneath the blanket. "Goodnight" was whispered into the darkness only moments before she slumbered deeply. Her breathing shifted to slow and steady, her heart finally settling into a peaceful rhythm. It was on this night she slept far better than any other in the previous weeks, finding that sleeping curled up with Aiden was just what was needed for a good night's rest.

Daybreak approached, the sunlight painting the sky a vibrant orange, roosters crowing to bid the day welcome. It started off as a usual day, though this day she awoke in someone's arms, and certainly not by mistake. Through the night she barely moved, sleeping peacefully until her eyes fluttered open, followed by a yawn. Unsure if Aiden was still asleep, she risked a glance upwards. An arm slid around his torso, pulling herself even closer, if it were possible. She could certainly get used to mornings like this.
((I do believe in that last post has been only the second time that Aiden has spoken Ember's name... and it was the first time he used it to address her. I just realized... and thought it was interesting.))

Aiden had slept peacefully through the night, subconsciously keeping himself from moving, partly because he didn't want to disturb Ember, and partly because he was simply that comfortable. His dreams had remained calm, and peaceful, the first night in years he hadn't dreamed of Clara's death. He inhaled deeply as the sounds of the day outside started, his mind wrestling with itself between waking and continuing with sleep. When he felt movement beside him, he cracked an eye open, and smiled. "If this is a dream, I pray I never wake up." he chuckled softly. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?" he asked, letting his eyes close again as he lay there contented.
((oh wow.. yea that's deep))

Ember softly giggled, shifting just enough to gain a better look into his eyes. "If it's a dream, it sure feels real to me." How strange that just the day before things were far more strained between them, and now today they seemed to be in their own little world of bliss. A journey was inevitable, needing to head out further before the hunting party arrived, but laying within bed was just far too tempting. "Do we have to rush out of here? Or can we stay just a bit longer? I'm not ready to get up yet." Pulling the blanket up higher, she nearly covered her head, hiding beneath within the darkness.

Just then, bullets rang out from the distance, their booming sound putting the wolf on high alert. "You don't suppose.." Had they been found? She wasn't sure, and nearly afraid to get up and find out.
Aiden threw the blanket off, and leaped from the bed. "I don't know, but let's not linger to find out." he said hurriedly. He gathered their things, and tucked them away in his pack, peeking out the door. The tavern was starting to bustle with people startled from their beds, and in front of the door sat their folded laundry. He snatched up the clean clothes, and tucked them into the pack as well, which was now decently full. He turned back to Ember, "Give me your things. We'll need you as a wolf. We'll go out the window." he said, waiting to tuck her dress and bracelet into the pack.

When they were safely tucked away, Aiden closed up the pack, and went to the window. He tested it, but it didn't open far enough to climb out. He looked around the room, and grabbed the blanket from the bed, wrapping a portion of it around his arm. "Stand back." he said, and punched his covered arm through the glass of the window, breaking the thin wooden beams that held the four small panes of glass. He used his blanket covered arm to ride the rim of the now broken window of shards, then placed the blanket over the sill. "Ladies first. Run for the forest. I'll be right behind you." he said, smiling.
Ember was way ahead of him, already carefully undoing the bracelet and handing it over. Now, there was a dilemma. Take off the dress and run naked through the village, turn into a wolf, or wait to strip until they've reached the trees. As she climbed out of bed, she knew the quickest way, and quickly removed her clothing. This would be far too dangerous, but it was the fastest way, and with a single bound was replaced by the familiar black wolf. Prepared to hear it later, she waited until the window was broken wide open and quickly dove onto the street.

Looking both ways, people began to scream at the sight of such a beast, and in a flash, she headed towards the brush. Hunters were gathering their weapons, but Ember would be far too fast, escaping without a trace. Nose pressed against the earth, she began to sniff, seeking out a scent that would give her clues to the gunfire. In this area, nothing seemed familiar, which was a good sign for now. It didn't make her any less anxious, and she began to pace, eagerly awaiting Aiden's arrival.
Aiden glanced back at the door of their room as he heard footsteps on the stairs. Ember hadn't mentioned smelling anything familiar, but then again, he hadn't asked. Then he heard someone yelling about a wolf sighting, running through the village. Someone else yelled about the strangers that were staying upstairs. He growled softly, and turned back to the window. He hesitated only a moment before leaping out of the building. He curled himself slightly, dropping to the ground and rolling his weight to reduce impact.

He winced as he struck the ground, but was glad he had seriously hurt himself. More gunshots could be heard, growing closer to the village. He turned, and ran the same direction he had seen Ember run, his pack slung over his shoulder and bouncing on his back. He saw men and boys gathering and loading weapons, hollering about a wolf hunt. He was halfway to the treeline of the forest when he was cut off by a teenager on horseback, pointing a pistol at his chest. "Whoa there. I don't mean any harm." He started, backing up from the boy on the horse.

"You were with that wolf. I bet you're one too, an't ya?" The boy accused in a thick accent. Aiden looked around and shook his head, "No, I'm not. I'm a Lieutenant with the company stationed nearby. I was transporting the wolf for execution." He lied smoothly, sweat beading his forehead. "I didn't have her chained because I had earned her trust by playing nice. Those gunshots this morning made her panic and bolt." He snapped.

The boy glanced back at the group that had gathered opposite Aiden. "I don't believe ya. Proves it. Where's yer erders?" The boy drawled, the gun trained on Aiden. He gulped, and slowly removed his pack from his shoulder, "Right here. In my pack." He said, slowly opening it.
Even from here she could hear the sounds of men hollering about a wolf hunt, guns clattering as they were quickly loaded and prepped for battle. It put her on edge, instincts telling her to flee, but she wouldn't dare go without Aiden, especially not now. Something was wrong, she could feel it, as there was not a single sign of him heading her way. Her pacing began to wear a path upon the forest floor as heavy paws crushed leaves and other vegetation. Finally, with a wolfy groan, she darted around, circling from her original path, and headed back towards the village.

Crawling on her belly, she hid within the shadows of a bush, watchful eyes scanning the area until they settled upon the boy with the gun. He held it up to Aiden, which didn't at all sit right in the pits of her stomach. A quiet yet fearsome snarl rose from her belly, teeth bared in sheer anger. What was he doing digging through is pack? Without any further hesitation, a flying leap sent her through the air, screams of women and children as they scattered for their homes echoed through the town at the sight of the massive black wolf. Men began to charge her, but she couldn't be caught, not yet. Snapping her jaws, the horse which the boy sat upon began to buck wildly, throwing the kid off and darting into the trees.

The moment he rolled upon the ground, the gun skidded away, and Ember was quick to place her front paws on his shoulders, snarling viciously in his face. He was frightened, screaming for help and begging for mercy, but she showed no signs of causing any damage. It was merely to help Aiden get away. However, it seemed her fate led another direction. A bullet flew through the air, hitting the wolf straight into the shoulder, knocking her off balance and sending her to the ground. She'd be far harder to kill than that, having proven it once before.

She lay on her side, whimpering and struggling to right herself. She looked to Aiden, a pleading glance for him to run before he were captured too. Men surrounded her with guns points, others fetching rope to bind her muzzled shut. With eyes closed, she grew still, no longer fighting what would come next.
Aiden's eyes widened in horror as Ember ripped through the villagers, and scared the boy's horse. "No!" He yelled, fumbling with his pack. He ducked when he heard gunshot at such a close range, and looked around wildly. Ember had been hit. Old memories of finding Clara dead flashed before his eyes, and he trembled slightly. He was going to lose another. He truly wasn't meant to love, was he?

He gritted his teeth, and shook his head. No. He would fight, just like last time. This time if he lost, he wouldn't be a survivor. He barreled through the group of villagers with guns pointed at Ember, collapsing to the ground and hovering himself over her. "Stop! She means no harm to any of you!" He barked at the villagers, looking around wildly. At least they seemed hesitant to kill him, that gave him a foothold. "Ember. Change back. Please. I won't let them hurt you, I swear." He said softly, placing a careful hand on her, his fingers brushing through her fur. "Hear me out, folks. I swear we aren't here to hurt you, or steal any of your cattle, or whatever else you might be thinking." He started talking, a calm but authoritative firmness to his voice.

"Then why are you here, wolf lover?" Snapped a man who pointed a gun at Aiden. "We're passing through to the coast. Please, just let us go." Aiden said softly.
Ember trembled, soft whines and whimpers heard only be Aiden as he towered above her, keeping her safe. The shift was far harder when she was in such pain, but with a painful howl, her fur slowly gave way to skin. The villagers around them gasped from the sight, mothers ushering their children away who were watching the event unfold as there was now a naked, bleeding woman in the wolfs place. Ember's breathing was ragged from pain, tears welled in her humans eyes and poured into the dirt. Trembling, a hand reached up to touch Aiden on the arm, her way of saying thanks.

Men stood near with rope in hand, ready to haul the girl away. They just waited for a signal, seeming like all of the other men did. No one moved, looking to the one who seemed to be asking all of the questions, and he stood there, puzzled.
Aiden eyed the villager's warily, and shifted his arm as he felt Ember's hand on it, taking hold of her hand. "Please. We mean no one harm. We're just traveling to the coast." he repeated, his voice dropping to sound almost pleading. "You've already wounded her. Let us leave, and we'll never return. You have my word. I'll even give you all I have left of my coin in exchange for our freedom." he bartered, pulling his coin pouch from his pocket. The man blinked at Aiden, and then at Ember, as if debating. Finally, an elderly woman stepped through the crowd, hunched over and clutching a walking stick as she moved ever so slowly.

The villagers seemed to part as she passed, lowering weapons and whispering amongst themselves. The elder woman came to a stop a breadth's distance from where the captives stood. She turned her wise gaze upon the Ember, and studied her. A long, hard, knowing stare, but there was warmth within her eyes. The old woman then turned that same gaze on Aiden, and studied him with that same knowing gaze. "Let them pass unharmed." she finally croaked, her voice almost brittle from years of use. "If they meant harm it would have happened when they arrived. As it had not, let them pass. She's wounded, and he's human with no more than knives for protection." she continued, turning back to the villagers. "We must not fear every stranger, wolf or not, that passes through here. Otherwise you will merely become jittery and paranoid. Always looking over your shoulder at the nonexistent monster you seem to fear." she groaned, leaning heavily on her walking stick. "Go back to your homes, protect your family. Just don't do so with needless bloodshed." she sighed, and began to what appeared to be an arduous walk back into the village.
Ember seemed to watch in fear as the elderly woman drew near, her rich sapphire eyes looking up to her, pleading. Her weakened grip held onto Aiden tightly, refusing to let him go no matter their fate. She was prepared to be slaughtered, aware of the vicious gazes looming all around them. However, much to her surprise, they were free to leave, and with a sigh of relief, her body relaxed. "Thank you" she murmured weakly, trembling upon the ground as blood slowly spilled from the wound upon her shoulder.

Looking to him in question, she wondered what they would do. He needed her speed as a wolf to move quickly towards their freedom. She was wracked with guilt, and though tears were shed, they were now for the trouble caused by such a careless act. Had she only observed, perhaps they could have gotten away without any harm being done. This is why it was so dangerous to be with her. Eventually, her eyes closed, breathing steady as she slipped in and out of consciousness. The shift while wounded had taken far too much strength, and only made it worse.
The villagers slowly moved away from Aiden and the wolf girl, and to his relief, lowered their weapons. He glanced at Ember, seeing her growing weak, and his brow furrowed in worry. He lifted her onto his back, his pack handing from his arm. "Thank you." he said stiffly to the still gathered crowd, and headed for the forest. As soon as he was out of sight of the villagers, he lowered Ember to the ground and turned to examine her shoulder. There was only the entry wound, so he knew the bullet was still embedded in her shoulder. He yanked off his shirt and balled it up, pressing it to the wound. He took Ember's hand and set it over the makeshift bandage. "Hold tight. Keep pressure. I'm going to try and get a fire going. I'll need it sterilize my knives. I have to cut the bullet out, and then I can stitch up your shoulder. It's not going to be the best, since I'm not a medical doctor, but it will have to do." he sighed, and then moved away to find bits of timber. He worked quickly to establish a small blaze, and pulled a thin knife from his boot. He heated the blade until he was certain it would be considered clean, and then waved it through the air slightly to cool it off. He didn't need it cauterizing the wound as he tried to get the bullet. He moved back to Ember's side, "Ready?" he asked, setting his hand over hers.
Things were fuzzy for a few minutes, just blurs of people moving about, murmurs whispered behind her back. There was no reacting to them, even if she desired. The movement was enough to jolt her awake, leaving her conscious enough to hold the balled up shirt in place. Sweat glistened upon her brow, matted hair sticking in clumps around her face and down her back. Needless to say the wolf looked rather miserable, but tried to smile anyways in hopes to ease Aiden's worries. The crackling of timber and the smell of burning logs brought a sense of comfort, even if it would only be short lived. "I'm sorry...." it was clear to see through all the pain that she was truly embarrassed about her behavior. "I should have waited. I just... I didn't want to risk losing you. I saw him pointing that gun and just couldn't control myself." As he brought the blade closer, she braced herself, giving a firm but confident nod so he'd go ahead.
Aiden gave a small, reassuring smile, "It's alright. I would have done the same had our positions been reversed." he said softly, and moved the shirt from her wound. He looked it over, thankful the bleeding had at least slowed. He brought the knife to the wound, using the thin blade to test the depth of it. He was thankful to find it was only a few inches in, probably thanks to her wolf's thick fur, and the fact from the sound of the shot, there hadn't been enough gunpowder. He made a small cut and felt metal scrap against metal. There was the bullet. "I'm going to get the bullet out." he warned, and slid two fingers into the wound. He tried to be quick and careful, but had to take a short moment to make sure his fingers had a grip on the bullet. He used the knife as well as a way to ensure the bullet remained in his grip even with the slickness of her blood coating it and his fingers. He tossed the small bit of metal to the side one he had made sure the bullet hadn't fragmented, and set his knife down. "Pressure." he said, putting the balled shirt back over the wound.

He moved to his pack, and dug through it, finding the small sewing kit he had purchased while in the village for cases where their clothes were torn and needed mending. It was crude, but it would hold the wound closed. He threaded the needle, and carefully used the flame to clean it before facing Ember again. "Now, I'll sew it shut. Once that's done, I'll use the flat of my blade to cauterize the opening to keep it from bleeding more. It's going to hurt, but don't worry. It'll be over soon." he said gently, and once again, he moved the shirt. He pinched the skin together, and began to stitch it closed. Once completed, he reheated the blade of his knife, and then pressed the flat of the blade against her skin, sealing the wound closed.
The girl knew pain, but it didn't stop her from screaming as he began to dig the chunk of metal from her arm, panting and growing pale white as if she'd seen a ghost. She tried to lay perfectly still but it was rather difficult. The world grew fuzzy again, nearly blacking out from pain, until finally, the worst of it had stopped. Her shoulder throbbed, chest heaving with ragged breaths, and tears made it hard to see. Her free hand came up to grip the shirt, putting further pressure on the hole to keep it under control. She reacted rather well given the circumstances, taking the tugging and pulling of an already torn up wound as if it were nothing. She was still, but she didn't want to concern Aiden. She simply gritted her teeth, squeezed her eyes shut, and prayed for it to end.

Her wish was granted, and it finally stopped, allowing her to relax. Pale faced and reddened eyes looked to Aiden with half a smile, thankful for all he's done for her. As she gazed upon him, she felt that tugging upon her heart. Was this what she thought it was?? Truly could it be? "You've saved me again, far too many times than you should have. I'll never be able to repay you for your kindness. All I can do is offer you whatever you so desire."
Aiden shook his head, "You don't need to repay me." he said simply. He wiped the blood from his hands and blade onto the already blood stained shirt, and then packed away the other items into the pack. He stamped out the small fire, and sheathed the blade back in his boot. "We need to move." he said, glancing in the direction of the village. He lifted the pack, slinging it over his shoulder once again. "Let's find some shelter, and then we can rest." he added gently, moving back over to Ember. He had her set her arm across her middle to keep her shoulder from pulling to much, and then lifted her from the ground, cradling her uninjured side against him. He silently started walking in the direction he recalled on the map that would take them toward their destination.
As he lifted her into the air she shook her head, but didn't struggle. She wasn't about to do that now. "I can walk. There's really no need to carry me." OF course, she wasn't about complain about being held close, and if he insisted, wasn't going to argue. As they moved about the forest, she pondered the map, a vision of it still clear in her head. "There should be a trading post a few miles from here. Maybe we can find something there." At least she hoped. Maybe the wolf pelt could be traded for resources, or information. She wasn't sure, but something had to be gained from it, right? Now that the chaos from earlier was over, it was turning into a peaceful day. She enjoyed being close, heading towards a bright future with the one she cared for, perhaps even loved. Looking into his face just gave her butterflies and made her blush.
"Hush. It's my fault you got hurt, and your weak from bloodloss. It'll be quicker with me carrying you." He stated simply, but firmly as he walked along. "We might be able get something for the pelt there, with your iniury, I'd rather not take you into the midst of humans again. We'll find shelter nearby where you can rest while I take the pelt and try to get some information and coin if I can." He sighed, pausing to gain his bearings and make sure they were headed the right direction.
Well, that was that. She wouldn't argue further and nestled herself against his chest, inhaling his sweet and yet musky scent. He smelled just the way a man should. "It's not your fault. I was the one who tackled the poor boy. I think he's scarred for life, though. Doubt he'll ever approach another wolf again." Though she felt bad, a bit of a sadistic grin grew upon her lips, and it was gone as quickly as it came. "I wish we had grabbed the map so we knew how far the coast was. I almost feel we are walking blind." As he paused to gain his bearing, her good arm lifted, pointing him in the right direction. Somehow, she just knew.
Aiden chuckled softly, shaking his head at the memory of the boy she had tackled to the ground. "I'll try to find another map at the trading post." he said lightly as he walked in the direction Ember indicated. He continued on quietly until he could tell his arms were beginning to tire. He found them a small clearing to stop and rest, setting Ember down, and then dropping the pack to the ground. He sat down after, and stretched his arms over his head. "How are you feeling?" he asked curiously, moving to check her wound.
Laying upon the ground, the grass danced in the breeze, brushing up against her bare legs and arms, and tickled the sides of her belly. It reminded her of simpler days as a very young child, running around naked and free, rolling through the grass. Her brow creased with worry, knowing he had to be getting tired and possibly sore from carrying her all that way. She was light, but still heavy enough to grow uncomfortable after some time. "I'm ok. Still a little sore, but I'll be fine in a day or two." Wolves healed a bit faster than humans, perhaps the reason she took being shot rather lightly. She'd suffered far worse and recovered. "I'm far more worried about you.
Aiden nodded, and grabbed the pack, pulling out her dress and passing it over to her. "Here. I didn't think to pull it out before we started walking. Sorry." he said, his cheeks flushing slightly. "And don't worry about me, I'm fine." he added, smiling at her. He looked around the small clearing, listening to the animals that filled the air with chatter. "Are you feeling well enough to walk?" he asked, glancing over at her. He knew she was a wolf, but that didn't stop his feeling of worry that she had been injured, and almost even killed. No matter the circumstance behind it. That had been a real possibility, and it was eating at him. They would have to avoid large encampments of humans from then on.
Careful not to jostle her shoulder, she got to her feet, chuckling at the flush of his cheeks as she slipped it on. "It's okay. I figured you were used to it by now, is all. My apologies if it makes you uncomfortable." She only winced a little upon slipping on the dress, jostling her shoulder until the fabric was all situated. "It matters not what you say, Aiden. I will always worry. It's my right to do so since you are so special to me." To prove she was doing just fine, she walked over to him and caressed his cheek. "I can sense you're distressed. Relax. A single bullet cannot kill me. Besides, I promised I would always be here, didn't I? You have my word. Death can't even separate me from you now." Sweet words meant to provide comfort, but there was such a seriousness in her gaze.

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