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Be My Oblivion

Aiden twitched as her wet nose made contact with his ear, and he rolled, grumbling. He cracked his eyes open, and yawned widely, pushing himself to sit up. "Does that count as kissing me awake?" he smirked, laughing. He stretched, and looked about, blinking against the morning light. "Time to take off, I guess." he sighed, yawning again. He groaned and stood up, stretching himself once more before checking his weapons to make sure they were all in place.
She would have giggled if in her human form, the only thing she could do in her wolf form was snort. It got the message across that she was amused by his reaction nonetheless. She was hesitant to shift again, not wishing to ruin the stitching any further on her shoulder, though it was definitely healing really well. Blood was still caked on her fur from the fight last night, but she'd worry about that later. Instead, she flopped down by the door, watching as Aiden readied himself, checking for his weapons.
Once Aiden was a little more awake, and all his weapons were secure in their hiding places, he grabbed his pack and the discarded dress of Ember's. He folded it, and draped it over his arm rather than pack it away, so that it was ready whenever Ember decided to change back. "Let's be off." he said lightly, and headed out the door of the cabin. He was eager to be on the move again, wanting to get where they were going as quickly as possible. They were having to much trouble just getting there, and he was eager to be done with the journey.
Ember happily trotted after him, pausing to listen before continuing on, using her nose to help lead them on the right path. She was rather tired of the journey too, just ready to get to their destination and begin a new life together. Luckily, they were getting away without interference from the other wolf pack, and hopefully it would stay that way. She didn't want to think of what would happen if they got caught. It was this very thought that had her shaking her head and grunting while looking over at Aiden. This pace was far too slow for comfort, and finally, she barked at him before ducking low upon the ground. It was far more difficult to communicate, but she hoped he'd get the message.
Aiden blinked for a moment, trying to discern what Ember was trying to say to him. After a moment, recognition lit his face, and he laughed. "Okay, I get it. I know, I'm slow." he chuckled, rolling his eyes. He glanced around, and sighed, climbing onto her back. He tucked the pack under his stomach as he leaned over her back and tangled his fingers into her fur to hang on. "Ready." he said simply, smiling.
Her tail wagged as he climbed on, and a clear smile seen upon her muzzle, showing off her vicious teeth. If he didn't know her, it could have scared him, perhaps made him think she was vicious. Rising carefully as to not jostle him too much, she took off at the speed of a bullet, seeming to take little effort as she dodged and darted the blur of trees. Critters barely had time to scurry out of her path, birds flying overhead as a terrifying black shadow zipped beneath their trees. What would have taken them hours to cover took at least only half the time.

She could have run forever, seeming to never tire of the exhilaration that the wind through her fur brought about. After some time, she stopped by the edge of a river, lowering herself to let him off for a little break. Her tongue eagerly lapped at the cool liquid bubbling over rocks and other debris beneath the surface.
Aiden stretched as his feet found solid ground, this time able to keep his footing after riding on Ember's back as long as he had. He walked a few paces to stretch his legs before crouching near the river. He dipped a hand into the water, and cupped his fingers, bringing a small bit to his lips. He thought for a moment, and smirked, bumping against Ember to knock her into the water.
Even though a wolf, she still hadn't expected him to bump into her, and ended up toppling into the river. The water splashed loudly and birds took off from the brush in surprise. It was deep enough to swallow a wolf, and for a moment Ember was completely under, until she reemerged and swam back to the bank beside Aiden. Grunting with disapproval of soaking wet fur, she climbed from the water and stood upon the bank, shaking off the water vigorously, sending drops flying in every direction. Her deep blue eyes focused on him, and with a playful growl, launched herself forward in the hopes to pin him down upon the ground.
Aiden laughed as she emerged from the water, raising his hands to block the spray coming off her coat. He smirked at the wolf, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes as she focused on him. He laughed as he attempted to dodge Ember, failing and hitting the ground on his back. He put his arms up, laughing, and tried to throw the wolf off.
Her massive body flopped down on top of him without much of a struggle, seeing as how she was a bit stronger in this form. Her wet coat easily got him pretty wet as well, grunts erupted in her throat that seemed to resemble laughter. Eventually, her wolf gave way to human form, and with a smile so wide, she leaned down to kiss him gently on the lips. "It's not wise to wrestle with a wolf, you know. The wolf will always win!"
Aiden chuckled, and slid his arms around Ember, smiling. "With enough practice, I'm sure I could be at least a worthy match." he smirked, shifting to sit up, curling the wolf girl in his lap. "It's also not wise to shift during a match." he chuckled, and tossed her back into the river, yanking off his shoes only to leap into the crisp water as well.
She hadn't expected to be thrown into the river, and a muffled scream bubbled out as she sank into the water. Instead of coming up for air right away, she remained hidden, swimming beneath as Aiden dove in. A perfect opportunity seemed to strike, and swimming over, she jumped upon his back and wrestled to dip his head underwater. "No fair! You're still dressed!" She thought it odd that his clothes were still on, unsure why humans felt the need to wear something while in the water.
Aiden laughed, "I wasn't giving you time to climb back out." he responded, diving under the water to drag Ember with him. He wrestled with her wet hands until he had gotten free, moving back toward the banks of the river. He fidgeted in the water for a moment, and his clothes, blades and all, were tossed into the grass, and his dove under the water, moving back out into the river.
Ember fought strongly, but he won in the end. She was slippery and not nearly as strong as he was. She bobbed in the water as he began to strip of his belongings, laughing once he discarded even his clothes and swam back out. However, once he disappeared under the water she began to search, unable to see where had swam. It made her anxious, not that he was hurt, but because there was the potential to pop up and scare her! It put the wolf on edge, and she began to head towards the bank.
Aiden smirked as he silently swam beneath her, and slowly rose behind her as she started to make for the bank. He put his arms around her waist as he popped out of the water, "Where're you going?" he asked with a laugh as he pulled her back against his chest. "I'm not letting you run away that easily." he chuckled, putting his hands on her hips and easily hoisting her up to toss her further out into the water.
Her screams were cut off as she broke the surface of the water again, sinking into the depths and disappearing from sight. Swimming below, she circled around and popped up right before his face. Water cascaded down her cheeks and over her shoulders as she reached up to wrap arms around his neck. "You're not getting away either. You shall be punished severely for this foolishness, Sir!" The brightest smile tugged at her lips, pure joy pooling in her eyes. It was clear she was happy and having a great time playing with him. The moment was perfect, and couldn't possibly get any better than this.
Aiden laughed, "Give me your best shot." he challenged lightly, poking at her sides to see if she might, possibly, be ticklish. His eyes were alight with amusement, and happiness, and his smile was genuine. "I might not be a match for the wolf yet, but I'm pretty sure I could take you on easily enough." he chuckled.
Ember was extremely ticklish, and as he began to poke at her sides, she laughed and flailed about. "No! No no don't do that!" Letting go of his neck, she swam off, putting just enough distance between them to stay out of reach. Without warning, she shoved her arm through the water, creating a wave that splashed over his head. "As you said, give it your best shot!"
Aiden laughed, spinning in the water to keep the wave from crashing into his face, and dove under the water, propelling himself at Ember. He grabbed hold of her, relentless tickling her sides before lifting her free of the water and tossing her yet again. "Challenge accepted!" he bellowed with a laugh as he turned in the direction he had tossed the wolf girl, and diving under the water. He dove fairly deep, treading against the water to keep himself level under the surface, and waited. He was fairly decent at holding his breath, and he wondered how long it would take her to try and find him.
It was the tickling of her sides that gave him the upper hand, making it easy to pick her up and throw her. Landing in the water, she bounced right back up, shaking water out of her face and wiping it from her eyes. "I swear Aiden I will get you!" Looking around, he was no where to be seen, and every second that ticked by she grew more and more nervous. "Aiden? Where are you?!" Taking a deep breath, she dove beneath the water in search of him, unable to see just where he was. She could hold her breath, but went back to the surface to check the bank.
Aiden smirked under the water, and slowly swam toward Ember. When he got close, he brushed his fingers against her ankle, up the outside of her leg, and over her hip as he rose to the surface of the water. "Boo." He said with a laugh, sliding his arms around her and pulling her back against his chest. "Miss me?" He asked with a smile.
A gentle caress coming from beneath the water was enough to completely scare her, at first thinking it was a snake. She screamed and kicked her legs, stopping only when Aiden popped out from below. Snarling, she shoved at him but was swept up in his embrace. "You scared me! That really wasn't nice." Knowing he was okay, she quickly relaxed against him.
Aiden grinned mischievously, "Oh? I managed to scare a big, bad wolf?" He asked teasingly. "Mark it in history." He chuckled, using one arm to tread the water to keep them floating. "Having fun?" He asked lightly, clearly joyous over their swim. The day was beautiful, and it seemed like they were in their own world of bliss.
((hey sorry for the delay! Was a hectic day yesterday!))

Ember narrowed her eyes and him and turned, her back now facing him as her arms crossed in a pout. "Yea sure poke fun at the scared wolf!" Of course, she was only playing, though being a rather good actress he may not be so sure. With a grin, she finally turned around and placed a kiss upon his lips before dipping underwater, coming up behind him and holding on around his neck. "I am. Are you?"
Aiden blinked, surprised by the initial reaction, hoping not to have offended her. He was about to apologize when she turned around, smiling, and kissed him. Only to disappear, and reappear behind him, her arms around his neck. He laughed lightly, "Most certainly. It's been forever since the last time I could say I had fun." He grinned, leaning forward slightly as if he was carrying her on his back, using both hands to keep them floating.

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