Bayview High School Role Play!

Reading her text from Nicole Riley quickly made her way to the bathroom. "Hey whats up?" She asked Nicole when she arrived there.

Logan burst out laughing. "Sorry bro. Pick a more realistic choice when lying next time." he joked. "Besides she just text me saying that." He smirked.
"we should get to our next class. it was nice meeting you Riley." Aria smiled a little. she seems nice. its so weird when you dont anyone. i have no idea what to say to any of these people.
Aria hurried to her nextn class, again taking a seat by the windows. this time she took out her sketchbook and drew detailed flowers like the one in front of her apartment complex.
"The dance is on Friday, and I still have no one to go with! I am fr-EAKING out! What am I gonna do? Go alone?" Nicole shrieked, looking at the time. "Still got one minute."
Bryce fake sighed and put his hands up as surrender. "It was Riley. I'm thinking of asking her to the dance on Friday."
"Hey don't worry about it. I don't have a date yet either." Riley said. "You should go with Logan." She smiled as she nudged Nicole in the arm.

"Way to go dude! You totally should." he said. "I think i'm gonna ask Nicole. Don't tell anyone though." Logan smiled.
Aria looked up from her drawing and spotted a poster on the wall on the other side of the room. it was advertising a school dance that was to be held on friday. great. i transfered schools right before a dance. she sighed. maybe it will be a good oppertunity to get to some of my classmates. even if i dont have a date its not like its any different then at my old school.
"Good for you man. How are you gonna ask her? You can't just say it, this is formal and means a lot to girls."
Nicole's face flushed red. "If he even likes me. Maybe he thinks I'm just a friend... Oh, crap! Gotta dash! Bye!" She says, dashing to Science. She took her seat, and listened to Mr. Silvere.
but im always so awkward around new people......thats it! if i go to the dance things will be so upbeat i might be able to break this shy streak! she chuckled to herself and noticed a few people looking over at her. oops. she quickly went back to her drawing.

((sorry if Aria is a little weird. she gets introverted around people she doesnt know))
"What are you talking about? I'm gonna ask her the same way I always ask em. I'm just gonna say do you wanna go to the dance with me." He laughed. "How do you plan on asking? You trying to out due with this?" Logan joked.

"Meet at my locker after class" Riley yelled to Nicole as she dashed off.
Bryce rolled his eyes. "Dude, this is a FORMAL. You know how excited girls get? Oh, and yeah, I am gonna out do you."

Bruce turned on his heel and made his way to Spanish.
Nicole tapped her pencil on her desk, thinking of what she'd wear tomorrow. The town football jersey and jean shorts? Too country-esk. Riley was good at this kind of thing, she'd help. What would she wear to formal? What color? Riley. Oh, where would Nicole be without Riley?
In Spanish, Bryce spent the period thinking of a way to ask Riley to the formal. He wanted it to be special, not just because of the bet with Logan.
on her way out of school Aria came across the girl she had met earlier. she walked up to her and her friend." hi, um, Riley right?"

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