Bayview High School Role Play!

"I guess you could put it that way, yeah. I like him, and I think he's flirting, but he hasnt really 'made a move' if you get what I mean." n

Nicole finished, walking toward her locker to get her purse.

((I'm so tired, I have to sleep. I'll be back ASAP. Sorry, but I'll see you all soon! Bye bye!))
"dont give up to soon! hope keeps the heart alive." aria smiles "especially for me. i was always the one giving advice even thought ive never had the oppertunity to date"
(LOL I went to sleep and woke up at four in the morning. I'm so used to my school hours that I wake up at this time. :/ )

In her hotel, Tomoyo picked out her best dress. Everyone must be going to the formal, and this is my only why put this to waste? she wonded. She sat on her bed and finished up homework. "Going to America was such a waste. I hate you all for supporting me!" she said to her friends on Skype.
"Ohh... hiii." Riley said hesitantly. She wondered how Tom got her cell number. "Sure, go ahead. What is it?" She asked. She looked over at Nicole with a weird puzzled face.
"Ooh! A phone call! Wonder who it is!" Nicole whispered, nudging Aria gently. "Cant be a boy, judging by that face.
"Mever mind then, Sunohara won't make it...." she muttered into the phone by accident. "I'll try to find one, thanks Riley-san!" she hung up and sat back on the bed skyping her friends. "It's hopeless!"
Before she could say anything else Tom had already hung up.

Riley looked over at Nicole. "That was Tom. She wanted to know when the dance was." She said to Nicole.
She sat at her desk pretty much thinking about how nobody is going to ask her.

([MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] Reply to our private RP.)
Nicole scooped a spoonful of yogurt in to her mouth. "So what color should I wear to formal? I'm clueless."
"Hmm... well any color will look good on you. I think I am going to wear yellow." Riley said with a smile. "Are you going to buy a new dress, or use and old one?" she asked.

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