Bayview High School Role Play!

Bryce took his time getting his books out of his locker. He made his way to the locker room. Logan was lacing up his cleats. "Any ideas yet, Logan?"
Nicole turned to face the new girl. "Hey! I'm Nicole, Riley's fried. Are you new?" She asked with a grin.
"yea. i just started today actually." Aria replied. "i hope i wasnt interupting a conversation or anything...."
Bryce quickly got changed. "A little. I think I know what I'm gonna do." He walks out of the locker room and finds their coach standing there, confused. "Henderson!" he barked. Bryce walked over and coach handed him an excuses absence pass for the next day, period 3. "You, me, and your buddy Logan are talking strategy here tomorrow. Dont be late."
"Good. We got strategy tomorrow during English."

Bryce pounded his fist on Logan's chest and called the team to order. As co captains, Bryce and Logan began practice.
"i was hoping to. you two are going right?" Aria thought for a moment. "now that i think about it, i dont have anything "formal" to wear to the "formal" she chuckled.
"You definitely have to go Aria! It's gonna be so much fun. Nicole and I are going to be there, just not sure if we will have dates yet." Riley laughed.

" I have plenty of dresses at my house. You can borrow one if you want." Riley said to Aria.

"yes! we get to get out of English." Logan cheered.
"really? i could borrow a dress? your a life saver." Aria let out a sigh of relief "i thought i was going to have to find a cheap dress on short notice"
"Of course you can borrow one. You can come over to my house one of these days and pick one out." Riley said with a smile. "Here is my phone number. Call me if you want to come over some time." Riley said as she handed Aria a piece of paper with her number on it.
"We should all go to the Yogo Factory. It's this new frozen yogurt shop around the block, and it's a nice place to chill. You guys in?" Nicole asked.
"ok. im starving anyways, i didnt eat much earlier since i had to have the schools lunch" Aria agreed. "i can pay you back later"
"mind if i come along to the game? there might be cute guys......haha just kidding." Aria joked. " i still wouldnt mind seeing the game."
"Ok me too. You should wear Logan's jersey." Riley joked.

"Sure you can come. And of course there will be tons of cute guys there." Riley laughed.

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