Bayview High School Role Play!

"Pizza sounds good!" Nicole chimed in quietly. She took a bite out of her burrito, and chewed it down.
Bryce took another bite of his taco and said, "Nah, that one where you started showing off for a cheerleader and got hit in the head with the ball."
"Well we better get going. We shouldn't miss two classes in one day. We aren't that rebellious." Riley laughed.

"Haha oh yeah. That one time. " He laughed. "That was like so last year. " he joked.
Nicole burst out laughing, and stood up. "Riley has a point. We should go." She said, grabbing her leftovers.
Nicole's cheeks turned a dark pink. "Mmhmm. Me too. Today was fun." She murmurs, a small smile on her face.
aria finished lunch early and went to her next class early. no point in sitting around and mopeing. she took a seat in a desk next to a window and watched the clouds roll by outside, the sun harming her face and light shining off her reddish brown hair.
"Well we better get to class Nicole." Riley said. "See ya later guys." she said to Logan and Bryce.

"Bye ladies. Thanks for hanging out with us." Logan said and winked.
(it should have said "warming" not "harming" her face)

Arias mind drifted with the clouds, she had always been kind of a dreamer.
"Bye Riley. See ya Nicole."

Bryce slipped a piece of paper into Riley's hand without anyone noticing. It said "Call me ***-***-****."
Nicole headed to Algebra, butterflies still in her stomach. She sat in her seat in the front, and began to write Logan's name in cursive all over a page in her notebook.

"Ms. McCloud, the answer to #5?"

The teacher's voice caught Nicole off guard. "Uh.... 13?"


Good enough for her.
Riley didn't want anyone to see, so she opened the paper up and read it under her desk. She smiled real big. She put his number in her phone, and then folded it back up, and put in her purse. Riley sent a text to his number saying "I will. ;) "
Aria wasnt paying much attention to class and her notebook was full of cloud sketches by now. great job. you didnt even say hi to anyone before class started. Aria thought as she knocked her eraser off her desk.
Riley had a huge smile on her face as she looked over to notice the girl that she helped earlier in the day sitting next her. "Hi" she said.

Riley reached over and picked up Aria's eraser she dropped. "Here you go."

Logan walked with Bryce to their next class. They were lucky enough to get all of their classes together.
Bryce's phone buzzed. It was an unknown number. But he knew who it was immediately. The text said "I will. ;) "

Riley. "Yes!" he cried out, forgetting that Logan was there.
"thank you." Aria mumbled, "um, im Aria." why am i so shy all of a sudden? maybe it just hit me that my friends are all miles away? yikes.
Algebra was over, so with the little battery she had left, Nicole texted Riley.

'Meet me in the girls bathroom, and be quick so we're not late!'

Nicole scampered to the girls bathroom, and began reapplying her make-up as she waited.

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