Bayview High School Role Play!

"Bad ass? Me? Hell no, this is the most rebelious thing I've ever done this year!I vote Taco Bell! I've been craving those damn nachos all morning!" Nicole yelled with a giggle.
Bryce rolled his eyes.

"You outta hang with me and Logan more often. Ditching is so un-rebellious."
Tomoya walked out of McDonalds and went back to the mall. She laid on the bench and texted Tomoyo.
"Ok then let's go. We are running out of time." Riley said. She looked over at Bryce for a quick second and gave him a smile, and then looked away.

"Yeah, it's the most "un" rebellious thing we do." Logan joked.
Nicole chuckled. "Oh really?" She asked. "I'm Bryce, and I hit on girls! I'm so bad ass! FOOTBALL!" Nicole screamed, imitating Bryce in a deep voice. "Okay, let's hit it!" She said, walking toward the exit.
Tom knew it was exactly 20 minutes and those guys wouldn't be back soon so she headed for her next class, Science.

As she walked she saw a poster for a school dance. "No ones going to invite me." she smirked. "I'm not beautiful as any American girl, their all beautiful...I'm just Tomoya."
Bryce grinned. "Nice. My turn."

He switched to a high and girly voice.

"Oh, I'm Nicole. I always do my homework and go to class. I feel rebelious because I skipped one class."
Aria had had a long day getting aquianted with the school, so much so she realized she hadnt introduced herself to any of her classmates yet. well, too late now. i guess i will have to wait till tomorrow. her stomach growled as shepassed a few resturaunts. she peered into her sadly empty wallet and sighed.
"Nuh uh! One time, in second grade, I had the flu, and didn't make up the homework. I am SO bad ass." Nicole laughed, took out her iPhone, and texted Riley.

Omg! Bryce is so totally hitting on u!
The bell rung, she was already in class talking to the teacher about Albert Einstein.
He's givin u looks. And I would never date Bryce if he liked me, but he doesn't!

Nicole laughed at Logan's comment. "Once, I said damn in front of my dog. I am the queen of bad ass. Better watch your backs." She hisses in a playful manner.
"Yeah me too!" Logan responded to Bryce. "I need food so I have energy to win the big game tomorrow." Logan said while giving a wink to Nicole.

"Sorry ladies, but you will never get me to study anything." He laughed. "Well at least not anything for school." He said with a smile.
Nicole's face flushed red, but she still kept smiling.

U like him, so why would I date him? That'd just be low.
Tomoya was sitting at her own lab table while everyone else had partner, nobody wanted to be partners so she just oeft and sat in the refrence room where all the unwanted books went. She IMmed her buddys back in Japan.

tomoya-kun: Hey guys you up?

bigdangofamily: Shh! I'm sleeping!

delinquint: No you're not Nagisa.

supersunohara: She was.

kotoamismarts: Guys... go to sleep!

tomoya-kun: I'm in America it's morning! But I'm exhausted.

delinquint: Then skip class and sleep.

tomoya-kun: I can skip class if I want : P

supersunohara: liar!

bigdangofamily has disconnected.

kotoamismarts has disconnected.

supersunohara: well bye guys.

supersunohara has disconnected.

tomoya-kun: I miss you guys.

delinquint: I miss you too, but I need to sleep.

delinquint has disconnected.
Aria walks by a taco bell and sees a group of students chatting.

(OOC: the number of posts really shot up while i was gone, what time of day is it? lunch? or is school over?)
"I agree 100%," Bryce said, his eyes flickering over to Riley a couple times.

Then they finally walk into Taco Bell.
Trying to be all defensive about it Riley replied "I never said I did like him. I just said I thought he was looking at me."

Riley smiled back at Bryce. Maybe he did like her she thought.

((almost 10 pm here where I live.))

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