Bayview High School Role Play!

She facepalmed herself and ran after Logan. "Batto no heado!!!" she shouted laughing. (Butt heads!)

Once Logan stopped and she smiled. "Kon'ichiwa Logan-san." she smiled and laughed. "I'm just joking you butt-head."
"Well I wouldn't go that far." Logan joked about Bryce calling himself a stud. "I don't know, but I sure hope she is. I have to have something to keep me occupied in that boring class."
"If she is, I bet you wouldn't mind extra credit." Bryce joked with Logan.

They entered the classroom to find a fat, elderly woman sitting at the teacher's desk.

"Or think she ate the hottie?" he whispered.
Nicole face palmed her self. "I don't know. I didn't know what else to do! I thought I was gonna die! I've only had friends who are boys, never a boyfriend!"
(Let me rephrase it.)

Tom had English next so she went inside to go get ready. She went to her locker and Bryce's was two lockers away from her's. "Koni.Desu.A.Noro noroi!" she said. She opened her locker, it was decorated with pictures of her friends hanging out back in Japan. When she got her stuff, they were gone.

Tom chose a desk in the back of the class so she had to pass Bryce and Logan. So when she went past she shouted,"Batto no heado!" and sat at her desk.

( and Butt-heads)
"You're ok. You played it cool." Riley said to Nicole. "I think the rumor is true. Maybe we will see after the game tomorrow." She smiled.

"Ughh oh man, this is gonna be one horrible class." Logan groaned.
Bryce took a seat in the back corner of the room. He took out his earbuds and plugged them into his iPod. When the teacher started talking, he left only one in his ear so he wouldn't get caught.
Of course Logan sat down in the seat next to Bryce. He was resting his head on his hands, and then as the teacher began talking he fell asleep. His head down on his arms.
Tomoya got bored of the class. So she got up and walked out. While she walked out she flicked Logans nose trying to wake him up, then attempting to pull out Bryce's earbud, but it was on the other side. Another kid saw her so he tried to walk out. "HEY, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" barked the teacher. "The-the girl just walked out!" he said. "That is Tomoya Kamagai, she is welcomed to walk out anytime because she is smarter than all you numb-skulls! NOW SIT DOWN!"
Bryce quickly put away his earbuds. This witch-with-a-b teacher would probably eat his head if he was caught. When she turned her back, he kicked Logan awake.

"Wake up, man." he hissed. "She's a real stinker."

The teacher began with her lesson on participles.
"I'm up. I'm up!" Logan said. "This class stinks! Why couldn't we get a hot teacher to at least keep we awake in class. I mean i'm sure it wouldn't help me learn any better." He whispered jokingly. "By the way that Tom girl is weird." he whispered.
Tomoya walked back into class and talked to the teacher. "Hello Mrs.Goldstein. Can I take out Bryce and Logan?They're a part of my study group today. I'll fill them up on this lesson later." The teacher nodded and smiled at her. "Bruce and Logan go with Tomoya for study hall." she barked.
"I doubt they are. The majority of the girls on the cheer squad like him, so why me? But, still, my fingers are crossed.." Nicole said with a small grin. "Oh, crap! We're so late! Damn, I have french! Madam Gaston is going to skin me alive!" She shrieked. "Should I go in late or skip?"
Bryce stood up gratefully. "It's Bryce, by the way. Not Bruce."

"DON'T SASS ME!" she yelled. Bryce heard some snickers behind him.

He turned and grinned at them before leaving after Tomoya.
"Come on let's all go to a café or something, I'm craving for some tea. And I was lying about study hall and everything. So don't worry. You have 30 minutes of free time." she kept walking while she spoke.
Bryce looked at Logan and shrugged. He didn't particularly want to go to a cafe. But he didn't have anything better to do.
Logan gave the most confused face ever to Bryce. "Why did she just pull us out of class?" he whispered to Bryce hoping TOm wouldn't hear him.

"I know it's not like me to skip, but lets do it anyways." Riley said to Nicole.
She handed them 100 dollars each. "If you don't want to come, you don't but you have to meet me both at the front school yard in 25 minutes understood?"

She had heard what Logan had said. "I'm generous to the ones who suffer, unlike me where I can just freely roam. So have fun"
So confused Logan said to Tom "What is this for, and why did you take us out of class, not that i'm complaining or anything." he laughed.
Bryce stared at the money in his hand. "Sounds good, but whats the money for? We should be paying you for pulling us out of hell, I mean English."
"English? That is Hell! The money is for spending idiot. Logan, you were sleeping. And plus I need someone who can speak Japanese. Migi?" she said. She took both the boys hands and dragged them. She was...very strong.

"Ummm ok then." Logan said still not completely understanding why she gave them all this money. "We aren't going to get in trouble for this are we? Because I can't risk not being able to play in the biggest game of the season so far, and that is tomorrow." Logan said.

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