Bayview High School Role Play!

"We don't know Japanese." Bryce said quickly. "I know a little, but not nearly enough to help you. Sorry. And I can't afford to miss the game tomorrow. Coach'll kill me."
"I have teacher's permission, and if they were wondering, I'll tell them I decided to study at the café."
Nicole giggled. "This is probably the most rebellious thing I've ever done, to be honest. Hmm. Well, we have 30 minute to kill, and I want Starbucks. You in?"
"You just happen.. to be here." "Atleast you can tell me how to throw a foot ball... I haven't thrown one in years."
Bryce saw his escape.

"Well, you two have fun. I'm gonna go find Riley and Nicole. See you, and thanks Tom!"

Bryce hurried off before Logan or Tom could stop him.
"I know! Same here." Riley said. "Sure, let's go!"

"So want to hang out before the game tomorrow?" Riley asked Nicole. "We can hang out at my house or somthing, get ready, and then go to the game. It would be fun." She said.
"Oh really?" "If you can say one sentance in Japanese I'll pay you 10 dollars everyday for the next month."

(You don't have to) ( just say "japanese" and I'll pretend it's a sentance.)
"I have no plans. Only on Sunday, I have to go to a banquet with my mom. But tomorrow I'm good." Nicole responded with a small cackle. "I crave Starbucks and Taco Bell. But I'll have Taco Bell for lunch."
"Ha! I finally got them off my backs!?" she said as she walked to go to a close by mall.
Bryce was cracking up by the time Logan caught up. "Man, that was great. Since when do you know Japanese?"
"Ok cool." Riley replied. "I can't believe we are actually doing this." Riley laughed.

Hey is that Bryce and Logan. "I wonder what they are doing out here?" Riley said.

"SInce today apparently" Logan laughed. "You could have slowed down for me jerk." He said
When Tom got to the mall, she entered the secert way. Inside the secret entrance was a party club. Tom smiled and began dancing with the people and socilizing.
Eager to find out, Nicole snatched Riley's hand and ran to the boys. "Hey, Bryce, Logan. I thought you guys had English?" She asks, slyly grinning. "Did you ditch?"
Bryce was laughing with Logan when Riley and Nicole ran up.

"We did, but that Tom girl got us out. I don't know where she went. Hey, are you guys hungry? I'm starving. Let's go eat."
"Yeah we were both just talking about going to get something." Riley said.

"Hey a better question is what are you girls doing out of class? I would never expect this from someone like you." Logan laughed.
When she left the club she was thinking of the people she met today. She called Sunohara, her best friend.

"Sunohara? Oh sorry you were sleeping... I forgot here in America it is morning. No it's not on an another planet! You dumb-ass. No you are Sunohara. Oh let Tomoyo bother you, his dad is.. out anyways. Bye have a night rest Sunohara." she hung up the phone on him. "God." she said. (I didn't want to write the phone call in Japanese, too long!)
"Badass," Bryce commented.

He grinned at Nicole.

"So how about it? There's a McDonald's around the corner to the right and a Taco Bell around the corner to the left."
Tomoya walked to McDonalds and ordered food. she sat down and gobbled it up. She tected Sunohara to bug him.

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