Bayview High School Role Play!

Ella could barely hear voices in the back of her mind. She was swimming in a pool of darkness. She was totally unconscious and could hear, smell, or feel anything around her.
Ashlee was walking around the formal until she either saw someone she knew or until she got bored and then leave as this was her very first formal.. She saw a girl lying on the ground and went and asked the people around her if she was ok.
Nicole put her fingers on Ella's wrist, and was relieved to feel a pulse. "We should take her to a doctor." She said, turning to Logan.
Logan was really frustrated at how the night had gone, and was continuing to go. He looked over to Bryce and Tyler, and then to Nicole. "Fine. Let's go. I'm probably just gonna go home after though so you all know." He said.
Nicole turned to Logan, a hurt look on her face. She then pulled Ella over her back, , so that the girl's head was hanging over Nicole's shoulder. Nicole stood up, and walked out the door without another word. "It's okay." She whispered. "You're okay."
"See ya guys." Logan said to Bryce, Tyler and Riley. He drove to the emergency room. "Here take her in here, and I will go park." Logan said pulling up to the door.
Nicole nodded, and threw Ella on to her back again, exiting the car. It was only about a 5 minute wait until she was brought in to a room where a nurse carefully investigated her. "Yeah, she has a minor concussion, but everything else is fine. I just recommend icing it, relaxing, and taking some pain killers." The nurse told Nicole. Nicole took a seat in the corner, and continued to look at the ground.
Ella was slowly coming back tp reality and as she finally awoke she found herself in the hospital with a nurse and several others around her. She frowned and sat up slowly "What happened?" she asked slowly. Her bright hair was tangled and a mess. She was freaked out and couldn't remember what happened.
Nicole smiled brightly. "You fell. You have a mild concussion, so you have to take pain killers, ice it, and take it easy. I can get you a ride home if you want." She said kindly, ignoring the text she received.
Nicole stood up. "I'll go get the pain killers, a glass of water, and ice. I shouldn't be long." She said, leaving the room. When she came back, she had an ice pack, a bottle of asprin, and water in a plastic cup sitting peachily on a metal tray. She placed the tray on to a table next to Ella, and sat down in the seat in the vcorner again.
Ella smiled at her "Thanks..." she paused. "I don't believe I know your name." She picked up the water and took two aspirin, as well as laying the ice over where her head hurt the most.
Nicole slapped the top of her own forehead, wincing because the gash still ached. "Oh, I'm Nicole. Sorry that I didn't tell you. And you are, wait, don't tell me.... Bella? No, no, that's not it..." She said, straining so hard to remember from when she overheard the secretary say it. "Ella! It's Ella, right?" She asked.
Ella smilies and nodded silently "Ella Rivera." she tucked a bit of hair behind her hair. She sipped more of her water and set it back on the table. She sat up and yawned "I think you're in my second period class..."
Nicole snapped while she smiled, realizing something. "Ah ha! Bubblegum, right? Yeah, sorry, but I heard people calling you that because of your hair."
(( otai thanks!!))

Ashlee was tired but she decided that she didnt wanna go home, So she went for a walk around hoping she could find someone as she was very lonely... She didnt know where to go..
Sitting in the car waiting for Nicole, to respond, Logan noticed a girl he knew from school walking by alone. She seemed upset, or like something was wrong. He rolled down his car window. "Hey. You ok?" he asked Ashlee.

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