Bayview High School Role Play!

Cole took her hand in his. "It's fine, you had a good reason to."

Nicole looked up with a groan. "Long story short, I fell on the porch swing." She grumbled. "Now should ​I show Bryce or lie?"
Nicole took a deep breath in, and then out. "You're right." She said, walking inside, and wiping some of the blood off of her lip.
Nicole grinned, and took a seat, her head still pounding and aching, her lip still throbbing and bleeding, but the one simple smile was enough to hide the pain.
Logan pulled Nicole close to him and put his arm around her. He wanted to believe that she was really ok, but wasn't sure if she really was. He turned to Nicole and kissed her cheek.
Nicole closed her eyes tightly and laughed quietly. "Well, considering that I haven't even said hi, yet.... Hi."
Ella blinked her eyes as she struggled to stay awake. She figured it was time for her to get home. Ella stood and hurried over to the trash can and dropped her cup into it. Her dark heels clicked against the waxed tile as she began exiting Starbucks. She carefully passed by the other people in the coffee house.
Ella smiled back at Riley who seemed vaguely familiar but she could hardly place her. She wasn't going to say anything to her seeing as she had hardly any idea who she was.
Nicole stood up, and walked in to line. She ordered a hot chocolate, and sat back at the table with her drink.
"Yeah,so you feeling better now?" Riley asked Nicole. "Also you wanna stay the night at my house tonight, otherwise I will be all alone." Riley laughed.

"So how did tonight go for you two?" Logan asked Tyler and Bryce.
Nicole pulled out her phone to check the time. "My mom is going to be out for a few months, and I was supposed to stay at the beach house tonight. You guys should all come over for a little bit! Well, Riley can sleep over, but I think you boys would pass." She said with a laugh.
Nicole dipped her finger in the whipped cream on her hot chocolate, and tapped Logan's nose, making the tip of his nose white and fluffy. "I would, but I don't know if I can trust you." She said with a giggle, forgetting the time she slept over his house.
Bryce grinned. "I'm not gonna pass if I don't have to. But if we do, I have my own beach house that me, Logan, and Ty could crash at." He glanced at the two other boys.

Ty nodded his head in agreement. He wanted to hang out with them without being pushy.
"Hey i'm a very trustworthy guy aren't I?" Logan joked motioning to Bryce to agree with him. "but really, i'm up for whatever." he said

( [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] ))
Ella was walking past the others from school, and being as clumsy as she was tripped over Nicole's foot. The world seemed to go into slow motion. Gravity pulled her down and she twisted around a bit, to land on her side. She slammed against the tile knocking her head three times against the waxed floor. She felt a woozyness and next thing she knew she was spinning through the darkness of unconsciousness.
Nicole closed her eyes, tilted her head, and grinned. "Of course you are Logan." She said before taking a sip of her hot chocolate, getting whipped cream from her lips to the bottom of her forehead. She licked her lips, and searched around on the table for a napkin. It wasn't long after that she heard a thud, and saw a girl on the ground. Nicole gasped, and kneeled next to her. "I am SO sorry! I should've kept my foot out of the way, wait, ugh, I'm not even concerning you. Are you okay?"

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