Bayview High School Role Play!

(( [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] haven't heard from you guys in a while, so I thought I would give you a tag. :) ))
Ella sipped her hot chocolate and was a bit surprised when Zaya and Alex sat at the table behind. She wasn't one to eavesdrop but when they're right there it's kind of hard not to. She ran her fingers through her bright pink hair which she was almost positive they would recognize. She was, after all, the only girl with pink hair in high school. The fact that she was still in her formal dress should have also made that obvious to the pair. She would have changed but it was an awfully long walk from her house to the Starbucks and back. She figured that she could have a warm drink or two and then head home when she was ready. Her mother was on night duty this week so she didn't get home until six or seven in the morning, just depending on how busy she was. Ella took a norther drink as she stared out the window.
alex spotted a girl with pink hair looking toward him and zaya and he smile. "A friend of yours zaya?" he asked remebering how new he was to the school.
Ella continued to stare out the window and sip the warm drink in her hand. As she sipped the last of the coffee she stood to her black heel clad feet and walked quietly over to the line. She waited, her arms crossed until it was finally her turn where she asked for a refill. She stood by the counter and waited for her drink, thanking the old man who handed her her drink. She headed back to her little table, silently.
((I don't know about you, but I posted on page 200 xP))

Cole grinned and got out of the car. He opened her car door, and bowed a little. "I could afford to buy 5 horses if I wanted to. Cole said as he rolled his eyes with a laugh.

Nicole took several deep breaths in, thinking about the events that went down. She bit her lip, and burrowed her head inbetween her knees.
Logan went home and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. He got back in his car and pulled into Nicole's driveway.

((idk how I missed that post on pg 200 lol))

(( [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] ))
Nicole lifted her head up, and squeaked when she saw Logan. She stood up on the swing, smacked her face on the porch, and stood up wearily. She hobbled to the car, and smiled, covering her mouth so that he couldn't see her throbbing and bleeding lip. "I am on a roll today." She giggled.
Nicole looked away in shame. "I mean I seem to be falling a lot today. But I'm fine. Let's just go." She mumbled, covering her mouth again and entering the car.
"Oh. She looks like she came from the dance. And she's got some rockin pink hair." Alexran his hand through his own hair and smirked, "when I was kid I wanted my hair to be red. Not ginger though, bright red. What do you think?"
Cold laughed at her humor and walked her to the front door. "My grandma rose famous apples on our farm, they were known worldwide, so you can guess we had a lot of money that no body needed."
([MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] nothing much really. Logan and Nicole are on their way to go hang out with Bryce, Riley and Tyler. It is still the night of the formal.)
((Okay, thanks. Sorry its been so long))

Bryce rolled his eyes as he pulled up at Starbucks. He jumped out, then opened up the door for Riley. Once Tyler had gotten out, he locked the car and took Riley's hand, leading them inside.

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