Bayview High School Role Play!

"I'd like to. But can we go home and change first?" Bryce pulls out his phone and checks the time. "It's 11:00 now. I could get you home by 11:15. I'll pick you up again at midnight. Is that cool? I'll tell Logan and Nicole, too."
"Cool. I'll go found Logan." Bryce gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and disappears into the crowd. He finally sees Logan. "Hey buddy, sorry to interupt. But me and Riley and Ty are gonna be hanging out later. We were wondering if you and Nicole wanted to come, too."
Logan looked to Nicole, and then back to Bryce. "Sure, sounds good to me. If she doesn't want to then I will take her home, and then come back." Logan laughed. "Do you feel good enough to hang out after?" Logan asked Nicole.
Bryce nodded. "I'll pick you up around midnight. See ya." Bryce wandered away and found Riley. "Ready to go?"
Bryce takes her hand and leads her to the car. "I had a lot of fun with you tonight," Bryce says as he climbs into the driver's seat.
Bryce began driving towards Riley's house. It's amazing how the right girl can change everything, he thinks. He makes a left and pulls into Riley's driveway. "I'll pick you up later.
Aria woke up to soft music. She looked at Cole, "I love this song turn it up" she smiled

Alex went in and took a shower. He was sad the night was already over.
Aria woke up to soft music. She looked at Cole, "I love this song turn it up" she smiled

Alex went in and took a shower. He was sad the night was already over.

(Turns out there is service, its just not very good)

(My phone went weird sorry)

Alex texted her back and put his rollerblades on. "I almost forgot. Meet me there in ten"
Zaya smiled and texted him back "ok" she got a hoodie, jean shorts, and a pair of black converse and walked to StarBucks, then waited outside
Ella had risen early at 4:30. She rolled out of her neon pink bed spread and landed hard on the black tile. Ella huffed out a sigh at her bangs as she stood to her purple sock covered feet. She slid across the short distance to the bathroom and shut the white door behind. She showered and dressed in the clothes she had dug out the night before. Ella plugged in her straightener and pink blow-dryer. (Has anyone guessed her favorite color?) She switched the machines on and began blowing the warm air on her hair. Once finished she began straightening the layers of pink hair. She smiled at her reflection in the huge mirror "It's gonna be a good day, Ella," she said to her smiling face. She exited the room her black heels clacking against the tile.

Ella hurried out the door, careful not to wake her sleeping mother who lay on the couch still in her police uniform. Ella smiled and closed the door quietly. She smiled up at the fading stars and headed for the city park where she spent most of her mornings. She was soon there and adjusted her black beanie as she sat on a bench. Ella slipped her pink cased iPhone 4S out of her black and pink striped messenger bag. She unraveled the pink headphones from around the phone and plugged them into her ears. She flipped through her music and finally chose 'Safe and Sound' from The Hunger Games soundtrack. She closed her eyes and listened to the different songs.


As the hour of the formal approached Ella finished off her outfit with a cute fingerless pink glove with black lace on the edges and black fish net style layered over the pink with a white bow by the pinky finger. She twirled in the mirror and smirked. Tonight would be a fun night. She grabbed her black purse and headed downstairs where her little white chihuahua, Adrianna, sat. Ella chuckled as she barked at her. The teen shook her head and turned the silver door handle. She stepped outside and slipped the spare key out of the secret hiding spot. She locked the door and hurried to the dance. She made it about mid-dance and sat around. She chatted with a few friends and as the room began to disperse Ella left as well. She walked down the pavement to the Starbucks not far from the school.

Ella pushed open the door and inhaled the scents of coffee and mocha. She smiled and stepped into the line as she glanced around the room. She spotted a few others from school and waved her gloved hand. She realized it was her turn and she quickly ordered a hot chocolate since she didn't like the taste of coffees or anything that had coffee n it. She liked the scent but not the taste. She sat down at a table by the window, not sitting with the others from school. She hadn't been invited and didn't want to invade their privacy.
"Bye." Bryce rolls his car out of her driveway and goes home. Once there, he knocks on Ty's door. "Hey, Ty. Me, Riley, Logan, and possibly Nicole are gonna hang out. Wanna come?"

Ty thinks and replies, "Sure, if you don't mind. I just gotta change." with that, he jumps off his bed and starts pulling on casual clothes. He pulls on black jeans, a white v-neck tshirt, a blue hoodie, and green Vans.

Bryce slips into his room. He changes out of his tux. He pulls on blue jeans, a Giants football jersey, his letterman jacket, and blue Osiris hightops.
At 11:50, Bryce and Tyler climbed into Bryce's car. "Mom'll probably buy you a car, Ty. She's really happy to have you here."

"And you aren't?" Ty said playfully. He hadn't joked with his cousin like this in about 6 years. It still felt natural, to Ty's relief.

Bryce grinned and pulled into Riley's driveway.
"Hey, Riley." Bryce said, smiling at her. "I like the sweatshirt." He backed out of her driveway and turned to Ty and Riley. "So where are we going?"

"Hey Riley," Ty said as she got in the car. "Hmm, I dunno, Bryce. Is there a Starbucks around here?" He felt stupid asking, because once again, he was the new kid.
Ty grinned. "I think you have Bryce confused with someone way cooler than him." he said, knowing full well what was coming next.

Bryce jokingly whacked Ty on the head. "Watch yourself, 'cuz'." Bryce laughed, he hadn't expected Ty to be funny. He realized then, that his cousin was soon going to be one of the most popular guys, up there with him and Logan. Bruce shook his head and continued driving to Starbucks.

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