Bayview High School Role Play!

Bryce stood there, not knowing what to do. He'd never been drunk before, so he didn't know what was going on through Nicole's mind.

Tyler reached into his pockets. He pulled out a small tube of Advil. "Here. I've had too much to drink before and the headaches are killer. I'll bet you're feeling one of em right now." He shook two into her hand.
Logan smiled at Tyler thanking him or the advil for Nicole. He stood up and walked to Bryce. "Hey thanks for being here for me bro. We will be fine, now you go find Riley and have the night of your life." Logan laughed as he elbowed Bryce in the arm and gave him a wink.
"Thanks man. I'll catch you later." He clapped Logan on the shoulder and ran back in to find Riley.

Tyler held out his hand for Logan. "I'm gonna head out. Nice meeting you Logan. Maybe we could hang out at school or something."
Nicole took the Advil, and put a hand on her head. After looking at her hand and realizing it was caked in blood, she cringed. "Can I get a towell?"
"Yeah for sure. I will definitely be seeing you around. Nice meeting you too." Logan said to Tyler.

Logan put his hand out to Nicole, and then pulled her into his arms. "Hey, you sure you ok?" he asked her looking into her eyes.
Aria watched as chaparone changed the punch. she finished what she had and tried the fresh stuff. it was then that she realized there had been alcohol in the other one. "she looked at Cole sleepily, someone put cooking alcohol in that punch. she felt a bit wobbily
Bryce looks around the room. He spots Riley. "Hey," he murmured as he walked behind her. "Miss me?" He grinned and kissed her softly.
Bryce grinned and swayed with her to the slow song. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look? Because if I didn't, you have permission to slap me." He chuckled and kissed her forhead.
Nicole nodded, and wiped off the blood on her head with her arm. With her entire forearm red, she threw her hands in the air. "Leeet's slow dance!"
"I love you." He whispers softly to Riley. "I know we only started dating a few days ago, but I know that I love you."
"Ok babe." Logan said. "First you go wash your arm off and I will meet you in the gym." he said.

Logan walked inside hand in hand with Nicole. He walked into the gym and stood inside hoping someone would come talk to him.

Riley blushed. "Awww that is so sweet of you babe." Riley said softly. She then kissed Bryce.
Nicole rushed to the bathroom, furiously scrubbed her arm, and calmly made her way to Logan as a slow song played.
Aria wobbled and yawned, she wondered who would put cooking alcohol into punch. it wasnt normally an ingredient? unless there were other motives. "Cole, lets go sit....." she trailed off.
((Well since most ppl left, I think I am gonna too. I have to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow. :( lol ANd just so everyone knows I probably won't be on tomorrow until night time. Sorry guys.))
Cole nodded, and grabbed her hand.

Nicole shrugged. "Well, I'll be honest, it hurts like a thousand daggers caked in fire slowly twisting and digging in to my skull. But, nothing can ruin this."
as they walked Aria held Coles hand tightly, she remembered making a mistake when cooking once, and she knew she couldnt take alcohol. she felt drowsy was having difficulty walking straight.
"i think im...." she trailed off as she sat. the alcohol had made her a bit sleepy. "caffeine. is there any pop or coffee?" she asked trying her best not to fall asleep
Bryce nodded. "He's always been an independent kid, so I doubt he minds. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring him to a dance on the first day of school.."

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