Bayview High School Role Play!

Hillary smiled, looked over at Zaya again. Logan was so totally flirting with her, right? She tapped Logan on the shoulder. "In case you were acctually paying attention, I'm doing great in cheer leading."

Nicole stroked Riley's cheek. "6. No, 7. No, 12. 12 sounds right. I'm going back to my honey now." She said, her words slurred. She threw open the door dramatically, and hobbled in.
"Umm yeah, great. That's good." Logan said to Hillary. He didn't want to be rude, but since he began dating Nicole he didn't pay much attention to the cheer leaders anymore.

Riley rolled her eyes at Nicole. "Oh boy." She said out loud. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop her. Riley went back in and found bryce. "Hey. So yeah she is so drunk." Riley said to Bryce.
Bryce nodded when Riley got back. "Yep. I should go warn Logan." Bryce walked over to where Logan, Tyler, and Hillary were standing. "Hey, Logan can I talk to you?"

Tyler was confused. This girl was obviously trying to get this guy's attention. Yet he had seen this boy, Logan, dancing closely with a different girl. "I'll be over there," Ty said as he slinked back into the shadows.
"Haha yeah, as if he doesn't already know." Riley laughed. "But ok, I will just wait for you over here. she said to Bryce with a smile.

"Uhh yeah sure." Logan said to Bryce glancing over at Tyler and Hillary before stepping away to talk to Bryce.
"Dude, I know you probably know this, but Nicole is drunk. The punch is spiked. Oh, and Hillary is trying to hit on you."

Tyler saw Riley standing alone. "Hi. Nice dress. Sorry we didn't really get to talk in the car."
"Thanks man, but yeah I know." he laughed as he saw Nicole stumbling into the gym. "And hey, when aren't girls hitting on me?" Logan joked.

"Hey, thank you. Yeah it's ok." Riley said quietly to Tyler.

((be back in about 30-45 minutes.))
Nicole waddled in, and finally found Logan talking to Bryce. She strolled over to Logan, and smiled. "Hey guuuuuuys!" She laughed.. "Guess who's the rebel now?" Nicole said, pointing to herself with her thumbs.

Hillary rolled her eyes, and walked to the punch. She drank several cups, wanting pain to go away.
Logan looked to Bryce and laughed. "Yeah I wouldn't quite call you a rebel babe. I mean afterall you are only drunk by accident." he joked. Logan put his arm around Nicole hoping to stop her from falling and stumbling.

Logan noticed Hillary walking to the punch. Oh man he thought to himself. This is gonna be one long night.
Nicole frowned. "I can be a rebel. Just watch." She said, squinting her eyes with a smile. Quickly, she walked to the dance floor, and did a hand stand, follwed by a bridge. She continued to do that until she reached the end of the dance floor. "Aaand f**k the world." She said, walking I Logan ordinarily as if she did nothing.
"No no no you don't have to prove anything." Logan yelled to her. He tried to grab her and hold her back, but it was too late. Oh my gosh! He thought to himself. What am I going to do. "Nicole seriously stop. Let's go outside for a bit." Logan said leading her outside. "Let's take a walk." Logan texted Bryce "Help me! WHat do I do?". He assumed that Bryce along with everyone else at the dance had seen Nicole doing that.
Nicole did a little twirl, and began to sing. "You can count on me, like, one, two, three, and I'll be theere. And I know when I need it I can count on you, like, four, three, two...." She sang very well, not knowing that what she did would affect others.

Hillary finished off the last of the punch, and smiled at Lovan and Nicole. Things were going swell.
Seeing that a walk wasn't gonna work too well, Logan took Nicole to his car. "Here let's sit and talk in here for bit." he said. He handed her a water bottle. "Drink this babe." he said.
StarDust said:
this night was perfect, and Aria just couldnt help herself when Cole kissed her forehead, all shyness out the door, "you missed," she said and kissed him right on the lips.
Alex glanced over at logan, and couple he didnt recognize, "so what do you think is going on over there?" he raised and eyebrow in curiousity and looked back at Zaya
((repost for [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION]. ignore the part with Alex))
Zaya smiled and walked to the DJ, and made a request, one the song started she walked over to Alex and chuckled "You can't touch this" she was laughing when she said that
Alex burst out laughing, and started to dance to the song. "hows this? do i look like MC Hammer?" he continued to dance
"i think i should be a stand up comedian, hockey is over rated." he joked, "i mean, look at all this raw, comedic talent!"
Zaya chuckled "Just dont go off and forget about me" she joked, she waited for the song to end; when it did a slow song played, she wrapped her arms around his neck
"how could i ever forget you?" he smiled as they danced, "but still, what could be better then making you laugh everyday? but then again, you could end up being with a rich hockey player too" he chuckled.
"I love you too." he kissed her head. "you know, if California werent so hot, i could teach you to ice skate, and when you are about to fall i could sweep you off your feet."

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