Bayview High School Role Play!

Aria looked over at Zaya. "jeez girl! we could have waited for you to finish!" Aria glanced at her half finished hair. "i know, Alex can help you!"

Alex blushed out of embarassment, "Aria stop that!" he shifted in his seat, "i guess i could help you. Aria always asked me to do her hair when we were little so i got kinda good at it. its a little embarrassing though."
Aria looked apologetic, " you can see im not all fancy with my hair. in fact i may be stylishly challenged."

Alex chuckled. "well i guess you know my embarrassing secret now." he smiled, "you look amazing by the way" he drove toward the school
Zaya smiled "It's fine Air" she looked at Alex, "You're secrets safe with me" she said. Zaya started to like Alex, more than a friend
they pulled up to the school and parked near the gym entrance. Aria got out right away and headed towards the door.

Alex opened Zayas door for her. "after you Princess" he smiled.
Zaya smiled "Thank you prince charming" she said, she softly kissed his cheek and smiled, she walked inside the gym
He put his hand to his cheek and smiled. he followed after her into the gym. the music was loud and fast and there were a lot of people. Alex didnt really care, he was glad to hang out with Zaya, "so you dont have a date or someone youre meeting here?" he asked curiously.
Zaya smiled "Id be most delighted to" she took his hand and looked at him, "Alex, I have something to tell you"
"Yes?" the music slowed and Alex realized he had never slow danced before. "whats on your mind?" he smiled gently.
Alex blushed and smiled at her. "your the first girl to ever say that to me." he tried not to show how nervous he was. he put his arms around her and pulled her closer.

Aria sat in the back and kept an eye out for Cole. she smiled when she saw Zaya and Alex. way to go bro.
Alex broke the kiss a moment, "it looks like prince charming has found his princess. i love you too." he kisses her back.

Aria sighed as she looked away. she was a bit jealous, but she would get her dance later. she hoped.
"you know," he kissed her on the head, "this might sound a little silly, but i went to an all boys school before this so, are all girls this soft, huggable and beautiful? or am i holding a priceless gem in my arms?" he grinned.
"not as cute as you" he smiled.

((well, at this point we are stuck waiting for everyone else, and its late. good night see you tomorrow.))

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