Bayview High School Role Play!

Zaya smiled "You mean my back handsprings, thank you" she chuckled "Yes, we usually always have open gym" she said as she started cartwheels
"rock on" Alex smiled. this was a sports oriented school with a very nice gym. he spotted some ropes hanging from the ceiling and decided he felt like climbing. he grabs the rope and makes his way up with ease.
"you think thats cool?" Alex climbed down, got off and backed up a bit. he ran towards the rope and jumped on, swinging himself pretty high up. "im like tarzan!" he laughed reaching out and grabbing the next rope when it came withing reach. he jumped off the second rope onto a pile of gym mats and walked back over to Zaya, "how it going Jane?" he joked with a smug look on his face.

((gotta go, be back later for sure))
Zaya laughed "Well Tarzan, it's mighty fine down here, but I don't know about up there" she said with a chuckled

((awwh bye!))
((I think I won't post again until the actual formal. Coedy and StarDust posted so much I kinda lost track.))
(([MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] [MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] does everyone wanna start the formal now?))

(([MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] tag anyone else I may have forgotten :) ))

Later that night, Bryce was in his room, getting ready for formal. He had just finished buttoning his shirt, when Tyler knocked on his door. Ty was dressed already in the tux they had gotten after school. Though he and Tyler no longer looked the same, Bryce noted that Tyler was handsome, in a completely different way. "What's up, Ty?" Bryce pulled on his jacket and went to the mirror to fix his hair.

Tyler shrugged. "No one knows me yet. What if they all think I'm just some geeky, out of town kid?" He really was worried. He'd never had to go to a big dance on his first day at a new school. As he looked at his cousin, Tyler remembered a day on the beach when they were nine. Tyler had gotten upset because his parents had refused to get him an ice cream cone and Bryce's parents had gotten him one. Bryce came over and sat next to Tyler. After talking, Bryce had given his cone to Tyler. He smiled at the memory as he awaited Bryce's answer.

"Don't worry about it, cuz. Just between you and me, Me and my best friend Logan are the most popular guys in school. Keep close and everyone will love you." Bryce turned around and faced Tyler. "I gotta go pick up Riley now, so I'll see you there. Mom said you can drive her car there." Bryce clapped Tyler on the shoulder as he walked past him and into his car. He drove away, whistling.
Riley was just finishing up getting ready when she heard Bryce pull in the driveway. She took one more look in the mirror, and put a few quick last minute touches to her curly hair. She walked downstairs, and opened the door for Bryce. She smiled really big. Wow he looks hot Riley thought to herself.

Logan finished getting ready, and drove over to Nicole's house.
Bryce was looking down when Riley opened the door. He looked up, and was speechless. "" She was stunning, absolutely gorgeous.

Tyler spent a few minutes messing with his hair after Bryce left. Figuring there was no reason to delay any longer, Tyler hopped in his aunt's car and started driving.
Bryce hugged her then kissed her on the lips softly. "Let's go, beautiful."

((gotta go for the night. sorry, byee))
Riley kissed Bryce back. "Ok." she said softly with a little smile. She got in the car, and was off to the formal. She was really excited to be going with Bryce.

Riley looked at Bryce in the car, and smiled.

((ok Joker. tty tomorrow.))
Aria got ready at home, Alex waited in the living room.

"hurry up or your ride will be gone!" Alex shouted. he was anxious to see Zaya again. he wasnt sure why. he cursed his all boys school again. maybe he liked her? even after she ditched him at panera. he texted her "you can owe me your favor another time. i hope you have fun at the formal." she was too pretty to go wothout a date so he hadnt bothered to ask. today had been his first day after all and he figured everyone would have had a date by yesterday at least. he sighed, maybe he wouldnt be the only person alone.

Arias hair was in a casual pony tail, her long bangs swept to one side. she didnt do her hair much so something like this seemed formal enough for a dance. she felt giddy. she hoped Cole asked her to dance and if he didnt, she would ask him instead. "im coming!" she shouted back. she held up the bottom of her deep purple ballgown style dress as she walked out to the car with her brother.
Zaya ran outside; she was wearing her dress with her hair half up (see page 64 for what she looked like) she got in hER car She drove to formal, not knowin what to expect

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